Monday, November 1, 2021

Betty Yu; KPIX Ace Reporter is All Style and Grace; with Massive Substance Too

I'VE always been a Betty Yu fan. I have marveled at her work over the years and always been an advocate. She is under-utilized at KPIX; a STAR REPORTER with a tenacious style even as her demeanor shows a very classy, elegant, and graceful look.

This report, about a Safeway in the Upper Market/Castro closing early due to mass shoplifting, is classic Yu.

Yu does her job without having to showboat and screm out, "look at me, look at me." Yes, ofcourse she sometimes has to cater to soial media posts but that's an unfortunate reality in today's TV News environment --not just local news but on the network level nationally and internationally. In a visual medium, it's to be expected and I guess, a prerequisite for media life in the 2020's. I get it.

On the other hand, Yu's work is excellent nonetheless. She is able to report the beat and do so in a rugged manner --as if she understands the reality of superfluous business models that dominate some women TV journalists. Again, Yu moves beyond all of that and takes it to another level. Style and grace are a key aspect of her work even though at times she has to be extra gritty. It's a very delicate balancing act and Yu is able to pull it off on a consistent basis.

Furthermore, when Yu recently was the target of some racist blowhard; a time when she could have seized some notoriety, she instead chose to ignore it and not be party to it. Others would have probably done the opposite.

I'd love to see a lot more of Betty Yu and I know I'm not alone.


  1. "Yu" are definitely not alone in wanting to see more of Betty Yu! I always like to see her and those magnificent duck lips of hers! I mean, WOW! But nobody ever says anything about how it is always BETTY who gets the plum assignments. Story about a megamillion dollar home for sale? Betty will be doing the story. Story about the rise in private jets? Betty does the story, and on and on. Now, I admit, whenever she does one of those stories, you always see Betty Yu decked out in an insanely nice outfit with enough bling to light up Times Square, and she wears it VERY WELL. Thanks for doing this writeup on Betty Yu. As you say, she is steady and does a good job, just like you do, Rich!

  2. Betty Yu personifies what good reporters are supposed to be. I never get the impression that she is inserting her opinion on a story but actually and factually reporting on it.
    Today's "Woke: folks always want to somehow insert their opinions into the story....which is why I very seldom even see local news these days...if I happen to see a promo on a story and see that she will be reporting on it, then I might try to watch.

  3. Rich, we often disagree but you are spot on with regards to Betty Yu. She is fabulous and completely under utilized at PIX. I met her in person once at a gala in SF, she was the MC and I found her very approachable and friendly. Betty is an excellent reporter, National caliber, was front and center on the AAPI hate stories before it became trendy to do so. And she does it without any agenda or PR seeking campaigns. What more could CBS want? Years ago she would anchor on occasion and I enjoyed watching her in the chair opposite Brian Hackney. And I agree with you… the way she handled the recent racist tirade against her was particularly classy and done with poise and grace.

  4. I’m a happily married man. Once I saw Betty Yu in Las Vegas. It was a couple years ago, pre-Covid. She was dining at Morimoto with a handsome Caucasian man who sort of resembled Jake Gyllenhaal. I was going to introduce myself but I noticed her bf had his hands all over her amazing body during dinner. She seemed to really enjoy it. That was the only time I thought about divorcing my wife.

  5. I stand with Betty Yu. solid.. and a looker!

  6. On the contrary Rich, Betty Yu did draw attention to the "racist" attack on her which was nothing more than a publicity stunt to the YouTube a-hole and it worked. As for Betty, she's still a typical look at me TV person but that's ok, we're watching, right?

  7. Betty Yu is definitely an asset to the Bay Area news community. Brooks Jarosz is another no-frills, facts only, top notch reporter. I'm surprised he hasn't been scooped up by a national outlet yet. I fully expect both Betty and Brooks to be on the national circuit as a next step in their respective careers.

  8. That is the only reason why I watch channel 5. She's one of the better reporters compared to the other news shows. I think she came from here so she knows the lay of the land. KPIX would be dumb to lose her.

  9. I’m simply in love with Betty Yu.
