Sunday, January 15, 2012

I wonder what they're going to talk about this week? Sunday notes, (Ninerz, dude!)

*Eric Davis, 49ers radio color analyst, please, can you show a little more emotion?

*Ted Robinson, on KNBR radio, at the conclusion of one for the ages: Just enough controlled "what the hell did I just see?"

*Yeah, the so-called "experts"--those who "predict the winner"--I'm sure they saw that, coming.

*The reason why you hear a boatload of infomercials on radio is that those infomercials make a boatload of cash for the stations. Better yet, only a board op, (operator) is needed. Less to pay, more moolah. And it's not just confined to radio--or did you peek at the other local TV outlets on Saturday that were not showing the Niners' game.

*The bandwagon fans are not exclusive to the people in the seats--wait until you see how many "NINERZ" "fans" sit in anchor chairs.

*Assignment editors first missive Sunday: get the local crew to proverbial sports bar in the marina. Ask the fat white guy wearing Ronnie Lott's #42 jersey: "So, 'how 'bout those Niners?" (Wait until Friday when it gets damn rampant.)

*This is too funny, (and absolutely true): KGOne was so sure nobody would be listening to SweetJack central, their house prime-minister/producer literally called a buddy to fill in, talk, take a call, whatever. Scary, but he sounded better than some of their other schlubs.

*Mattress man was so excited after the game, he spiked his temperpedic.

*Meanwhile, those Cumulus "help-wanted" spots are appearing more often, more frequent, on all the radio outlets: Geez, why is that? I mean, I'll be damned!

*Again, people, two words: satellite radio.

*Leave your wallet in the back pocket dept: Alex Smith and Vernon Davis.

*Scary factoid: Radnich and Vern Glenn did a post-game show on KRON. Scarier: Two things: Radnich had to work on Saturday and KRON's two-guy schmooze was better than local sports cable Goliath, CSN Bay Area's dull-a-thon.

*Unluckiest TV pbp guy in the market: Roxy Bernstien was doing the USF-Pepperdine basketball game opposite 49ers/Saints on Comcast. Good scheduling, USF sports dept.

*On the other hand, Rox: no traffic going home on 101.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Basically the 1-4 and 7-10 slots have been decimated. What happened to Stacie Taylor and Peter Collins? The Macruber guy and Monte are awful. Give credit to Karel who took a few jabs at Monte during the show's changeover

  2. Replies
    1. Monty is a fat fuck who was a fill-in host on 95.7 The Game when it first launched. He is your typical blowhard who has an opinion. Then again who doesn't.

  3. The fill-in guy on Saturday afternoon was very good. Too good for KGO.

  4. Monte was much better last night than last weekend and at least It seems he is trying Karel makes no effort to be informed and he can't fake it! This station will never be what it was but at least it can't get any worse

  5. It appears the idiots who like Monte and Mcguiver are KNBR fans who wear their hat backwards and their XXXXL size pants below their knees....

    1. So you get to decide who the idiots are....check the mirror ass clown!

    2. If your yardstick for a great talk show host is Patrick Connor then of course you are going to love Monty. Put your hat on straight and wear pants that fit you before piping in about what makes a good talk show host. Monty ain't one....bring back the paranormal guy!

    3. I dont like Monty, and as. Vet. I dont like your pussy ass. I just t think calling people idots without knowing them makes you sound like a blithering Ass Clown Idiot. I wear my hat smart and my pants correct and if you want my address just ask nicely?

      United States Navy Ret.

    4. @Blewis: your horrendous grammar and spelling give a black eye to our men in uniform. You wear your hat straight, your pants fit right and you hate Monty, so what the hell are you arguing with me about? We agree. You should've been court marshalled for being stupid.

