Sunday, July 9, 2023

Thurston Mistakes KGO for KCBS; KRON Won't Officially Replace Pam Moore; Advice to KPIX/CBS: Better Take Care of Betty Yu; Sunday Media Brunch


Pat Thurston was about to interview a kid about lego, Saturday afternoon on KCBS when she began with, "welcome to KGO."

*KRON won't officially replace Pam Moore with a new anchor. They don't have to. Sure, Nexstar is cheap and certified bottom-linish --anything that would involve spending more money is a no-no.

KRON will simply rotate anchors --such as Catherine Heenan and Justine Waldman--with Ken Wayne nd let it be. The ratings will stay the same no matter what and the days of bringing in a star anchor is long gone.

So KRON will be KRON, can you blame 'em?

KPIX, via CBS has a MAJOR decision to make and they best not screw it up: PAY Betty Yu.

I have always been a Betty Yu advocate. She is bright, interesting and bold, a highmark you don't see much today.

Which, among other things, CBS must not blow it and get Countess Yu extended.

*NO, the bulk of KGO-TV personnel were spared the indignity of being let go by ABC/Disney. I wrote that I "hope I'm wrong" about rumored mass layoffs at the ABC O/O's. Instead, it was ESPN that took the brunt of the Disney purge.

Circle7, minus a few non, on-air people largely escaped the purge.

Breathe a little easier, KGO, for now.

*That "little skirmish" --how it was described by a few--in the newsroom of a Bay Area TV station was anything BUT...

The incident is being investigated by an internal probe.

But one of the involved has called a LOYAH!


  1. Seeing as tho half of the Bay Area can't even watch KRON due to the ATT dispute does it really even matter who replaces Pam?

    1. Hello, get it free off the air, all you need is a good antennae, duh!

    2. Most people don't want to go to that hassle just for a few local tv shows, duh.

    3. @12:03 & @3:28 Cut the cord with Comcast & Direct TV in 2016 and using antennae (in SF yet) and saved tons of money, using YOU Tube for everything slse

  2. A rerun today from last week of KCBS "In Depth" from last week. What a crock!

  3. If you didn’t write about KRON I wouldn’t know they were still on the air

  4. Now I miss hearing Len Tillem.

  5. Boy, I could think of some KGO people I'd love to see go:

    Empress Ming and her hatchet man, Julian Glover
    Reggie Aqui
    Luuuuuuth Peña
    Dan Ashley for facilitating the whole mess with his smug "We're building a better Bay Area" demeanor. He's done everything in the virtue signaling camp except adopt a brown baby.

    1. Hear, hear! Ysseuh!!!! especially reggie and ming

  6. KCBS, what a total joke. In Depth, their only good show, was on this morning and was it In Depth? No! Simply a re-airing of two Ask An Expert shows back to back. And in the show was more global warming, bashing the Supreme Court, liberal propaganda. What KCBS has become is a political arm of the left with rehashed, washed-up KGO retreads. Plus, the same stories repeated again and again twenty times a day. I am a pretty positive person but it is just too much now. I have nowhere to go now. KSFO is nothing but right-wing politics. KGO is un-listenanble. I can't get Bloomberg where I live.

    1. @5:10 Not only that we started for the central valley 7/8/23 9 Am via 580 to 99; just a mention of traffic incident on Altamont pass near N Flynn road, didn't mention HUGE BACKUP, so we were stuck going up Altamont pass, took 2 hours to get through, had we gotten details like in the past we would've postpone trip, olden traffic reporting is sorely missed, thanks for nothing KCBS

    2. Did they take over running the Commondumbass Club interviews on Sundays when KGO went belly up? Now that was liberal propaganda. It was like sitting in a room of the SF Board of Dumbasses talking about what a great job they're doing for the city.

    3. Listen to KQED!

    4. Now, 5:10, you'll be stuck in your house as temperatures rise, brought about by global warming you don't think is real , reading stories about supreme court justices accepting bribes which makes you cry warm tears.

    5. I agree with 5:10. I am a climate scientist and there is no real evidence of global warming in the true data. In fact, as a planet, we are much cooler that we were over the last 500,000 years. Global warming is simply the new acid rain propaganda that scientists are pushing to agree with the age thinking of today. Plus, they can't get jobs if they are global warming deniers, in industry or academia. And as far as climate change goes, climates change every day, that is what climates do. It is a non-issue. Over the past three years it was covid, covid, covid on KCBS and now that the covid is over they rely on climate change, global warming, racism, reperations to drive non-existent ratings. It is media herd mentality again and again. Not just on the left although the left is much more guilty that the right as far as those issues go but the right has their favorite issues that are totally wrong too. Finally, as far as the supreme justices go, on both sides they were taking favors and bribes too so 9:57 get off your liberal talking points and see both sides as evil.

    6. @2:35 I totally agree with you about the climate, 9:57 is watching too much CNN, needs to balance all cable channels to see difference

    7. Yes, climates change. The crazies point to the supposedly stronger hurricanes around the world but ignore the facts that the bigger ones usually happened 100 years ago. But when you are blind to the facts and drink the kool-aid, nothing will change your mind.

    8. @2:35 & 7:15 Ever since crazy AOC came out with the "Green New Deal" how much money is sunk into "Climate Change Agenda?" Christ O' Mighty; I / we got news for them, climate is ALWAYS changing

  7. I am not a fan of Betty Yu. I am a fan of Betty Crocker.

    1. Betty Crocker doesn’t have duck lips

    2. @5:38 Who gives a F F?

  8. Based on Betty yu’s Instagram I think she is doing just fine. Fine dining, high fashion almost every night

    1. Yeah. Seems to be doing just fine on her current contract.

  9. What’s with the “little skirmish” tease Mr. Breaking News? Was it just guys or better, like a Seinfeld-esque episode catfight? Don’t leave us hanging long!

    1. He's checking his "facts." Yours sincerely, Gina Lollabrigida

  10. Barely any signal from KTVU this evening, tho other stations from Sutro Tower, like KPIX, come in strong.

  11. Betty Yu is overrated. Just like Rendon. She was paired with Haener the other night and was stumbling and missing camera locations. Star struck by Haener?

  12. Your probably right Rich. KRON won't replace Pam Moore with a new anchor but they could hire another new MMJ reporter from Chico, Fresno or Bakersfield...

    1. KGO hired reporters from Chico and Bakersfield......

  13. Pat Thurston is a joke....she simply does not belong on the airwaves...please find other employment...

    1. She's was awesome on KGO 810 until someones screwed the pooch and pulled the plug.

  14. Pat Thurston is a talk show host. She did some great interviews on KGO. I think she feels limited because she is not supposed to voice her opinion. I wonder if she had offers for a talk show. According to Rich she had several offers, she chose KCBS because it was local. I think she made a mistake.
