Monday, January 16, 2012

I don't listen to "The Game" and a few other things

I don't listen to "The Game", Entercom's 95.7 "only" sports radio outlet on FM. I've tried. Frankly, I'm not really interested in listening mainly because there's hardly any thing worth listening to.

That's not a knock on "The Game"--there's just no there there.

Another thing: don't construe this as an endorsement for listening to Knibber. I've pretty much turned them off the radar. They, like "The Game", have become largely innocuous and their content is simply not worth the effort.

I check in periodically to both stations which only reinforces why more and more people are go to the Internet and satellite. Musically, of course, there is no reason to rely on terrestrial --as for news and talk, I'll tune in KCBS to get local headlines. You know the rest of the story.

**The weekend "programming" at that other useless station has become a joke, with rotating people coming in and out the door, some, literally, "buddies" who are used as fill-ins to talk to a virtually empty room. Is there an audience for this garbage? Sure, because somebody out there might happen to tune in by accident.

I'm not so amazed and befuddled as to the fact that they have turned this once-mighty sounding board into a pile of waste because they just don't care. They don't give a damn. And by extension, they simply regard you, the public, as their excrement machine.

And wait, it's only going to get worse by all accounts. On the other hand, how bad, how really bad can it be, how much worse and worser? Wait, they'll find a way, count on it.

And how's that repeat trucker show they infected on the Bay Area masses going?

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. I so hope they leave the KSFO weekend afternoon program alone ... Love Barbra Simpson!

  2. As this is MLK day,Its reminds me of many years ago I dated a tall attractive black woman who was an insurance exec. They never gave her MLK off. But-at her cost,she would always take that day off in honor.Many people,and African Americans in particular who believe in MLK do the same.
    I notice that Radnich and Rod Brooks are working today. I wonder if Eric Davis and Pam Moore will work today?

  3. The game beats KNBR all day long. If you want local team coverage.

  4. The Game , is better than fitz,the problem is all the stupid bumpers the old guy,95.7 , listen I know what fuckin station I am listening to u dont have to remind me every 2 minutes (lund), and to much urban

  5. @2:24 - I completely agree. The Game got started a little slow out of the gate but have vastly improved. I've tried KNBR a few times in the past few months and I now realize how bad they have been all along. BT takes some getting used to but if that's the price I pay, I'll take it. Chris Townsend is HANDS DOWN the best sports guy in the market.

  6. The big disadvantage The Game has right now is being unable to air audio from the 49'ers games. This morning the Rise Guys started their show talking about replays during the game. KNBR got to play Ted Robinson's exciting call.

  7. The game is the Best sports talk station that we have in the Bay, I pretty much listen to it exclusively. Townsend has a great program in the evening and the rest of the station is so much better than anything that KNBR offers...

  8. I wasn't so sure about The Game. I've checked out The Rise Guys and they have the best chemistry of any sports show in the Bay Area. Some may not like Dibley but I think Whitey and Mark Kriedler do a great job. It's creative, they don't take themselves too serious, they laugh and have solid guests. Way better than Murph and Mac..homers.

  9. The Eric Davis and Brandon Tierney spot "has/had" the ability to be really good bu Tierney who often comments HERE, is really a East Coast PUTZ, constantly aruing with E D and talking double talk ALL THE TIME, Brandon. Your East Coas bias is stupid and your logic within his argument shows or should show that he never played ANY GAME. Tierney is a what if guy.
    Davis said the secondary became sort of a MVP of the victory over the Saints. Tierney argued.
    Every arguement today Tierney offered was typical East Coast = What If his had happened or what if this had happened.

    Planet Earth to Tierney = The 49ers WON. End of story!

  10. Who sounds MORE alike than Townsend and Kruegar?

    They used to sound even more alike back before Kruegar was fired the first time at KNBR...

