Saturday, January 14, 2012

Your wonderful new KGOne/SweetJack, Overnight; The Saturday spin

Why is SweetJack / KGOne replaying the "new" Red Eye Radio that is all of FOUR DAYS OLD (Recorded Tuesday nite "with 95 percent of the votes in from the New Hampshire Primary" and replayed (again) on Friday night / Saturday AM at midnight?  Makes no freaking sense!  Is Cumulus too cheap to do weekend shows of its own now?  This is ridiculous. Is this "The Ginger Assasin's" bright idea for KGOne "in case you missed it"?

Holy crap!  I'd expect this, maybe on 500 watts at night on KSCHMUCK, but not on the 50,000 watt blow torch at KGOne 810.

And at midnight, the weekend Program Schedule is STILL undated -- with the same "Guest Host" non-mentions as last week and the week before that.  Did Cumulus fire the web lady too?

What a schlock outfit.

Damn, put Christine Craft on at midnight or one a.m. on weekends.  I'm betting she'd like the few hours! This is an insult to do this crap.  Better yet, Put Pat Thurston on all nite LIKE SHE USED TO BE, (and sounds better), and put Christine on Saturday and Sunday morning 8-11.
Now, where's my check?

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  1. Yeah I gree Put Christine Craft 10pm-1am Then Pat Thurston 1am-5pm instead of the "Red Eye" crap. There is nothing Sweet in the Cumulus & Clearchannel sharing in sweetjacking you and your the community. You can see all deals for free via .

  2. I love the idea of having Christine Craft on week-ends. She's always a bit quirky and out of the box. This morning Pat was talking about the same stuff I've been hearing all week. She also was getting angry at people who didn't agree with her. Week-ends need to be a little fresher and lighter I think. I tried 9:10, but they had infomercial stuff. So off with the radio.

  3. NO! Leave Pat right where she is... and replace Copie with Christine for a really forward thinking "girl-talk" Saturday ...

    Both of these women are terrific.

    1. Why characterize their work as "girl-talk?" It marginalizes what they both do which is to engage all audiences, male and female, on all topics.

      That said, I would vote for Christine Craft over any of the "talkers" on the present KGO line-up. She should have her own show, dammit!

    2. I am no big supporter of Craft. In particular I hate when the hag whistles over a caller with whom she disagrees. However; I will listen to her any day over the alleged comedian Copie. She has more substance than the alleged comedian and I would welcome her as a replacement of him. Waking up to Thurston and Craft back to back is appealing to me.....btw, it was great hearing Rosie Allen yesterday, what a voice! I enjoyed her reference to her cleavage. A woman so confident of her sensuality is simply SEXY

  4. I just got a flash-perhaps the corporate radio raiders are degrading KGONE for some kind of sell off. Make some money and then sell off in pieces. A great example would be the Sopranos episode where Tony destroyed a sporting goods store by buying so much stuff on credit because the owner was a gambling degenerate. KGONE has been taken over the last few weeks by corporate mafia!!! Any way, it sounds good....

    1. Soprano-esque for sure.
      Romney-esque for sure.
      Both scary.
      Be very afraid.

  5. Ugh, I heard that crap for the first time today around 4:30AM. They are total right wing shills! I'd rather listen to prerecorded Craft or Thurston, or even Christmas music –– but giving us what WE want is not on the Dickey Brothers/Cumulus vulture capitalist agenda. This.Is.Disgusting!

  6. I hate to admit this, but out of desperation I checked in with KGO while gardening (I have to have radio on while I do this) and they have a guy on for his first time... McGraw something,,, filling in for no one in particular, and he is pleasant and fun to listen to. He's not from around here and said he is only there for the day. He's too good for KGO, but if you catch him on another station, check him out.

    1. I was in the car for 10 minutes and decided to see what was happening on KGONE. Heard the McGraw guy and he said Jared called him about filling in in for today during the 49er game. He commented, "well no one will be listening so I agreed". He did sound good for the 10 minutes and thought it was funny that he knew he would not have many if any callers.

  7. I agree with you 415 Media. It's mysterious. It's awful. I'm disgusted. What are they thinking? Is there any benefit to totally disrespecting and destroying a station?

  8. Christine Craft is the best thing about KGO, even before the shake-up. It's ridiculous how they're doing her.

    I don't think Pat would want to go back to the 1-5 slot. She's fine at 8-11.

    When they got rid of Joanie Greggain's health/exercise show, they should've dumped the boring travel show (John Hamilton) on from 5-8, as well. Still scratching my head over that one.

  9. Christine Craft way over Thurston, who is just too left-leaning and does not get her facts straight. Christine is s
    Art, irrelevant

  10. The travel show has lots of fans and people who find it interesting.

  11. Whoops my iPhone had a misadventure and froze my comment about Christine who is smart with a wicked sense o' humor. Plus Christine has more than earned her "stripes" in the Bay Area and national talk markets. Even better would be to hear her on 910. KGONE doesn't deserve Christine.

    Cumulus could not be destroying this station any better than if it had tried. Are you sure this isn't a mass punk'ed episode???

  12. Exactly 02:26PM. Does anyone listen to Kgone anymore? All my radio does is collect dust now, til Gene B returns.

    1. Not KGO, that is for sure. KGO is totally over. If you don't like what has happened, don't listen. It is basically finished until someone else buys it and makes a change. Find other talk outlets. KSCO has bill on M-W 12n-2p, 910 has a lot of the formers... Armstrong and Getty are more entertaining than Jon and Jen's 30 minute news rotation. 910 saw the void and is trying. Even though they are Clear Channel...