  6. Monty is definitely an improvement over Spencer Hughes. I listened a bit last night and he was calling himself Tim Montemayor (his real name) rather than Monty. Tim is polite, his topics are more local and relevant, he actually seems to listen to the people he interviews and lets them finish what they're saying. He also seems informed about what's going on. If KGO hadn't let all the seasoned veterans go, some of these new guys might not seem so bad as they get their feet wet in this market. But there are so many bad feelings toward the station as a whole that these guys get more negatively reviewed than they would otherwise. It's mean to debut them under these circumstances.

  7. The new schlub wasn't "Monty" bad ... but still bad, actually.

    Glad that Monty must have gotten the email this week - "Shut the fuck up, stop screaming and let the people talk, idiot." Also used real name, not just "Monty." You rock, Jared! (Despite calling your "friend" on Thursday to phone the show in via ISDN, which, for the first 10 minutes, wasn't set correctly and he sounded like he was doing the show over a plain old phone line until he got it figured out. Nice pipes -- crap content.

    Amazing ... after the always fun to listen to John Hamilton - Pat Thurston starts one of the most "for the ages" Saturday mornings at 8:05 with not Niner's talk ... but Marines Pissing on Taliban talk. For two hours. She broke the record for saying the word "peeing". My Wheaties somehow didn't taste so good.

    Low and behold ... at midnight, the last topic before the Red Eye Truck Wreck was Monty talking for an hour about ... Marines Pissing on the Taliban. Geez, Jared, at least least get these tools a magazine subscription or a freebie Chron or USA Today Weekend or something. Geeesh.

    Finally, Karel continues to push for his deathwish. After reporting weeks ago about the snotty email from Jared regarding not interrupting newscasts and extending the time, and the email from last weekend regarding not pushing the envelope and stretching newscasts from 6 after the hour to 10 or 11 ... last night was another nail or two in the coffin.

    He said to a barely hot Mike to his producer, Brian, "I'm SO PISSED off ... I don't like management jumping all over my producers. I've had enough of that crap." That was because Brian the producer told him that word had come down not to let Karel talk to Rep. Barbara Lee for more than 15 minutes and to separate her appearances. She's on too much. And "It's an election year."

    So, Karel blew a gasket because Rep. Lee is one of his "favorite guests" and he had to mention during the interview that he was only able to give her 15 minutes "but we'll do more throughout the year." This just minutes after interrupting Paul Rodgers first story and blabbing on for a full minute in the middle of the story ... then laughing. Not funny.

    Also, the number of times he said, "I don't do sports, but I'm happy for the 49ers and their fans." Good God. Please fire this loon or play more than 4 an hour SweetJack spots. That would help drive his sparce audience away.

    "Cumulus secrets from .... the Karel Show.

  8. This is amusing. It is now 45 minutes into his show and the disingenuous black man has not received a single call after introducing two topics....wait...finally, one caller at minute 46!!! Bravoooo

  9. Rich, you must be a Raiders fan. Better luck next year.

  10. Wonder how RALPH will spin his forever NON sports logic come Monday.
    First he does not like Alex Smith
    Then he bandwagons it...
    Then he asks Jason Cole if he thinks the law of averages will mean that Alex coughs it up....
    All things Jason Cole was very odd talking with Tom and Ralph although most of it was again directed at Ralph...
    Ralph should step down. Parkinsons or too many Amici's Vegan Pizza's have worn him down...

    Classic Vernon Davis comment regarding what did Harbaugh say to you: "I have no idea, I am still kind of fuzzy, sorry, but I guess I will find out what he said at our next team meeting...

    Was Crazy George Around the Stick on Saturday?

  11. Can't believe the Niners are going to host the Giants in the NFC Title game.
    To all of you Alex Smith haters who said the guy could never get the job done,
    have you wiped the eggs off your faces?

    My prediction next week? Niners 24- Giants 21

    And then a Superbowl appearance against Tom Brady and the Patriots in early February in Indianapolis. This is too improbable to believe!