  11. Tierney is the worst host ever in the Bay Area.
    Worse than Scott Ferell.

  12. The game is more about sports and less about silly talk but way too much about A's and Raiders. We need a game station for the Niners and Giants. I am, unfortunately, sicking with KNBR.

    1. I agree that idea. It's too bad that there basically isn't a 95.7 for the Giants, the Niners, and even the Warriors. I like KNBR, but to me, the only show really worth listening to on KNBR during the week, is Damon's. Gary and Larry's show is good too, but to me, Damon's show is appointment radio.

      If you have a 95.7 type station (107.7 perhaps?) for the Giants, the Niners, and the Warriors, where you wouldn't have the influence of the teams controlling the station like the Giants kind of do KNBR, it would be better. If you put Damon on that station, he could speak his mind like he does on 1050, without worrying about possibly getting fired or being demoted.

      You could put Damon on that station, as well as Krueger, as well as guys from 95.7 perhaps like Eric Davis and maybe Lund or Dibley. Then 95.7 can turn into an A's, Raiders, and Sharks station, which is kind of what it's turning into anyway, even though they are finally starting to talk Niners extensively. Of course, a lot of that has to do with the Niners being in the NFC Championship Game! Last week, and during most of the NFL season, they were pretty much all Raiders, even on their "49er Mondays". It was understandable last week since Hue Jackson got fired, but they talked more Raiders than they did Niners during this NFL season.

      But yeah, maybe 107.7 could be that 95.7 version for the Giants, the Niners, and the Warriors, since they simulcast the KNBR feed of Niner games on that station.

      But yes, that's a great idea! Hopefully an FM station looks into this, even though 95.7 would probably fight them though. I think 95.7 likes being the Bay Area's only FM sports station, since they remind us of that a million times a day. LOL.

  13. Don't listen to Knbr anymore; the Game is marginally better especially when Poppa, Tittle, the morning guys and Davis are opining.

  14. Tierney does talk to much he does have an east bias,dibley gets butthurt too easy,and urbans knowledge of football is novice at best and is not a giants insider,

  15. The GAME still has a long way to go and it will be awhile before they make a dent on KNBR's ratings. The reason? Very few people outside of the hardcore sports fan even know that they exist. Plus they have no teams on their air with the exception of the Apathetics, who after Lou Wolff and his minions gutted the team, are a faceless, hopeless boring bunch of white-bread players with no hope of winning in 2012.

    Some of the hosts on the Game aren't too bad, and at least they're talking hardcore sports rather than the silly, snappy patter and hip, edgy
    talk that KNBR likes to engage in.

  16. KNBR isn't perfect but I'll take it over The Game any day. I've tried listening to The Game several times but just couldn't stand it. The morning show is horrible, Dibley's useless, and Urban is unlistenable as well.

  17. KNBR never had an competition until the Game showed up, but they are truly fighting an uphill battle.

    Bringing in announcers from out of the area doesn't help either, as almost to a man, there are no local voices. The only ones are the y oung guys such as Townsend, Dibbley and Urban, and none of them are exactly household names.

    But the game is also run by Entercom which is not known for paying much for talent (what radio company is these days? Certainly not Cumulus!), so
    they have to get by with guys who are younger, hungry, and trying to engage the listener. They're kind of like the current A's: enthusiastic and hard working, but limited in talent and notoreity.

    It will be a few years before guys like Brandon Tierney and John Lund will be thought of in the same vein as Ralph and Tom, or even (ugh!) the mid-day 'gigglers' on KNBR, Fitz and Brooks.

  18. The Rise Guys are good! (Dibley, not so much) Papa is great when he's on. It could all be better and they definitely need some billboards or something. No one knows they're there. But the morning show is WAY better than KNBR and everything they have is better than Fitz and Brooks. You don't have to like it Rich but let's give them a chance. Having competition is healthy and it'll take more than just a few months to establish. I want them around for the alternative!

  19. 95.7 has improved by leaps and bounds. Cant even listen to KNBR anymore. I agree Urban 3 days a week is too much.

