Sunday, January 1, 2012

KSFO "Officer Vic" was actually fired; Sussman the Bad Guy?; More Cumulus goo

From a KSFO mole: 

"I can't believe how Sussman tried to convince listeners that Officer Vic quit to move to Montana. We've all been fired. On a Friday for sure. But, to allow talent to lie to listeners for appearance sake is a bad joke. Classless. Sussman must have a solid contract. He's gotta know he's a lame duck like Ronn Owens."

You know, if this weren't so sad and pathetic, it would be absolutely ridiculous, which it is. They should make a movie. On second thought, no, it gets goofier by the day.

And "Suss", (Brian Sussman), I think you have some "splaining" to do.

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  1. never cared too much for officer vic. he was a left over from the prior host. I am happy to see him go. Sussman alone is better. i'll enjoy listening again

  2. Brian "I will insult God by insisting Allah is not synonymous with God" Sussman.

    This Islamophobe would be off the air if he attacked Jews the way he attacks Muslims. He is disgusting.

    And he's stupid. So stupid that he doesn't understand that Allah is synonymous with God in Arabic, even his "Christian" God.

    As if God can be split up, divided, etc.

    What a moron. Sussman, you suck.

    Fired weatherman morphs into Father Coughlin Jr.

    You are an embarrassment to true conservatives, Mr. Islamophobe. And your Tea Party consists of other myopic mindless morons like you. Did I already say you were a moron? Oh, sorry. I know you have a short attention span.

  3. Tom Benner was a great DJ and had a very entertaining show "Benner's Basement" on the old KFRC. I couldn't stand listening to KSFO so I didn't get aboard with the whole Officer Vic thing. But, I have to agree with Anon 6:13pm regarding Sussman. Totally embarrassing! He'd be the LAST person I'd want defending conservative "values". He just comes off like a total jerk wading through an incredibly shallow pool that is his mind. Insight,! Entertainment value (unlike Savage and Limbaugh), less than zero. His longevity is completely baffling.

  4. Were Briannn Susstein and Ronnn Lowenssman twins separated at birth? These two slimeballs seem to have the same predilection for lying and backstabbing. Karma will not be kind to these two.

  5. Like him or not (I don't listen to KSFO), the hits just keep on coming. Who's next? Some of the weekend "talent" on KGO? News readers? Traffic reporters? This is getting insane. ...and this is Cumulus' idea of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year? Wow!!

  6. KSFO. . . Don Sherwood must be rolling in his grave. The sounds of the City are so lost. . .

  7. 7:26 you made me remember the theme: "the sounds of the City, the sounds that are heard, in San (beat beat) Fran-cisco, on K S F O ooooo, San Francisco.

  8. I can just sense it. Mel Baker will soon emerge from the shadows in his long trench coat to defend Officer Vic and Brian Sussman from the vicious, uninformed and unwarranted attacks by Rich Lieberman. Mel Baker the last bastion of honesty and truth in Bay Area media!

  9. Sussman is the biggest hack in the Bay area,he is a total wanna be, he craves to be Shawn Kennedy, but he is just a mean spirted immature ass.

  10. 7:10 PM. I sure as hell hope you're right. Cuts to weekend "talent" on KGO. Let's start with Karel "which one decides who gets to masturbate" Karel? Thurston not that far behind. Spencer Hughes, too. Stacy Taylor, Peter Finch, Jeannie Lynch, Jennifer Jones Lee, Kim McCallister, at least half of Metro News and Coast-to-Coast should go, as well.

    Leaves little. That's why it's called "recruitment."

  11. Lee Rodgers being fired ruined the show. Sussman is pathetic. OV was the only saving grace with his wit. Sussman is the worst host out there.

  12. I so agree with Anon 10:01 pm. Sometimes, a few years ago, when they (KGO and KSFO) didn't run commercials concurrently I'd shift to KSFO for a brief minute (all I could stomach of these guys) and Sussman was pathetic. An ex-weatherman who denied global warming.

    I am still amazed though because I never would have put him and Ronn into the same category, but experiencing that they are apologists for the creeps who fired their "friends," I guess they get to be paper dolls together. Sad.

