Saturday, July 8, 2023

Saturday Press; Circle7 Workplace Hell; Jon Miller Giants Workload a Grind (I Guess); Somerville Seen in DTO; Veronica De La Cruz Points to Bay Homecoming

AT KGO (ABC7) THESE DAYS: like KTVU, anyone with a life, wants out. A race to leave the mouse house.

"Just a real lousy place to work" a key newsroom staffer told me.

Circle7 used to be a magical place, now a certified mine field.

*Jon Miller was so tired of working as Giants lead broadcaster, he decided to ask for a week off, (this week) in front of a week off, (next week, All-Star break), yeah, that sitting in a booth and first-class travel is a real grind.

*Seen walking near the Grand/Broadway corridor in Downtown Oakland near his condo, Frank Somerville, probably thinking out loud, "how did all this shit happen?" Only you know, Frank.

It wasn't that long ago that Frank was making $600Kplus, 31 years at KTVU and a great family life to boot. Then? Never mind.

*DON'T BE SURPRISED if you see Veronica De La Cruz BACK in the Bay Area soon, this fall, perhaps, just not at KPIX, (duh!) but real close. It's a case where it's good to know close friends in high places and VDLC needs all the friends she can get.

That's all good in my world because I really did like Ms. De La Cruz, thought she was a real good anchor --just too much drama off the camera.


  1. Veronica de la Cruz, Pam Moore's replacement???

    1. I remember the good ol days at KGO when Van Amburg slapped the shit out of Craft and said “Go get me a goddam coffee!!”

  2. WTF...Frank Somerville.
    He told the KRON-4 interview with Pam Moore that he got the DUI because he was hungry and wanted taco bell.
    Who the hell makes 600k a year and eats taco bell ??
    Frank is just a talking salad bowl.

    1. When you make north of 600k a year you're not allowed to have fast food anymore? I guess I should limit my salary to 599,999.99.

    2. "Who the hell makes 600k a year and eats taco bell ??"

      Plenty of people. Many rich and famous people (Trump, Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Adele, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West) eat fast food all the time.

    3. @4:22 You forgot ME

  3. Are you sure Frank wasn't bar-hopping?

  4. For once I agree with you about Jon Miller, this is quite an extended break. He and his wife travel a lot in the offseason so just have to wonder why he'd be doing that now?

    1. @1:49 People get tired, until AI take over people are entitled to some time off

  5. The ESG\ DEI roadmap to commercial suicide is in effect with many. Disney is hemorrhaging money with no end in sight. Cue the crocodile tears. Run, don't walk to the exits people! Narcissus, I mean John Miller...why are you surprised? Frank? Scouring the pavement looking for loose change to get that 40 oz. VDLC/Sybil.Why? Haven't learned your lesson Bay Area?

    1. Love it if Disney loses more and more. They are toxic now.

    2. The Mouse House has been exposed. Like the great Oz, we now see what lurks behind the curtain...It's worse than we thought.

    3. @ 3:46 @6:53 Since Disney gotten "Woke" (Wow, libbies hate that word, watch how they get all woken over this) I / we've decided not to patronize any programs, films or travel to Disney's amusement park and wow! Did we save a ton of money not going to "woke" BS

    4. @10:28 1st time going to Disneyland I believed admission was $17.00; minimum wages was about $1.75 If I can remember, thought that was a lot of money; unbelievable how expensive it is now; no more kids to bring or I'll be broke

    5. @3:46 Disney World is losing patrons, from what I read lines are loosy goosy, come out with stupid agendas they will pay the price, Google it

    6. @10:37 Just read Disneyland is losing patronage also, slowest 4th of July in 10 years, don't feel sorry for them, you reap what you sow, see Bud & Target

  6. Good job today Richard.

  7. coldhandswarmheartJuly 8, 2023 at 4:00 PM

    VDLC again?! You'd think rumored Bay Area news station possibly hiring her would be aware of her diva antics.
    Expects over $600k/year yet doesn't move ratings needle, demand cushy high profile newscast time(s) yet take unprecedented time off citing vague family issues and injury citing HIPAA laws, all the while alienating management and staff?
    She's a train wreck waiting to happen. Let the/her games begin!

