Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Chronicle is About To Be Un-Delivered; Jeffrey Vandergrift Body Found; "Wild 94" DJ; Kristen Sze Ego Run Amok at Circle7; Dion Lim Objects; Trixie Doesn't Care; ABC7 Newsroom Gloom/Doom; Anne Makovec/Ryan Yamamoto Blues at KPIX; Kenny Choi Gets It Right; Eric Thomas Flubs Day of Week Twice on KCBS; Seelig Again Clueless; Thursday 415 Media Extravaganza


That SF Chronicle printed paper that used to be DELIVERED to your door in the morning is NO LONGER--as of April 13, the Chron will be mailed to your address--a sign of the times. Frankly, I'm surprised this hasn't taken place sooner.

*Jeffrey Vandergrift's body was found late Wednesday night. He's been missing since Feb. 23. The Wild/94 FM Radio DJ apparently took his own life although the police and medical examiner haven't made cause of death official. Another thing: the cops are talking, quite a bit, to his wife.

Something says to me there's a lot more to this tragic story. Lots more.

*It's common knowledge ABC7 anchor, Kristen Sze, likes to remind everyone at Circle7 she's one of the chosen --she is, having worked there near three decades. It's her method of operation that ticks a lot of people off. It's a nasty, arrogant, MO that reeks of EGO overblown and some feel she's allowed to show her overbearing acts on a regular basis, unchecked.

Here's the problem, in a nutshell: Sze's boss is ND, Tracey Watkowski Silva and Trixie allows Sze full out-f-control mode. In fact, short of actual physical harm, Sze can pretty much do as she pleases. And if you gotta problem with that? Look for another gig.

Unless you're Dan Ashley.

While Sze's power trip is apparently allowed by Trixie, others are beginning to complain more--like Dion Lim and she has lots of power herself. More power than the current schlum, GM, Tom Cibrowski, who has all the gravitas of a Fremont Shell station.

KGO-TV is awash with a lot of DEEP ISSUES--this one is a major one but with Disney looking to sell its ABC stations and overall crappy morale issues plaguing the newsroom, times are exceedingly BAD at 900 Front.

*Anne Makovec should hold the gig currently held by nothing-burger, Ryan Yamamoto. But KPIX brass are clueless and want to ramp up their investment in Yamamoto even though he continues to flail away and become more of a pimple everyday--at Makovec's expense.

She's playing good soldier because, at this point, she has no choice.

When CBS finally sees the light of day, maybe they should do the obvious: get Ryan in the field and give the job to Annie.

But Scott Warren and Lisa White are slightly brain-dead.

*Kenny Choi went to the field and has become PIX's ace reporter post Andria Borba. Common sense is a virtue at 855 Battery.

*On KCBS Thursday morning, Eric Thomas, repeatedly GOT THE DAY WRONG. Twice in a span of two minutes, he said, "Tuesday" instead of "Thursday." But there was more.

Thomas regularly flubbed his lines to a point where he was, frankly, UNLISTENABLE. It's not something that happenes now and then, it's an everyday deal and it's EMBARRASSING.

But clueless and incompetent Jenny Seelig wants to double down on her choice of Thomas as an AM drive anchor, which is a JOKE and everyone at KCBS knows it.

Except, Jenny.

What else is new.


  1. His wife was a "look at me" type woman with half naked pictures all over the internet. Registered Democrat I'm sure.

    1. Exactly... just like Lauren Boebert and MTG.

    2. Boebert and MTG? If you're desperate.

    3. 12:55 is rubbing one out to AOC pictures.

    4. 12:55 occasionally rubs one out to Omar.

    5. Good to see Kenny getting some love. He's actually a pretty cool dude.

  2. Was the finals of the World Baseball Classic available on Bay Area radio? I couldn't find it.

  3. Eric Thomas is fine when he just does news stories that they can edited. As for a live anchor it is very hard to listen too.

  4. Even the buffoons at BART police could solve the JV case. 3AM suicide note. Body found floating in the Bay a month later. Guess they haven't finished the suicide nets on the Golden Gate Bridge yet.

    1. In their defense I'm sure they find bodies floating all the time. Od's and the such coming out of SF. It happens in liberal cities.

    2. "Liberal cities" spoken like a true MAGAt. Keep the politics out of it chief.

