Friday, January 27, 2012

The Joke, (KGOne), that keeps on giving; New Promo unintentionally Hilarious


A new promo at KGOne:

"KGO, your new home for local talk-- on the weekend." Are they kidding? No.

Yeah, they decimated a local broadcasting stronghold and buried it into the ground and are now running lame-dick promos trying in earnest to show some relevancy.

Spare us. Screw you. You a-holes don't get it, Cumulitus. You have DESTROYED your brand. You are a joke--the JOKER of all jokes that keeps on giving. Your own workers, most of 'em, at least only go to work to get a check, that's it. The others, save for the shills and tools, are flooding the region with resumes. They'd be gone too, right now, but the market is barren.

"Local talk", eh? Does that include the schleps your in-house snitch has to call at the last minute to talk into the empty mike on the weekend? I mean, are you fricking serious!

KGOne, Cumulitis,  the listeners are no fools--they have abandoned ship. You might as well be, figuratively speaking, the captain of the Italian ship. SweetJack, you are DONE.

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  1. Peter Finch has "crazy eyes" in the TV spot.

  2. As Gil used to say (and still does on another station)SERIOUSLY?

  3. I just saw 3 promos for KGO-810 on Channel 7. Really..They don't show any spark or real enthusiam at all. Seemed like the personalities were just reading a script. Guess Cumulus has seen the numbers and figure they have to do something. Well, these lackluster promos won't do it. Ronn seemed tired and bland, much like his radio show recently.

  4. They are going to run it into the ground until Ronn's contract expires... then go back to news talk under the guise of listening to their audience...and program it with every B list syndicated show they can find.

  5. Pardon me while I set my hair on fire.
    Now I've heard everything!

    1. Hmmmm, sorry, 11:14 -- but I'm afraid you haven't. See below.

  6. Heaven help "Clueless" when Ronn regains his voice, because right now it's just about the money!

  7. I have all the symptoms of Cumulitis. (Sluggishness, apathy, and generalized pain)
    If you need me, I will be at Highland Hospital. Cumulus cut my health insurance.

  8. It's irresponsibility at a level so deep it simply can't be fathomed. Again. The ONLY business model that could work in the grips of such cynicism and ineptitude is one that relies on bringing costs down to such a low point, that even the lowest advertising rates and revenues will be profitable. The side benefit of that model is that Cumulus management doesn't have to be responsible for any meaninful creative or product development and management. Areas which clearly aren't their strengths anyway...

    1. Well put @ Jan 27 12:48pm - you just wonder why, how - truly the almighty dollar without any regard to pride in service/product - it's so bad it stimulates thought of sinister ulterior motive.

  9. It's almost as if A's ownership is running KGO.

  10. The Dicky boys=Lew The Wolff all are scum.


  11. Here's an example of KGONE's news creds: today's noon news had a reporter interviewing a zoo worker about a bearded dragon. Yawn.

    1. BTW - how's Banana Sam doing?

    2. About that bearded the a.m. news, they kept building suspense about a very special guest and made it sound like someone very famous was going to be ended up being a lady from the zoo and the bearded dragon. I can't believe they sucked me in.

  12. Hey Culumus, where's that "News & Information" that you promised the SF listeners. Now give it to them. Don't be such a wishy washy wimp!!!.

  13. I still can't tell if the braintrusts at Cumulus are just clueless, or if the destruction of progressive talk radio in the Bay Area was the goal. I'm thrilled KKSF has picked up Gene Burns, and has been treating us to John Rothmann, Gil Gross, Jim Gabbert, Ed Baxter, and Rosie Allen in his absence.

    And might I just add that Sebastian Kunz is adorable. :)

  14. Hey ... give the KGOners a break!

    I heard John Kessler and Kim McCallister have breaking nooze just two nights ago by announcing, I kid you now, by reading a PRESS RELEASE ABOUT TACO BELL'S NEW BREAKFAST MENU!

    Freaking kid you not! You betcha!

    And not once ... but TWICE within 15 minutes. The whole freaking menu including golden hash browns and "easy to eat" foods like eggs because it's "convenient" for morning drivers.

    No cheet, main! I'm dyin' if I'm lyin'. It was in the 11 pm hour and I'm sure it was in the "nooze cycle" with Peter Finch, too.

    No, the web for KGOne STILL has Doug McIntyre's picture on it. They must be holding a spot open in case Dough flops like he did before doing mornings on KABC in El Lay.

  15. KGOne is Done & Done ... Disrespecting loyal listeners is always bad business ... Where we go the advertisers will follow. See Ya KGOne!

  16. Their slogan should be: KGO News: It's like the Internet, but a day later.

  17. Rohnert Park ListenerJanuary 28, 2012 at 7:56 AM

    AM radio began its free-fall with the increase of insipid and obnoxious ads. I just can't take the insult to my adulthood. I've left AM for the pleasantry of KDFC classical music (NO ADS!)

  18. You and I may be appalled by the audaciousness of the KGOne teevee spots, but we are not the target audience. They obviously are aiming for those who can be swayed by the "perception is reality" theory of advertising. This is the same approach used by politicians when they repeat a lie long and hard enough until people eventually believe it.

  19. "'re new home for fresh news at 8 to 8:20 am"

  20. I will know that Cumulus has achieved its ultimate cost cutting goal when I hear the Star Spangled Banner played at midnight, followed by 6 hours of static (which would be a programming improvement, by the way).