  13. I liked Thurston. I stopped listening though when the hosts were fired, so I don't know what's to become of her. In terms of Karel, he tries, but radio is not his shtick. He's just too full of himself. It's funny though cause so is Rush and Hannity and Savage, but their politics are diametrically opposed. What really is amazing about Republicans is that they have a bunch of narcissistics for candidates and they love them. Most narcissists are turn-offs very quickly. How people invest in these blow-hards is beyond me.

  14. Officer Vic had more brains in his little finger then Sussman , the parrot who says the call letters every 2 minutes. And Katie is a nice person but too loud and perky for a morning show . I want to wake up not be yelled at . And Spencer Hughes --I am sooooooooo tired of hearing about his fmaily and it does no apparent show prep--just asks these stupid questions.

  15. It's just a change of times. KGO was a killing field for talk show hosts. Since they are owned by the same company, changes were expected. Ronn Owens'day's are numbered and if he does not know this, he is a bigger fool.

  16. Was Officer Vic's firing related to his politically incorrect joke, the day after the Monday night power outages at Candlestick Park? After an observation about the dark 49ers locker room, Officer Vic said he hoped there weren't any Penn State coaches in the locker room, at the time.

  17. I don't care much for Sussman either, his approach, voice & presentation. It's all about him, it appears. Although he does bring up some interesting points. But OV was fired, that's for sure. I like OV, a personable guy, funny & a quick wit. But such is life. Politics and radio, dangerous careers. Always sleeping with the enemy, survival of the fittest, not the best.

  18. OV was a hack as is Suss-man. BTW, Tom Benner (OV) lives in Benicia, not Crescent City. He was living a lie all along with his BS. Tough shitski!

  19. OV? No more shillin', now he be chillin'...

  20. If Anon 2:55 didn't "get the joke" all along about OV saying he lived in Crescent City and "commuted every day" in his Gremlin, then I guess I'm not surprised he called OV's work BS. Gullible and liberal -- interesting that those two words seem to go hand in hand nowadays...

  21. 4:11 sounds like that douchebag Sussman. Hey if it was a fucking joke, then why did your boy delete that reference from his original post on OV decamping to Montana without providing an "update". Ethical bloggers don't just delete or edit posts without providing an explanation.

  22. I heard from a friend of a friend that OV was tired of kissing Sussman's arse anyway. Same for Lee (Moose-lims) Rodgers, his psychotic predecessor.

  23. The funny thing is, I get the feeling that Officer Vic would do just as well on a liberal station--I never got the sense that there were some deeply ingrained "principles" at work there. He was funny and did good voices and, truth be told was more talented that either Sussman or Rodgers. Now Melanie Morgan--can anyone say "airhead?"

  24. As opposed to Anon 4:11 circa 2000-2008: gullible, conservative, and stupid. That's a good an epitaph as any for the Bush era.

  25. I always took the Sussman Show as an Entertainment-Opinion show, and Officer Vic was entertaining, a good side-kick.
    But, no Rush??
    Oh,well; the great old days were with Sherwood,Gene Nelson,John Gilliland,Russ Syracuse...

  26. I don't care for sussman at all. In fact, I only listened in the morning to the talent of Officer Vic. This shown or program has gone down hill since Lee left. They should of kept Morgan and Officer Vic. I would assume that the several posting before mine was so negative about Officer Vic and his departure is that they probable don't realize that his prior contract had a clause in it stating that he couldn't say anything on any departure , as was the cas with all the prior personel

  27. You folks take this all too seriously. Sussman is entertaining. Too bad about OV - he was more like an Ed McMahon character than a principal, but will be missed. Why did they bump Rush?

  28. Officer Vic was great! The man has a great wit. His wit flew right over Sussman's head. I would not be surprised if the station management told Officer Vic to tone it down so Sussman would not look like an amateur. And I generally like Sussman, but some of the things he says WRT Islam (and I am no fan) are loopy.

  29. I am very disappointed they way Sussmen layed the event out and even think it was deceiving, self preservation type of story he proclaimed! I lost a lot of respect when he was subing for Mark Levine. Sussman had puffed him self up like he was more than what he was puffinh up his accomplishments. In my opinion he was auditioning for a syndicated gig himself. I suspect you have to kiss Sussmens ring to stay alive at KSFO for his show.The only reassuring thing is melanie talks so much that she out shines him and makes him look like the side kick. Not long before he is out the door I bet. Seems like Vic got some help getting out. Thanks Suss! Not listening anymore.