  5. Because of kristen I don't watch abc7 news, throw in reggie and you'll have a clown show

    1. I like them both. They used to work together on the 11 am broadcast. But as I recall there was a falling out over their Hot Topics segment one day in which Kristen said she rarely gives her personal opinion on these topics. Reggie quipped, 'then what are we doing here'. Hot Topics ceased to exist after that. And Reggie and Kristen haven't been seen on air together since. Perhaps lending creedance to the saying, 'it's not me it's you'. lol

      He fills in at 11 sometimes now when she's not there. Make of that what you wish. For those who don't like him or her for that matter, there are thousands of others who do. All these stations play to demographics, if you think about it. How else do you explain the Ryan Yamamoto hiring over there at PIX??

    2. Well, I really like Kristen and I can't stand Dion Lim. Isn't it interesting how people can have different opinions?

  6. So if the Chronicle starts to come by US mail does it mean that they will merge the Saturday and Sunday papers into a weekend paper for delivery on Saturday or will the Sunday edition come by mail on Monday? Seems like the USPS trucks in the neighborhood on Sunday are just delivering Amazon stuff.

  7. I complained to the Chron, knowing it wouldn’t change a damned thing. Who the hell wants a paper a day, or two, late? It’s not like they have a stable of must-read columnists. So my lazy Sunday mornings will be over my IPad, I guess. This sucks

    1. From what I see if you read it 2 or 3 days later you won't notice much difference.

    2. You'll get your Sunday paper on Tuesday. Just change it to lazy Tuesday mornings.

    3. Perhaps they can just change the dates printed on the paper so that it looks like the paper is arriving a day or more early.

    4. Why do apple dorks always refer their "iphone" or "ipad" instead of just "phone" or "tablet"?

    5. I read a couple of local (elsewhere) epapers (subscriptions) and I noticed that they kind of drop most world and national news and just focus on the local stuff. One newspaper group consolidates all the world/national news in a special section that gets appended to all the epapers published by the newspaper group. So their newsroom (what's left of it) only deals with the local stuff.

    6. So this is the first I'm hearing about this. So no more morning paper? WTH? I refuse to read my newspaper on my phone or computer. Never will. Sorry, I want to remain old school about some things. And I'm sure the subscription cost won't be coming down. That's a given.

    7. Saw the news about the SF Chron here...called the circulation department to confirm and got the news that yes, home delivery is ending the middle of April and the USPS will deliver the print edition.

      The Sunday Chron will be delivered either with the Monday or Tuesday mail delivery.

      My mail carrier hadn't heard the news until I told him. He's hoping he won't have to fold and band the papers and carry a separate canvas bag. He also said he's not doing any collections.

      Someone I know in the business said this is a prelude to just ending the print edition all together.

      As a 50+ year subscriber, I'm done. I'm not spilling my orange juice and cereal on my tablet in the morning.

  8. Used to deliver "The Examiner" when I was a young pup.Damn! I hated Sundays. Having to fold all my inserts, stuff my canvas bag and off I would go. My route was like the Giro d' Italia. I would save a cigarette for a certain hilltop. I can still see that kid savoring that schmag in the darkness and howling wind. Good times! The D.J. What a waste. Weird shit happens. I'll leave it at that. The remainder involving the "talent" and network brass is nothing more than insecurity feeding insecurity. Nobody will accept responsibility and be held accountable, because the sad reality is. Nobody gives a shit! You can cry wolf and preach to the choir all you want.Tyranny and incompetence unchecked or unchallenged. The song remains the same. The expression of the pup in the closing piece says it all. Mildly bemused but still disgusted and disappointed.

  9. End of Chron delivery after 150 years might be considered a significant news story, but I haven’t heard any report about it on “all news” KCBS - though they’ll cover every twist and turn of Twitters finances. I’ll bet they’d also cover the Chrons finances - if Elon owned it. But as it is they don’t seem to cover the Chron as much as cover FOR the Chron.

    1. I read the app. It’s great!!!!

    2. They're too busy having Rothmann on for half-an-hour at a time reliving his KGO days. "Trump! Republicans! January 6th!". And that was just last week.