    I was at Candlestick yesterday, and that was as good as it gets! The old place was rocking and it's nice to see another epic game played at the 'Stick before he 49ers abandon it for their soon to be plush new digs in Santa Clara.

  12. Grumpy grumpy! Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning, sunshine?

    Let the Niners talk happen. Saturday's game was a classic and people are excited. Even if the media does the predictable sports bar coverage. So what? It's a nice break from the Sweet Jack/KGOne/Michael Savage/Mattress Man/Beat the Dead Horse daily dose we get here, Richie.

    I'm a fan. Been reading your site for a year or two now and I'm not a KGO Troll. You just sometimes harp on the negative a little too much. Bandwagon hopping or not (and many of us are not), this is something for the Bay Area to be excited about.

    The Warriors suck. The A's front office isn't trying. The Raiders are rebuilding. The Sharks keep knocking on that door. The Giants aren't going anywhere without some hitters. We got a chance with some Bay Area pride with the Niners here.

  13. Thank goodness for the NFL Network, where real football fans (and not the bandwagon jumpers and thrill seekers) can get legit coverage. All of the talking heads on radio and TV will be rah-rah-rah about the red and gold all week. Not a bad thing mind you, but just annoying. And of course, KNBR and their millions of sister stations will be artificially inseminating the event. For those who say "No one is forcing you to listen" -- duh, that's true. And it's off to satellite radio and the NFL Network.

  14. Also opposite the 49ers/Saints was Colorado at Stanford in basketball. Roxy was busy, saw him doing Utah and Cal later that night. But yeah USF should have move the time to later in the day.

    1. USF couldn't move the time. To what? The game was televised and scheduled just like the Stanford game. And Roxy wasn't the only one not able to cover the 49ers game. Think of the other media who were either at Stanford or USF....There's more to life than ONE game.

  15. This should shut Up all the Critics from the South Bay that say "San Francisco Does Care for the 49ers, so they don't deserve them." The whole town of SF is ON Fire for their Hometown Team!

    Channel 2 interviewed Some dudes from CJ's Sports Bar in the South Bay, and asked them, "are you excited about the 49ers move to the South Bay?" First of all, there were only about 15 people in this bar, then this dude says, "yeah, I'm excited about the 9ers move to the South Bay, cuz I don't have to Pay for it!"

  16. Ninerz "fans" are the absolute worst. The media's kissing up only gets them even more obnoxious.

  17. If the Bay Area media were not overhyping the 49ers this week, they would be overhyping the rain in the forecast for this week ...

  18. Why rip on the NINER FANS? Probablby because your team didn't go far this year? The Raiders...dysfunction still lives in the east bay. The Raiders have demonstrated that they have never had any loyalty to any city, ever!

    They're now a cult or global team...take your pick. Got some good talent, and with a little luck Reggie McKenzie will pick up another good up and coming coach...but that defense needs some help.

    Stop whining about the Niners fans though will ya? The team sucked for the better part of a decade as young Jed was clueless to do anything until Jim Harbaugh practically fell into his lap. Yound Jed couldn't have picked a better guy to coach this team, and the 2011 Niners have been one of the great stories in bay area sports history...right up there with the
    2010 Giants, the 1981 Niners, the 1980 Raiders, and the 1974-75 Warriors.

    So quit ripping on the fans. Yes, a lot of them are band wagon jumpers, but about the only true loyal fans in the bay area are Warriors and Sharks followers. The A's have very few fans left, the Giants have a solid core of followers, but they need to stay at or near or near the top
    to keep those sellouts coming, and the Raiders draw well whenever they win.
    49er fans are no different.

    And when the club eventually moves to Santa Clara, there will be a while new group of fans. Have you seen what the Niner front office is going to charge people, just for a license just to buy the tickets? 30-80 grand for the right to buy the seats, then tickets that run as high as $400 a game. Absurd!

    Football is supported by the middle class, the working class folks, not the corporate types who sit in the luxury boxes and schmooze with each other while watching the game half interestedly.
