Monday, January 16, 2012

We Need the Rain

This market is a rain market. Until the rain doesn't come and then they complain that "we need the rain." We need the rain, which makes snow in the Sierra and without the rain, we have no snow. We need the rain because we need the rain so anchors can say to weather people, "thanks Spencer, we really, really, need some rain."

We need the rain because without the rain we don't get flooding in Marin and the idea of a winter without the 7000 live shots from Mill Valley puts non-stoppable fear into every Bay Area TV assignment editor.

We need the rain to get snow and we need the snow to get 45,000 live shots from Blue Canyon, got that? And we need the rain to get to see more face time for Christina Loren, about the ONLY good thing of getting rain, frankly.

We do need the rain, right? Of course. Why? Because we just do need the rain.

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  1. We need the rain to bring back Candleswamp Park for the NFC Championship game. Nothing says "Home field advantage" like Candleswamp...

  2. We need the rain to replenish our reservoirs and so two or three years from now, we'll have a massive run of mature salmon for sports fishermen, commercial fishermen, and those of us who need to eat wild-caught salmon to keep our hearts healthy.

  3. Agree about the rain. While I'm here, I will rain on Karel's parade. I usually don't listen to him or criticism him, but turned the radio on last night and he actually had kind of a funny topic and people were calling in. He spoke over every person and kept bringing the attention back to himself. The last person had a really smart and helpful comment and that person was cut off for news, like we need more news. In was really annoying and he needs to control how manic he is. Actually, he doesn't. I don't care.

  4. Meteorologist Mike PechnerJanuary 16, 2012 at 12:23 PM

    No one has mentioned yet, at least on sports, but this Sunday at the Stick is going to be cold, windy with showers!

  5. I don't know if "face time" with Christina Loren is a good thing...nice body, but an ugly mug

  6. I know what Damon Bruce needs-he needs to get out of his rut. What is he ? In that 35-39 year old range?..and after not hearing him for awhile-I listened and it's like he's an old man...same bumper music,same Jame Brown and Jazz..same "I didn't know I needed a nooner" girl. Its like its still 2006 with him. Is he going to stick to the same tired things for another 10 years like some old man? Dump all that old crap.
    There's a world of YouTube and Hulu to steal from Damon.

  7. gonna get yer wish in about 48 hours...

  8. The main thing that gets to me about the news people covering the rain is that, no matter how badly we need it, they always report it as bad weather conditions. It's supposed to rain in the winter, so it's silly for them to report that the forecast is "not good -- there's rain coming." Rain does not equal bad weather. I love the rain in season, so don't keep reporting it as negative.

  9. "We don't need rain, so we can jack up the rates." Sincerely, EBMUD.

  10. WE Dont' need the rain in the plain. Its fer those tar-hoes up in dem ski joints , and the chain installers. I Dont care if it ever rains in the bay area, again! It just gives them something to yap about, "showers in the north bay" my ass they always say that and it means 50% chance were completely wrong! If it DOES rain "enough" , then it's "well fire season is going to start early this year", all of the growth created by all that rain, shaddup ! just drop your pen again and take your time bending over to pick it up ,ahh thats it ...back to you Ron Burgundy..
