Friday, January 27, 2012

KTVU's New Look; Sleek and Sophisticated; UPDATE

KTVU is about to unveil a new set, complete with a sleek new news desk and a Star Wars-looking weather area.

It's been awhile since Channel 2-- still dominant at night, (with its vaunted "Ten O'Clock News"), but rather ordinary at 5 and 6, (ratings-wise) has changed the scenery. I like the new appearance --time for a change.

What do you think?

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  1. KRON is still rocking the set and colors and logo from 2000. They can't pay some kid off of Craigslist or do a trade out with Academy of Art for a new logo set ?

  2. Not if they're in the market for a new building. They'll wait until they have the new building and build the new set there.

  3. yes but anchor desks don't fit well in telephone booths..

  4. Shame they have that new hi-tech Star Wars weather center but no newsworthy weather to report on.

  5. NBC 11 just got a new weather "center"... and their new graphics package looks terrible!! The font on the CG's look like times new roman. Does it get any more staid? Maybe KRON's graphics are worse. snooze....