  20. The Game's hosts are much better prepared than the shallow self-absorbed jock sniffer Barbieri, or the Warrior sychophant Fitz, and rest of the tired grey personalities of the "survivors" at KNBR. The Giants bias makes them something less of a "Sports leader" and they should have a disclosure of their bias.

  21. I check in when I'm on the road to see if Papa is doing the midday, past that can't find anything interesting on The Game. I find I enjoy the morning show on KNBR a lot more with Dibley gone.

    Not a huge Damon Bruce fan but glad he is back on 1050 as Rudy and his side kick are the worst ever so it's nice to have an alternative.

  22. "The Rise Guys" (95.7's morning show) is surprisingly good. I could care less about Lund and Tierney. I think the station is getting better ratings - albeit very slowly. They got a 0.9 in the SF metro area in December. Before December, they were stuck on 0.8 for a while.

    @Anonymous 7:02PM - 95.7 FM does advertise quite a bit. They had ads on some of the new ClearChannel digital billboards alongside Bay Area freeways when they first launched. Also, they had an ad on the video board at Candlestick before a few Niners games this year. And there is a permanent sign over the south end zone at the Oakland Coliseum. I noticed that there was a plane flying over the Oakland Coliseum during Raiders games this year carrying a 95.7 banner. Also the station has signage behind home plate at A's games that is prominent during telecasts. You can probably tell that I go to a lot of sporting events - and I guess 95.7 is trying to appeal to the more hardcore sports fan.

  23. Sorry, I am "amazed and befuddled," and angry. I'd really like to hear what they say in private. Will they really sell more advertising and make more money this way?

  24. The WORD of the day F the game. how old are the Rise Guys 45 50 55! Lund and Urban Whoes the bottem. younger my ass. Urban cant keep a job Drinks to much.sounded drunk after giants games on knbr. what if they Can Tierney? Make PAPA the lead dog. 95.7 Fades out 25miles out of SF.

  25. My two cents, I'll take the Game over KNBR any day- Yes, they're not perfect, yes, they can get annoying, Yes Tierney can bug me, however, compare that to KNBR- Radnich- Joke, The two idiots on in the morning, then there's Fitz and Brooks and of course- the other old guy that mumbles on and on- Ralph.
    The Game covers all the teams, Tierney acts like a foil for ED and that's (to me anyway) better than listening to two guys constantly agreeing with each other.
    So I'll stick with the Game.

  26. Eric Davis is worth listening to, his partner...not so much.

  27. I actually like both KNBR and 95.7, even though I like KNBR better though. I agree with you guys that it is nice to have an alternative.

    As far as all the shows go on both stations go, for the morning slot, the Murph and Mac show actually isn't too bad, but I agree that Murph and Mac are homers. They're almost homers to the point where it's somewhat unhealthy. LOL. One of the good things about their show is that they normally have the best people to interview though, such as Kruk and Kuip, Ronnie Lott, Greg Cossell, Ted Robinson, Ric Bucher, and of course Harbaugh. I can do without some of the other stuff, such as Paulie's songs, even though some of his songs are funny and be kind of good. LOL.... The Rise Guys are ok, and I listened to them a little last week and they weren't bad, but the Murph and Mac show is better. I still kind of miss Dibley on KNBR, but it doesn't seem like he has the same chemistry with the other guys on 95.7, like he did with Gary, Murph, and Mac on KNBR. It's still too bad he left KNBR.

    Gary and Larry’s show is actually kind of good, even though it was better when it was just Krueger and Kate Scott when Gary was on vacation. No offense to Gary, but his show is better and flows better without him there. Krueger and Kate Scott have been good additions to his show though.... The John Lund show is ok, but I agree that Urban 3 days a week might be a little much. I think Mychael Urban is good, but he's better on weekends talking baseball. It's kind of weird when he talks other sports. Baseball is his strong suit.

