Thursday, January 26, 2012

The WorldWide Radio Summit

Take a look at the Keynote speakers, especially the first one from the left.

You want to know what's wrong with radio? Yeah, can't wait, Tricky Dickey.


  1. I really do wonder what the future of radio is. So many stations are available on-line, and so many carry the same programming, you wonder what the point of national syndication is.
    Throw in the massive consolidation in the industry between stations, content and content providers, it's hard to keep track (it almost seems like everyone is in some partnership with someone else) For instance, Oaktree owns a big stake in Cumulus and also owns Dial Global.
    I think quality live and local is the only future.

  2. God help us if people such as Lew Dickey are the ones who will decide the future of radio. This guy knows as much about radio as a sixth
    grader with ADD!

    1. Now wait just a second 6:28, I resemble that remark!

  3. White males. Good old white boy network.

    1. Agreed! And I'm a white male!

      I suspect there would be far better variety in radio programming if there were a better variety in the broadcast radio leadership. By that I do not mean broadcast radio bean-counters (hello Lew).

  4. Hey, Rich. So appreciate your blog! I read it every day.

    I know this is a lot to ask, but what the hell: Can you tweak your system to allow a thumbs up or down? Not just you, but for the comments.

    Also, while I appreciate your gate protection, and only approving certain seems like a lot of work! Letting guests comment and comment directly on the last comment would make this site way more interactive and fun! And you COULD delete inappropriate after the fact.

    Hee hee! Don't you just love us armchair critics telling you how to do your job?

    with utmost respect and admiration,
    ANON forever!

    1. I agree with the thumbs up/down - or even a like button. I often want to show my support, but not necessarily have anything to add to the conversation.

    2. I'm for a like button, too.

  5. I agree with the comments re: the all white panel. Talk about old boy network. I am surprised that Joe Kennedy, ceo of Pandora would soil his reputation by sharing the stage with Lew Dickey. As a matter of fact, why would anyone share the stage with Dickey? What is Dickey's vision for radio? Decimate every station and then run syndicated programming from Atlanta? Wow what an innovator. Muther fucker! God I hate him...

  6. I bet Lee Hamer already has his front row tickets reserved.

  7. Any way you could go to that convention ...? As a journalist? It'd sure be gratifying having you there to raise some hell.

  8. Rich,

    I know people have voiced support for 910 and KQED, but I was wondering if people had other suggestions on how they are getting their post-KGO radio fix. Perhaps local shows from out of the area available via the Internet? Listened to the post-debate discussion on the Jim Bohannon Show out of station in Rhode Island tonight. JB is a righty, but he isn't a bomb-thrower and actually discusses the issues with callers. Not bad from 7-10 p.m. Pacific. I'm still hoping to find an intelligent show from 10 p.m. on.

  9. Keynote speaker about what? How to take down a one time best radio station in 5 minutes. Turns my stomach.

  10. Frauds, fools and crooks...all of them!

    Can't believe that anyone would want to take the time to listen to these putzes talk about a medium that they've essentially ruined.

    The only thing these guys care about is making money. Why didn't they become investment bankers or Wall Street brokers and leave a venerable industry alone?

  11. I would love to go to that up with a bunch of flyers....and distribute them for all to read and get educated as to what happenned at KGO. Hey, sure would be good if somebody withour midset showed up mingled and even spoke if given the opportunity. Hmmmm...what can be done?

  12. Why don't we all chip in and help buy a plane ticket to get one of our high profile advocates to attend that meeting and participate in the Q&A that is supposed to take place afterward. Hell, let's a handful of people to go there and take over the meeting! We could really make an impact!

  13. Because they want to rob, chew up, and spit out the remnants! Really quite simple really!

  14. Go Get 'Em, Frustrated Bay Radio Listeners! The Date is set, make sure THEY DO NOT CANCEL for any reason! If you have to hide or fake boastfulness to make sure that you'll confront Tricky Dickey, then do whatever it takes to get the message across!

  15. Since the whole KGO debacle I've been listening to KSRO AM 1350 the local station out of Santa Rosa. They have Steve Jaxon's afternoon show called The Drive from 3-6pm, so far it's been a great show with live and really interesting diverse guests for example Ken Jennings the Jeopardy winner, Daniel Ellsberg to Tim Flannery SF Giants 3rd base coach/musician promoting a fundraising concert to support injured fan Brian Stow...So who needs KGO?? Support local talk radio KSRO, KKSF and KQED!

  16. It's only a six hour drive down to Hollywood. Definately worth a ponder, in terms of Occupy.

  17. Lee Hammer will be sitting in the front row leading the cheers!
