Tuesday, November 2, 2021

KRON's Vicki Liviakis-Grant Lodes A25-54 Mojo


Once again, BEAT NBC Bay Area and PIX. Even smelled a little KTVU, (not that hard anymore) and appears to have LEGS.

KRON's not-so-secret weapon: Vicki Liviakis and Grant Lodes. A combination that excites eyes and ears. If KRON had some PR accumen, it could promote this dynamic duo and make it even more special than it already is. The anchor desk that has an LA look (compliment) with SF flair. It just needs longevity and a little seasoning and could ROCK the Bay. A25-54 Men and Women magic. Now KRON, don't screw it up.


  1. if this was at ktvu they'd be doing the musical chairs thing to the point where no one 'owns' a role and instead the viewer is left with the impression that every position is interchangable and no specific skillset is required. Basically any warm body in the building can do any job. Need a traffic anchor? Pull in a reporter. Need a prime time anchor? Pull in Greg Lee or Jana Katsuyama. Jack of all trades, master of none.

    1. Agree with 11:09. It's good to see that KRON has found a formula that works and one that they can run with. FWIW both Vikki and Grant have blemish-free reputations, unlike their counterparts at ktvu that have been dragged through the mud and thrown under the bus more times than you can count.

  2. Good for them. KRON has had enough bad publicity this past year. When you get rid of your cancer,(Darya's boy toy) good things can happen.

  3. I only tune in on the nights where Vicki's headlights are on full display. If they aren't I flip around for something else.

  4. KRON and ABC7 are the only evening newscasts worth watching. (I don't watch the morning news.)

    OMG! Did I just say "KRON is worth watching" out loud?!

  5. KRON also has a very clean website. No frills, just right!!!

  6. Vicki is solid. She, Pam Moore, Justine Waldman and Catherine Heenan are KRON4 top shelf talent. Other stations in this "market" wish they had talent like this foursome. Especially KTVU, which is stuck with Botox lips (Heather Holmes), Water Wings (Gasia Buy a Vowel) and The Fashionista (Rosie Orozco).

  7. The fact they beat nbc and pix is especially impressive when you consider kron isn’t even available on YouTube TV and some other streaming services. So many cablecutters (which as we know are growing in numbers) never even have the opportunity to check out kron. Also leads me to believe that most people who are tuning into local news aren’t using streaming services to do so.

  8. Thanks for the tip. I haven’t watched KRON since the Raddy days when he would do the Don Rickles act while everyone cringed. I’ve grown tired of KTVU’s “in for Frank” nonsense on a daily basis. It’ll be nice to see Vicki once again I remember being moved when she hosted the New Year’s eve celebration. Made my heart skip a beat aaahhhh

  9. I haven’t watched kron in ages but will definitely have to check them out now. Like 8:01 said, I’m also tired of ktvu. There’s no effort put into their newscasts and it shows. I appreciate you beating the drum of how far ktvu has fallen. As word spreads that there are better alternatives, hopefully their ratings will fall, forcing them to actually put effort into their newscasts and do what they used to do when they truly were a dominant name in news, both locally and nationally.

  10. KRON used to be the NBC Affiliate in the Bay Area

  11. Oh, Rich, you must have tipped back a few too many 'cause you are hallucinating. While Vicki and Grant are capable, the content of the newscasts is still deplorable. The stories are light weight, the reporting is basic and often one-sided or false. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. And as for winning ratings, while this is nothing to sneeze at, it is also looking at smaller and smaller numbers. How many households watch a newscast anymore? Those numbers are dwindling every day. Oh, back to KRON, too many infomercials, commercials, and lame ads.

  12. 5:07 AM nails it completely.
    Not to mention, very little in-depth reporting and far too much COVID hysteria.

  13. To further enhance KRON's viewership, they could provide a 7 day 24 hour weather channel as one of the sub channels on their over-the-air broadcast service, at least from Oct through May. Would be very helpful, potentially protecting both life and property, during the SF Bay Area's winter storm season.

  14. That cannot be his real name. It sounds like a character in a Ron Burgendy film

  15. @4:33 KRON did have that at one point at the start of digital channels. However, the station can have a little income leasing out the channels to Antenna TV, Court TV, or whatever. Money.

  16. Saw a job posting for KRON. Looks like it will be starting a 'life style show'. The job listing is looking for a life style show host and a life style show producer. How much to you want to bet this will be a sales driven show with regular appearances by Dr. Mark Steinberg or some plastic surgeon. Oh boy! Can't wait.

  17. A couple years ago a guy applied to rent a property from us. Anchor in La part time and free lanced in Sacramento. He was on the air under an pseudo name. All his details of his financials checked out but I thought that was odd. When I asked him why, he just said that name sounds better on the news. He was a great tenant for 2 years then he moved on.

    1. 8:35 Way back in the day I worked at KNTV with an Hispanic reporter...with a typical Hispanic last name who used an on-air Hispanic last name that sounded like a character from Don Quixote's Man of La Mancha. I only found out because I saw one of this reporter's paychecks...with the REAL name. When I asked why the name change, the reporter told me consultants suggested a new on-air name, and provide one that "sounded more regal, like, from Spain and not from Mexico."
