Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Bam, Bam: Rothmann/Thurston To Broadcast Special KGO Radio Show Tonight on Trump Aides; Fixer Guilty Pleas and Conviction

Image result for Manafort Cohen 


* Former Trump Campaign Mgr., Paul Manafort convicted on eight counts of tax evasion and bank fraud; Trump lawyer, Michael Cohen, for over 10 years, pleads guilty to multiple charges including campaign violations, political payoffs (hush money) tied to the President (Trump) of the United States.

KGO Radio political analyst, John Rothmann and co-host, Pat Thurston will discuss today's (Tuesday) developments tonight on a special broadcast beginning at 7 PM until 10 PM.


  1. If only any of this would accomplish something. Manafort didn't bother to testify because he's confident he'll be pardoned. Besides, it adds more interest to the always-changing story line that keeps people watching -- just like any disaster does.

    The WH casting department is probably the busiest operation in all of D.C.

  2. Trump is GUILTY!!! Cohen just indicated that he paid Stormy Daniels for the 2016 "Candidate"....which is TRUMP....wonder what Sean Hannity will say on his show tonight??? Also, what will Rudy J. will say tonight???

    1. Yawn. I wonder what I'll have for dinner? Feels like an Arby's night.

  3. Trump being guilty is cool provided he gets his 2nd scotus nominee through! Thats all I ever wanted. That keeps liberal activism in check.

    1. Absolutely, it's what really counts. To keep the liberal wackos in check.

  4. I have a thrill running up my leg like Chris Matthews said he did when Obama was elected.

    Oh wait, I just sat wrong.

  5. Trump's problem was he had the wrong handlers. Noone who was as seasoned or experienced as the people that controlled Clinton and Obama. Now those people knew how to cover up a good scandal and spin the media. Trump? Amateurs on his team. People who never worked in politics.

    1. Amateurs who never worked in politics. Kinda like their boss.

    2. Right. Democrats are much more skilled and experienced at deception, coverup and fraud.

    3. um, if you read books and know history, um, they're not. You can't hold a candle to the right wing , fake Christian dotards. Not even close.

  6. And Duncan Hunter (R-CA) indicted for campaign finance fraud. Hunter was the second congressman to support Trump. The first, Chris Collins (R-NY) dropped out of the campaign two weeks ago when he was indicted for insider trading.

  7. Lieberman, good way to alienate potential donors which you're in no position to do.

    1. 4:54 PM - He can write what he wants, and if you still support this lying, corrupt, sorry excuse of a president, it's you with the problem, not Rich...now why don't you go watch yourself some "state TV", I mean Fox News...

    2. Not sure what you mean by your comment? Rich is merely writing about what is in the news, and that KGO has some sense and is having 2 popular talk show hosts covering it (one who is a Presidential historian) instead of re-running Ethan Bearman's show from earlier in the day. Why does that keep you from wanting to contribute to this blog? You want Rich to only blog about what you think is important. I love Pat and John, especially John, I happen to be fairly liberal, but both Pat and John take calls from listeners who disagree with them, it makes for good radio. Do you just want ditto heads? Rich also write about Michael Savage, often fairly complimentary, I don't care for Savage, however I have, and will in the future, send contribution to Rich. Why, because I usually enjoy reading most of his blogs. (Not into sports, so skip those).

    3. I rarely agree with Lieberman (or have my comments published) but you are off base. There was no commentary, just pointing out programming. Are the guilty pleas and convictions "fake news" to you because you are butt hurt?

  8. And yet, there's still idiots who support this lying buffoon of a so-called president.

  9. Thanks for the heads up. It would be nice to receive an alert each time that John is on. John if you read this get an app.

    I like The Donald, and will be voting for him again (and again),
    but his lawyers were never any match for the professionals of Washington DC. Hopefully that will be changing. Meanwhile, somebody please get Rudy off the stage! He's crappin' the bed with each and every stupid statement at those interviews.
    I want Trump to succeed in making our borders, economy, work ethic and military stronger. We are well on out way, in spite of all these superfluous Booby Traps set by the FakeMedia, Dem/Socialists & RINOS.

    1. Hannity is going crazy on his show defending Trump...unbelievable!

    2. I'm glad that when I wake up in the morning...Hillary will still NOT be the President...and Ronn Owens will still be only 8 minutes long.

    3. Lmao... What a brainwashed clown... Move to a deep red state where you'll feel at home.

    4. Hannity is so far up Trump's ass, he may never come back for air!! Fox really needs to pull the plug on this douchbag, it's beyond shameful sucking up to Trump and his lying, evil ways.

    5. Not really, if you just listen to Hannity for a few minutes, you will hear the same sentences over and over again, Hillary, uranium deal, missing emails, bla, bla ….. Someone needs to tell Hannity, Hillary did not win, does not hold public office, and he needs to move on. What really gets me is that if this had been Obama, I would bet my life that Hannity would be on the air, asking for impeachment hearing etc. Rather than unbelievable, I think it is sad.

    6. 4:31 it is not up to Trump, nor ANY President to make a strong work ethic, it is up to each individual. The fact that you think it is something that falls under the Presidency makes me wonder about your work ethic?

  11. 5:14 likes the guy who assaults woman, doesn't pay taxes, doesn't donate to charities, was accused of rape by his ex wife, is a racist, and consistently hires inadequate people.

    Yep. Lots to like.


  12. Did 5:28 sign his/her post as “moron”, I agree with you. embrace The Donakd

  13. Here’s the sad thing. This special illustrates the problem KGO has. Pat and John are predictable. I know what they’ll say about Trump tonight and you do to. I can’t help but think what Gene Burns would be saying, he wouldn’t defend Trump but he’d have a different take than the groupthink you’d hear on CNN, MSNBC and the Pat and John Show. A great news-talk station has provocative hosts all day long, people whose perspective is original, not something everybody else is saying. KGO desperately needs new talent, not retreads and one trick ponies.

    1. I listened to it and it was completely predictable and boring. I largely agree with them on many things but I didn't sign up for a college level discussion. It's not entertaining.

  14. You people are excellent at bringing up your blood pressure regardless of your control over the given situation. Think about it.

  15. john rothman pat thruson and trump callers are the best, they have a way of making their points without making the callers feel stupid..