  30. Officer Vic was given the mafia kiss of death. How easily Mr. Sussman lies about what really happened. I recall just before the holidays how they both said on air that they were looking forward to a great 2012 together. It is disgusting the way talk show talentbis silently terminated, leaving the loyal audience with no explanation. I am done with KSFO, period and exclamation point!!..

  31. I have to say I don't miss Rush a lot, but I do miss Officer Vic. I hope he gets a new gig out of it. The guy seems like a genuine nice guy. Sussman was probably ordered to spew the BS he spewed. I don't blame him 100% for doing it, but one has to question the lack of character for doing it.

  32. Suss and OV worked very well together. I'll miss hearing Benner.

  33. Long live OV. Great humor and I will miss him.

  34. I completely agree that Sussman is a talk show wannabe and his childish lack of interviewing skills with guests proves it. Tom Benner is a seasoned, talented guy who will do much better somewhere else not having to live in the shadows of a nitwit like Sussman. We all knew Mel would come back to save Sussman's butt someday and there just wasn't room for two sidekicks so Tom lost the inevitable coin toss.

  35. I can't stand sussmans voice or delivery..... I stopped really listening when he started....... and only enjoyed OV. I listened the other day and he opened the phone lines and as soon as this old man started talking Sussman got crazy and mean it was so bizzare...... talk about bullying. good night he asked for opions be grown up enough to listen. You don't have to shut anyone who doesn't agree with you up in such a rude manner. Anyway I like Mel but even she can't make me listen to him.........

  36. Wow... I can see I'm a little late getting THIS news. I adore Officer Vic. I've been listening to Sussman... and missing his interaction with OV. Sorry... but I just can't endure Morgan... at all. She's harsh, abrupt... and, frankly, I don't see Sussman taking her for much longer either. But I digress. I so miss Officer Vic... and I'm sickened that he's not coming back. I listen on my way to work in the morning. This morning I had enough of MM and was scanning for a new station.

  37. Will miss OV, smart and quick, earned his spot. MM mean spirited, harsh, hateful. Same as when with LR. Maybe Swanson (husband) got her back in before he left?
    "Lee, me, Miss Yee and OV (Officer Vic) were a team for 14 years."

    Will she write about OV? Oh, took his place. Guess no eulogy for him.

    Nothing personal OV, you just got in the way of ambition.

    Now I listen to previous night's podcasts of John Batchelor's show on my way to work in the morning with Acast app. Much better, educational, great guests. Babbin, Kissel, Kudlow, Bolton among my favs. Conservative but not fanatical.

  38. Sussman is very good - as a "weatherman." Melanie Morgan is no better. Plus, with the only other conservative station having gone over to the dark side....pickings are slim.

  39. I quite listening to the KSFO Morning Show when Rush moved to KKSF. I have always felt that Sussman was a self-important jerk and just hated the way he kept mentioning the station call letters as if he was kissing management's collective ass. And addressing interviewees by their full names. OV was the redeeming aspect of the Morning Show. While I may agree with Sussman politically, I cannot listen to him

  40. I agree w/ most comments already posted. I work abroad all the time including 4 yrs in KSA & a yr in Pakistan. I used to send Lee items he'd use and give him heads up info. Sussman's crew are incredibly sophomoric, juvenile and he is apparently not educated and I highly doubt has ever been abroad. I stopped listening to KSFO altogether. I think surviving hosts (on all stations) are reflective of the dumbing down of America. Thankfully Dr. Wattenburg has not yet been removed from the airwaves by our Thought Police. SF Native

  41. Couldn't stand Sussman - he really didn't do anything wrong, but was boringly monotone - and like fingernails on a blackboard! He's the reason I stopped listening to KSFO. I had been listening every morning to KSFO since BEFORE Lee Rogers and Melanie started their show! Lee and OV had incredibly good chemistry, Mel really tried, but after she brought OV on the show, she just wasn't needed any more. Glad she has her own show in now a days in Sonoma.
