Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Everyone Hates Stanley - People Behaving Badly

Our beloved Stanley Roberts, (KRON), gets love from the natives and we most appreciate it.


  1. Give 'em hell Stanley! KRON, PAY THE MAN!

    1. Clearly you are a brainwashed, pathetic follower thinking your own shit doesn't stink. Last I remember we are all human ESPECIALLY you. Don't get it twisted, Stanley has many demons in his closet and only shows others behaving badly to divert the attention off himself you dumb moron.

  2. Stanley is kind of an ass. You film people doing bad things...what are they going to do, thank you?
    I hate when he sucks up to the cops..even when SF has those confusing street signs...Stanley loves to see the hard workers pay.
    And he likes to play up himself the big angry black man.."test me sucka". When he was on "Check Please" he noticed all the white people looked at him at a Petaluman bistro. They probably did,I don't doubt it...but Stanley enjoys it.

    1. Yeup and Stanley is not like this saint, he is human, people make it seem like he does nothing wrong when he's doing all the things he films others doing and more!

  3. Hey 9:59 if they're stupid enough to be doing bad things and Stanley's around to film them whose fault is that? Seems to be pretty simple, don't do dumb things. This video reminds me of the idiot on his cell phone doing 50 mph on 92 awhile back who flipped me off because I had the audacity to change lanes and drive past him.

    I agree with 9:30, give em hell Stanley.

    1. You are exactly the type of brainwashed idiots we have on this earth and a hypocrite at that. I can't wait till we catch your pathetic ass doing something badly, and you better not cry like a bitch when you get caught. Watch what you say and make sure you have your shit straight, because 9 times outta 10 I bet you do not because you are human like the rest of us, dumbfuck.

  4. I hear the skiing on Haight Street is great!

  5. A depressing city full of freaks and misfits with bad weather. You can have it.

  6. He's a idiot. What's the point of being a rat? busted me. Whats your point? IDK - is this the best KRON can do to fill up time? Whatever...

  7. 9:59 & 10:41 -likely the same losers. Wah Wah Wah

  8. PBB and Gary and Alicia are the ONLY reason I MIGHT tune to KRON anymore... although that Robyn Winston girl is kinda cute- just saw one of her weather reports... and unlike some of the other KRON weather girls, she sounds as if she's done the weather before.

  9. 904-The only black man he like's, is one who's a fascist snitch. Fucking republican troll posters again.

  10. 10:41 checking in...
    Wow - I'm amazed at how some people find their way to a blog such as this to spew their cowardly rhetoric. For the record, the 1041 post was my only post. I am not the same person who posted earlier.

    In addition, I'm not a troll or a republican - if you were referring to me.
    I truly am amazed that this clown Stan is revered as much as he evidently is. Fortunately I'm not a law breaker so I don't expect to ever have to interact with the buffoon. But again, its amazing the following he seems to have.

    1. You said it man. It is amazing how many idiots he has following him, and get this...if that were them being caught doing something, they would have their wussy mouths open crying about it as if they are right. People like these are hypocrites and really make it a bad place for the rest of us to live in the world. If people behave really badly, trust me, God is gonna get them, we don't need a coon running around catching everyday menial things most people do most everywhere in the damn world! The people who are encouraging Stanley are the same people who would throw his ass under the bus if they found out how he behaves badly LOL Stanley's black ass would be assed out then. And furthermore, these people following him are no better than anybody else, these are the naive people who think because you follow the law, your life will be perfect and everything goes your way. They have another thing coming to them and I love the look on naive people's faces when they think they are doing right and shit hits the fan and their lil fairytale world crashes down to reality anyway.

      Reality has if (you dumb arrogant fucks) that life isn't always fair no matter how much you obey the rules and you will yourself break them at one point or another. And I'm sure most of you already have so SHUT THE FUCK UP about coon ass stanley!