    Of course, I'm a huge fan of the Damon Bruce Show. To me, that's the best show on KNBR. The Fitz and Brooks show ok, and I feel kind of bad for some of the bad things that I said about their show in the past, but their show isn’t great, paired up against the Damon Bruce Show at the same time. In a sense, if they weren’t on at the same time as Damon, maybe they wouldn’t be as unpopular. Does anyone else agree? The Fitz and Brooks show can be ok at times, but it’s not the Damon Bruce Show. I do see and understand the problems that you guys and a lot of other people have had with the Fitz and Brooks show though. The Fitz and Brooks show is ok, but it’s not great.

    As far as the Tierney and Davis Show goes, their show is perfect for their timeslot. Their show is a good alternative to the Razor and Mr. T show. I agree with you guys that Eric Davis is good to listen to, and Tierney can get kind of annoying at times. It's kind of funny how he gets owned by Eric Davis, and he tries to argue with him about how things go in the NFL and/or how players are supposed to feel regarding, when Davis played the game. I usually agree with Davis more than I do Tierney a lot of the time. Yes, Tierney is supposed to have an opposing viewpoint, but some of his views are wrong. But yeah, the Tierney and Davis show is a good show overall. The Razor and Mr. T show is ok, but eh. They go too off topic at times. But yes, the Tierney and Davis Show is good alternative to the Razor and Mr. T.

    The Chris Townsend show is pretty good overall, even though he can get a little too much into the A's and the Raiders. As far as Sportsphone goes, it's not the same anymore. Byrnes can be ok at times, but Sportsphone is not as good as it was when Damon was hosting Sportsphone, and Larry Krueger before Damon.

    I'm sorry for this long post.

  28. Even though 95.7 covers all Bay Area sports teams, there is a little too much Raiders and A’s talk on Townsend’s show, as well as all the shows on 95.7. That might be 95.7′s downfall though. They need to talk more about the Giants, the Niners, and the Warriors. The teams that matter more here in the Bay Area. They do talk about these 3 teams, but not as much as KNBR. I guess they probably figure that you can hear talk on the Giants, the Niners, and the Warriors, on KNBR. It’s almost like, do these 3 teams exist on 95.7?

    But yes, it is good to have options. I still think KNBR is better though, but part of that might be because I’m a Giants, Niners, and Warriors fan, and KNBR is the flagship station of all 3 of these teams. I do like KNBR and 95.7 though.

  29. @10:57-I agree with your overview except on one part: the morning show. The Rise Guys chemistry has been great for a show that's only been on since August. I just don't enjoy Murph and Mac's interviews...or should I say Murphs interviews? Murph is pretty much running solo because Mac doesn't add much. I feel like The Rise Guys actually do some prep and blend sports/humor well.

    I do enjoy Damon's passion...he his pretty much the anti-KNBR...He prepares and has strong opinions! I still miss the Radnich-Bruno segment!

  30. Been listening to sportstalk in the bay area for 35 years--grew up with a transistor radio attached to my ear listening to Bill King. KNBR was my station. But I don't listen at all, period. Same with many of my friends who also grew up here. Radnich is way past his prime, Fitz and Brooks are unbearable.

    Rise Guys are OK--John Lund is very good, he is great with Papa and Urban--a great sense of humor with the right amount of sports seriousness. I lake Eric Davis a lot, but Tierney not so much...too much verbal exercises (the long sighs) and just weird takes on things that he can't let go of...gets old. I like Towny at night.

    The Game needs to hire Bruce or Tolbert away.

  31. Wow..... Yeah, KNBR is starting to lose it's luster a little bit. Damon's show is pretty much the only show worth listening to on KNBR. Like I said in my other post, Damon's show is appointment radio. The Gary and Larry show is not bad, but the show is better without Gary. I agree that Gary is past his prime. He's not as good as he was even 10 yrs. ago. Like a lot of people have said, Gary has lost his passion for sports. He seriously might have. I will admit Gary is good/somewhat funny when he's on KRON though. He's worked there for a long time, and he has better chemistry with the people there, such as Pam Moore. They've both been on KRON for years. Gary might be/is one of those hosts that's good/ok in smaller doses.