  13. Thurston has a tendency of not doing her homework, being redundant and talking over the guest.

    1. Batty Patty is taking lessons on how to be a crappy host from the other past temporary hosts.

      Does anyone knows the back story of how Patty got her job at KPIX FM the mid to late 90's?

    2. Pat Thurston did her first talk radio, I'm pretty darn sure, at KSRO in Santa Rosa...but I don't know where they found her.

  14. Lately there have been few callers to talk over. Don't know about the guests.

  15. I predict Karel will make some smart ass remark about the football game...

  16. I'm surprised that Disney/ABC hasn't sued Cumulus to retreive the KGO call sign back due to all the negative press they've been generating over the last six weeks.

    1. You'd have to go waaaaaaay further back than that. Disney/ABC was just one of the owners of KGO and absorbed the call letters. Back in the '20s (1924, actually), KGO was named so as being owned by General Electric in Oakland at a power of 1000 watts which was sizeable at that time.

      Hence ... K G O. (GE Oakland) KGO was part of a 3-station network at the time -- all owned by General Electric -- WGY (GE Schenected-y)and KOA - Denver's mighty 850.

      KGO used to be the San Francisco affiliate of NBC BLUE, while its sister, KNBR was "NBRed" until the FCC split NBC's Red & Blue networks in the early '40s. KGO kept the Blue network (which it had been since 1927) KNBR -National Broadcasting - RCA / Red was the full NBC station.

      Because of litigation, NBC was forced to divest the Blue network and it became ABC (American Broadcasting Company) and the rest is history.

      The nation's radio stations quickly started running out of 3-letter calls, with KGO being one of the few after the early 20s had passed and still holds on to the original call letters.

      Today, both are owned once again under common ownership or, "uncommon" ownership -- known as Cumulus Media and both stations are widely claimed to be a trainwreck of 100,000 AM watts between them. Good Day & Goodnite!

  17. They have killed the Golden Goose. I was a listener for more than 40 years. Driving 30-40K miles a year, KGO was the only station I listened to. No more. Have not listened since the change and have no plans to ever listen again. You can bet the day there is major breaking news that I will be at KCBS. I know they have a news staff to cover the news from different angles. That's the reason we don't turn to KSFO or other stations for breaking news. No staff. RIP KGO. KNBR, you're next.

  18. The new Red-Eye talkers are pure shills for vulture capitalism. They're not even patriotic! Just pushing the global economy agenda. (Read out-sourcing, off-shoring, cutting wages and benefits) In a way, these Korporate Klowns do accurately represent their Cumulus Handlers. When will congress require that the FCC actually serve the public that it's supposed to, and not just be a rubber-stamp for mergers and acquisitions? Still listen to and enjoy Pat Thurston and Karel, and would like to hear Christine Craft as well. But for straight news, I'll go to KCBS/74, which does it right. Heck, yesterday Rich Walcoff was interviewing crook Jack Abrams about his new book and crimes? Sports guys doing politics? I like Rich's voice, and he's leagues better than the ever-annoying and over-served Gary Radnich. But Rich is essentially a sports expert. Sidebar: Hope that Gene continues to recover, his excellence and smarts are missed.

  19. Get used to corporate radio because unfortunately, it's here to stay. There are too many other things going on that distract our younger listeners today, and with media consolidation going on for the last 16 years, there are very few creative or credible voices left on our airwaves.

    The real tragedy about all of this however is not taking place here, but in the smaller towns, where young broadcasters used to be able to get jobs and 'cut their teeth' in the profession. Go to a place like Eureka for instance, where the ten to 12 radio stations in that area are owned by two companies. Each station has perhaps one or two announcers who have to double up as part time producers/engineers/etc because the one time local staffs of about 6-8 announcers per station were decimated and replaced by bloviating loudmouths like Hannity and Limbaugh.

    Rush is firmly against Congress overturning the Communications Act of 1996 which deregulated the industry, because his 45 million dollar plus salary would be cut in half as a number of stations would drop him and rehire local talent to talk about local issues that are important to those communities.

    So get used to more of the crap you're hearing on the radio, because although the Feds regulate who gets a license to use the airwaves, these huge mega-corporations like Cumulus and Clear Channel own the majority of radio stations in this country.

    That's why all of this talk about 'liberal' media that you hear from right wing nit-wits is just that..empty talk. The big companies are going to push tools like Limbaugh and Hannity at the mass audience, not because America necessarily wants to listen to these
    carnival barkers, but because the Limbaughs, Hannitys, (and locally,
    hysteria-mongers such as Melanie Morgan and Brian Susspool) are walking advertisements for big business, shamelessly fronting for the crass
    capitalists who continue to pillage this country!

  20. Depressing beyond all belief..and will continue to be so until the citizens of this country find a way to remove corporate control of Congress (and elections). We are looking more and more Third World everyday and most people are not noticing.

  21. I couldn't agree with you more about that! Most of us Americans however, would rather sit home on our fat behinds, eat cheetos and sip soft drinks and let the idiocy of reality TV numb our minds than spend anytime learning about what is really going on.

    Until American citizens start showing a greater concern and begin participating in our democracy, this country is going to continue to go to the mega-companies will keep buying off the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court in an effort to sell more of their crap cut more costs by firing more people and making a bigger and fatter bottom line for themselves and their holy shareholders.

    This undermining of our freedom, our liveliehood and basic rights as citizens is tantamount to treason, and these bloodless cretins should be hauled in front of a people's court to pay the price!
