Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another Cumulus bloodbath coming?; "Spencer Hughes", the ghost hunter, rails against SF Living wage

*Get ready for another Cumulus housecleaning--we just don't know where. A report suggests that an "all-music" outlet, (KFOG or maybe 107.7 The Bone", perhaps), is going to drop music for all-sports talk. Just what we need. More sports talk. This is getting weirder and disturbing by the day. (UPDATE: We're now hearing a New Orleans station is firing its staff and, for now, the Bay Area is off the radar, but KNBR and its brothers and sisters are on the hit list, eventually).

*The ghost hunter and flying-saucer bizarro on KGOne is railing against SF's city minimum wage--and even suggested that it would encourage the hiring of illegal aliens. How ironic: "Spencer Hughes" is not even his real name. He's of Hispanic origin and anglicized his radio name. Maybe he's afraid of the ghost--I think he should call the Ghostbusters.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Listening to Spencer Hughes is like watching a train wreck, you want to turn away but can't. He reminds me of an old saying, "Tis better to be thought a fool then to speak and remove all doubt"

  2. Who IS Spencer Hughes????

  3. This is proof that a "radio voice" is not synonymous with mental and emotional stability.

    He's a kook who has "spoken with his" dead mother, may she rest in peace.

    I talk to my late Mom and Dad all the time, but I've yet to hear them talk back to me.

    Maybe Spencer can help.

    Maybe Spencer should join Sussman and they can both illustrate good old American jingoism at work.

    America is responsible for the "illegal alien" problem. Our drug culture and our crony capitalism are largely to blame for Mexico's ills.

    If you don't believe it, read some history, but stay away from Glenn Beck University.

  4. Spencer Hughes: Drum Major for the Lunatic Brigade.

    The ghosts of KGO past are not happy.

  5. Barrage the Dickey Brothers emails with your thoughts and comments.

    John Dickey email:
    (This is valid since I have exchanged some emails with him.)

    Lew Dicky email:
    (Not sure if this is valid since he has not responded to my emails)

    I also suggest going to the Cumulus website and filing up whatever email address or coummunciation portals they have with crap and make them have constipation. Tie up their communication and give em hell. Be a big pain in the ass and make 'em feel it.

  6. Listened to Hughes last night-no one calls in. He just rants about not getting hate mail on his Facebook account! What great entertainment!! Even Dr. Bill was easier to listen to. when will the owners of KGO wake up and give us back our beloved intelligent and entertaining talk radio???

  7. So "Spencer Hughes'" real name is closer to José Hernandéz Ramirez de Hidalgo!? I should have guessed when he mentioned he had six children. As a Hispanic male and as someone who speaks for our community, we would like to distance ourselves from this paranormal hack. ¡Si se puede!

  8. Spencer Hughes is.....a boob. He was calling for the complete elimination of the minimum wage; proposing that waiters get $6.00 an hour, and so on. His tone, his voice, are just miserable. Ugh. Retch.

  9. I've only heard him once and considered calling 911 and asking them to send someone to check on his mental health. Spencer is not a well man!

  10. Cumulus stole my radio station out of my car and I want it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. January 7th . . .

    . . . aaaaaaand, he's gone.