    The Fitz and Brooks show is ok. I think that show is better when Rod hosts it by himself. I really don't know what happened to this show. It really used to be good. It's ok now, but it's not as good as it once was. Part of it could be that they are on at the same time as Damon, and Damon's show is much better, compared to theirs. I think their show would probably be more popular again if they weren't paired up against Damon. It's kind of funny how so many people dislike the Fitz and Brooks show. It's probably one of, if not the most unpopular show on KNBR right now.

    I agree with you about Tierney. He's ok, but he can be annoying as you guys have said. I think having someone like Eric Davis as his partner on the show, gives that show good balance. You have a high energy intense NY guy in Tierney, paired up with a more mellow, even keeled Eric Davis, who really understands the nuances of not only the NFL, but pro sports in general, since he played in the NFL. Eric Davis really does keep Tierney in check though. It's kind of funny how they joked on the show yesterday, and Eric Davis jokingly said that he carries Tierney, in terms of carrying him through the show. It was a joke, but it was kind of true though. You couldn't help but laugh. LOL.

    As far as Damon goes, as much as I would like Damon to stay on KNBR, maybe it would be better if he went to 95.7 eventually. I think it would be a huge blow to KNBR as a station if they let Damon go though. He's the best host on KNBR, and if 95.7 ever picks him up, 95.7 might start to be more popular than KNBR. Plus, Damon could have his old guests back if he went to 95.7 like Steinmetz, Matt Maiocco, Mychael Urban, and the other "insiders" on 95.7 that used to come on the KNBR, since they are strictly on 95.7.

    I really hope Damon stays on KNBR though, even though it seems like he's an outsider being on KNBR 1050. It seems like KNBR doesn't really appreciate Damon like they should, and Damon probably sees that. Damon should be on 680, instead of 1050. We all know it, and I think he knows it too.

    As far as Tolbert goes, I don't think Tolbert would leave for 95.7. He's almost kind of joined at the hip with Ralph. It seems like whenever you think of Ralph you think of Tolbert as well, or vice versa. I think as long as Ralph is on KNBR, Tolbert will probably stay paired up with him.

    Sorry for this long post

  32. those of you saying that brandon tierney is “kind of annoying” are being nice, because lets just come out and say it, this guy is a real dick. I understand that he’s supposed to be the antagonist to eric davis, I get that. but they guy just goes out of his way to argue with davis CONSTANTLY. he belabors arbitrary thoughts into the ground with arguments that are almost always flimsy at best. a lot of the time he just will not shut up, despite what ED is trying to explain to him. and I have no problem with him or anyone else being from the east coast, but I do have a problem with the constant east coast bias. am I the only one that thinks theres something wrong with the A’s flagship station employing someone who just absolutely rips the A’s a new asshole every. single. time he talks about them? he trashes the entire organization from head to toe every time he opens his mouth about them, using insults like “pathetic” and “despicable”. he also ripped the 9ers all season long, giving them absolutely no credit or respect, and publically disrespected frank gore (calling him old and washed up for weeks), and alex smith, and michael crabtree. etc. he also trashed the raiders and especially carson palmer. he got so bad with his insulting of palmer that chris townsend was finally forced to call tierney out on the air, asking him why he was talking so much shit about palmer on every show but was kissing his ass when they had him as a guest. I mean I expect some east coast bias on espn, but not on my local bay area sports station. why would I turn on the radio to hear some blowhard idiot from bumfuck hoboken rip all our bay area teams for 4 hours a day? i really do like “the game” lightyears more than knbr but they are really blowing it with tierney in that time slot. a radio host has to be pretty f’ing bad to make me switch back to ralph “grampa simpson” barbieri in the afternoons but that’s exactly what tierney has done. he’s that awful.