    1. If the rumor is true about VDLC coming back to the Bay Area, it just shows how pathetic these media management assholes, have no clue. May as well bring Frank back for a total clown show.

  8. If Frank was "thinking out loud" you wouldn't have to wonder what he was thinking.

    1. More bourbon and don't forget the ice

  9. Saw her anchoring on a cable news channel. Still don't understand the appeal.

    1. Me neither if you're talking about VDLC.

  10. To the station that hires VDLC:

    Good luck with that.

  11. Frank has been unmasked as the pathetic empty suit I always thought he was. He hid behind a sanctimonious demeanor and an adopted brown baby for virtue signaling while he banged girls 1/4 his age behind the scenes.

  12. I'll give Jon Miller the benefit of the doubt. He is older after all. And you never really know what's going on in anyone's life. Duane Kuiper lost his wife and nobody outside of his circle even knew she was sick. Also, Veronica DeLa Cruz went missing for a whole year from PIX. Come to find out there were all kinds of tragedies going on behind the scenes that no one in the public knew about.

    Would be great if she came back most likely to someplace like KRON. She was well liked in the Bay Area and adept at her job. From MTV VJ to KPIX broadcaster to a stint at the Newsy network and now back to the bay area amidst a gaggle of personal drama. Sounds like the makings of a good book: De La Cruz: The In-Submersible. (Too soon?? lol)

    1. "She was well liked in the Bay Area... ."

      That sure wasn't reflected on this message board.

    2. @4:45 You are a good and kind soul

  13. If VDLC returns to our local airwaves, then she’ll instantly reclaim her title as biggest drama queen on Bay Area television. Since she’s been away, Andrea Borba and Emma Goss have been battling hard for the title.

    1. Borba? and Goss? They work a combined one day every 6 months. Only titles they’re battling for are “Laziest Reporter” and “Best Excuse Maker.”

    2. Is Julie Haner in the running for the title?

  14. Only someone who is drunk or something cannot be reveal here will hire VDLC. Looks like she doesn’t know what is shame for her actions at KPIX and personal life trying to find a daddy for her child.

  15. 3:46 and 6:53, are you sure about that? Per more than one business article Disney is a hot stock probably in part by realizing where to cut losses/costs including news stations with low ratings and high costs. It is overwhelmingly rated a buy right now and with substantial upside forecasted by about 20 analysts that follow the company closely.

    1. 10:38. Sounds like the exact same article and description of AB InBev.

    2. @10:38 I hope you buy a ton of disney stocks, it's been dropping for 2 years since the BS they're promoting, please buy tons so I can dump it if it goes up just a hair

  16. Constant air travel, no matter what class you are in , is debilitating for anyone, especially a geezer.

  17. Dave Fleming can do college football, college basketball, golf, and other sports contests IN season, but if Jon Miller is off a week, “he’s old, he’s tired, he’s showing his age”. Maybe he had a family wedding, or his wife had a health issue? Give the guy a break. He is a Hall of Famer, and he has earned the right to pick and choose his times off. On top of that, the SF Giants have had several “rookie announce teams” trying out lately - they were OK but not particularly interesting. It is evident that the Giants are reducing all the travel for Miller, Fleming, Kuiper, Krukow (some zero travel), not sure if they are going to jettison the old guys, or reduce the payroll by having them do half the games. From what I hear, the next generation is not ready for prime time. If they get rid of Miller & Fleming, I won’t bother to listen any longer.

    1. Lets fired everyone and have a Cole Kiper/Carmen Kiew booth for next season

  18. FP Santangelo. He’s available.

  19. 2:16 7/9, well almost exact and not sure given your remark if you agree or disagree with me. As I see it most will still go to Disneyland with their kids/grandkids and drink Bud, despite their “values”. Hope they all short the stocks and keep donating to Trump.

  20. Veronica De La Cruz was better than Sarah D. on KPIX IMO.
