Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The February SF Radio Ratings; KGO Officially Irrelevant; KCBS El Crappo; KNBR Gets Called Out and "The Game" Too --The Walls Are Crumbling Down

KGO? now, officially kaput.

KNBR? Once again, you've been REPUDIATED by the Bay Area sports-talk radio public.

You too, The Game (957 FM) --All Sports.

KCBS and your daily bullshit --and 50,000 commercials an hour? Jenny Seelig, you're just so incompetent but whatever.

KQED? Me thinks the walls come crumbling down.

Here's the full Feb. numbers.


  1. Every other day I try to give KCBS another chance even last night during the cyclone 🌀 I had to change the dial! How many times do I have to hear Kareem Abdul Jabbar giving me more health anxiety talking about his Atrial Fibrillation.

  2. Yesterday a KCBS anchor said China’s Xi was visiting Ukraine. A professor on the line pointed out Xi is actually visiting Moscow - it was Japan’s leader who visited Ukraine. Ouch. Do Asian leaders look alike to KCBS? Well, at least we weren’t treated to a typical KCBS report on their vax status.

  3. Another day of mailing it in. No difference that what you ripped Gary of doing,

  4. “🎵 I’m the Credit Man…Nar Nar, Nar Nar… 🎵”

    — Peter Felch and son Davis Felch

  5. KQED is trying to snag a different, younger demographic. Their effort is weak and not moving the needle.
    KNBR gets worse by the day. Not worthy of any adult’s attention.
    KCBS is about the only game in town with its Traffic and Weather, but its repetition of stories is irritating.
    KDFC still soothes the savage beast, and KCSM has some great jazz. KPFA is the antidote for the propaganda being thrown around by big business.

    It is a shame that few of the bigger stations have any fun to listen to - must be hell to go into work. Everyone sounds like they are “mailing it in”, simply waiting for payday. So little creativity.

    1. That's because nobody listens to radio anymore. VW is even considering no longer putting radios in cars. They did a survey and found it was the car's least-used feature.

  6. Rich
    The sad part is KGO is probably the best sports programming we’ve got now. If you can tune the oddsmaking out (not that intrusive actually) it’s not bad. Definitely better than the Sports Pleader

  7. So, KGO 810, once the #1 station, is now second to last. Wow. I wonder if this is on purpose -- to break it up and sell it. This could be a great opportunity to rebuild if o.

  8. Bob "The Little General" AgnewMarch 22, 2023 at 12:40 PM

    Yesterday's KNBR highlight... "Creepy" FP Santangelo played the 8th and 9th inning of the World Baseball Classic game between the US and Japan. Now that's sad! Time to cut the fat and get rid of Smurph and Smack, Jon Lund (useless), Tolbert and definitely Copeland! He brings nothing to the table and has zero sports knowledge. He's lucky his dad got him his job but that gravy train has to be over soon, right?

    1. Hey that was more interesting than his ramblings. Good move on KNBR part.

    2. Copeland needs to go with his constant chuckles at everything.

  9. Concur w/12:26 pm above, may be some sort of ploy.

  10. 12:26 and 1:04, they've effectively already sold it without selling it by selling almost all of their programming time. This isn't a ploy, they've decided it's better financially to do this than to pay to program the station.

    As for KNBR, this isn't particularly shocking at this time of the year. This is their quiet time, between 49ers and Giants. While the number is low, it should bounce back up once the Giants season starts.

  11. KNBR must not have gotten the memo that people don't care about baseball. It's just one long low-energy baseball interview after another. At this point they've interviewed every Giant at Spring Training and now they're working their way thru Giant's alumni. It's so awful.

  12. Does anyone know why Ian Sherr is not on KCBS anymore? His tech segment was on daily at 1:50pm.

  13. I think we should all email Robin Bertulucci and have KFI put a translator in S.F., same with KNX. Even though much of the content would not apply to us at least it would be interesting...

  14. It doesn’t matter if KNBR has either the Giants or the Niners, because anyone with an IQ over 85 will not listen to the dreck either side of the games. There is something very fishy going on there, I cannot believe any of their “programs” generate money.
    Until they hire some intelligent folks, who actually know the role of a reporter, with a sense of humor, and can think fast, I won’t bother wasting my time. Bring on the Games! Kapler is insufferable, while Bochy was a God

    1. Difference between Boch and Kap perfectly captured.

    2. KNBR's (and "The Game's" for that matter) on-air talent are not supposed to be reporters. They are talk show hosts, and their job is to generate interest from the audience. You may not think they are good hosts, and that's fine, but I wouldn't expect news-style reporting from any talk show.

    3. I like the idea of simulcasting KFI on one of SF's deadweight AM's. I remember back in the 80's I thought WNBC should've been simulcast on KNBR. Pre-sports KNBR was pretty much MOR dreck with Frank Dull in the morning and Carter B(oring) Smith in the afternoon. WNBC was a polar opposite. Imus in the Morning and WNBC Time Machine would've been infinitely superior listening to the snoozer of a station that KNBR was

  15. KGO’s ratings are now the same as Bluto’s (John Belushi) GPA in Animal House. 0.0

  16. Why knock baseball? Listen to 3 hours before and 3 hours after the game with Marty Lurie talking about “ the mosaic of the season.” And those long interviews and even longer phone calls from fans seem to reflect Marty’s low key personality.,

    1. Ehh, Marty is okay but his worn out platitude of "well, that's basebwahll for you" gets a bit stale when he doesn't want to talk about a topic, usually linked to the Giants sucking.

      Bill Lasky, on the other hand, is quick to delve into things and his interactions with callers is a delight, made me eager to listen to him after games.

      Marty pre-game and Bill after is a decent balance and worthwhile listening, IMHO.

    2. I truly enjoy Marty Lurie and Bill Lasky shows - generally they are optimistic, and realistic, about the Giants. Unfortunately, they are only on weekends. The rest of the week we get soft-stool murph elucidating, and Kapler using 28 words where 3 will do (the guy loves the sound of his own voice). Afterwards we get Not so Major Player FP turning every replay into “when I was playing…”
      I turn on when the first pitch is about to be thrown, and turn off the radio after the game review.
      Do not get me started about the Oakland A’s radio - what channel? Does their transmitter utilize more than 10 watts? Does it transmit more than 4 miles? The Fishers are pretending to be owners as they intentionally minimize their presence in Oakland.

    3. KGO is listed as a Sports and news station, do they actually have news?

    4. Lurie and Laskey actually talk baseball whereas Smurph and Smack and the rest of KNBR “hosts” talk horse feces. I only listen to KNBR for Giants games when I’m driving, otherwise I watch the games on NBC Sports Bay Area. I am okay listening to Kruk, Kuip, Jon and Dave. They are familiar voices.

  17. couldn't 910 be the news talk station? Who the hell listens to BIN??

  18. We should all respect Cumulus for its persistent dedication and hard work. It took true skill and talent to reduce KGO radio to a N/A in the ratings.

  19. How low can a company go. Cumulus systematically reduced KGO from a respectable rating to not measureable. That takes a particular talent.

  20. Marty Lurie will never say anything negstuve about the Giants because he’s afraid of pissing off Larry Baer. Larry, who hid a shameless mouthpiece for Trump-loving owner Charles Johnson, would probably revoke Lurie’s preferred parking spot next to the ballpark if Marty took the Giants to task for fielding another shabby, mediocre club.

  21. Marty Lurie is soothing wĥen I'm working in the yard on Sundays.

  22. KGO is practically last. They changed the format because they were losing money with talk radio. Cumulus took a gamble and it’s losing even more money.