    3. Rothmann should be their traffic guy. “I haven’t seen so much traffic around Union Square since Harry Truman headlined that dinner for Kefauver at the St Francis”

  10. I’m guessing Kristen Sze is in her early 50’s. She’s not going anywhere and KGO isn’t getting rid of her or Ama. Dion Lim is used to being the 3rd banana by now. And in 7-8 more months Dion will be a once in a blue moon reporter. Kinda like Mary Lee showing up to do the weather today on KPIX.

    1. Could we ship empress sze, annoying aqui and irritating folsom to lala land so they can experience our pain? I know I know, wishful thinking

    2. I dont care for Sze since she seems to talk down to the viewer. I dont like being lectured like a child when watching the news

  11. Is Frank Somerville headed to Kron4?

    1. Not unless there's a bar named Kron4.

    2. Looks like Pam Moore will be interviewing him on a recorded broadcast pn Tuesday, March 28th at 10pm (which will complete with KTVU Fox2 10'Oclock News.

    3. Anytime Mike M. :)

  12. Kristen Sze should be the first one back on the fields replace by Dion Lim. Both are Asian and Taiwanese and Kristen should feel shame due to her demotion on TV, she like to bash someone same race same color. Try to do the same dirty thing to Ama, let's see and the Morning crew made up of 2 pride reporters and 2 color decent reporters adding on Ama, time to show Kristen what is manners when Kristen is so hard to watch...watching a mean old teacher on TV.

    Time to cancel all newspapers, who reads it???

    1. "Both are Asian and Taiwanese and Kristen should feel shame due to her demotion on TV, she like to bash someone same race same color."

      It makes me laugh to think you believe people of the actual races feel the same guilt that white liberals project everywhere. Who wants to use the term LatinX? Is it latinos? No, they hate it. But whites insist. Who sees "institutional racism" everywhere? Whites? Who wants to give every black $5 million dollars for something they didn't even suffer themselves? Whites. The NAACP and other black activist groups don't want it. But it makes white liberals feel good.

    2. @3:15 - I agree with everything you said except "The NAACP and other black activist groups don't want it" Of course they do! They perpetuate that message all the time too! A money grab opportunity will never be turned down.

  13. Hey @1:17PM, had the competitor's (Chronicle) route during mid-70's. At least you got to sleep-in six days a week! :) The worst part was having to 'collect' at the end of the month and taking deposits to BofA. There'd always be two or three households: "can you come back?" We now find ourselves asking that same question to yesteryear's on-air talent.

    1. LOL! So true. Collecting was a pain in the ass as you well know. You had to make your bill first and if some deadbeat gave you the "can you comeback story" it was your problem.
      I was a heartless little bastard and didn't care. I would lie in ambush at night sometimes to collect back payment. I had an alcoholic manager with a mean penchant for trying to cheat me. I learned quickly. Always had a few housewives who would always "conveniently' great me in their bath robes. Yeaah buddy! Ahh...Better days, Van, Jerry and Pete. They were kings!

  14. Don't blame Sze; she learned the behavior from Cheryl Jennings...

    1. It’s like office politics. You have to have sharp elbows when there’s competition for only a few anchor desk jobs. Like the Frank Zappa song goes “The Meek Will Inherit Nothing”.

  15. I look for Audrey AsistiĆ³ to take over one of the 5pm news anchors seats by years end. Janelle and Jessica need to start thinking of what’s next.

    1. Audrey Asistio is an excellent anchor and reporter. NBC Bay Area should send the Indian Walter Cronkite packing to New York, Chicago or SoCal.

      They should keep Jessica Aguirre and Janelle Wang. I favor the following lineup.
      4:30 Asistio
      5:00 Aguirre and Wang
      6:00 Asistio and Aguirre
      7:00 Wang
      11:00 Asistio

      Each anchor gets 90 minutes. It’s fair and equitable. I don’t believe that a news team has to have one and one female anchor side by side.

    2. Who even watches NBC Bay Area...

    3. Audrey gives you two good reasons to tune in

  16. At least the paper will be dryer than the sopping mess I receive!

  17. Never heard of Natasha Yi before this story. But I will say this: her Instagram account does not look like one of a "happily married woman," but rather a single woman looking for a sugar daddy.

  18. It’s 10:58pm as the Bay Area hold its breath as to what Donchey will be wearing tonight. What variation of green is on tap!?

    1. No Donchey tonight, Goodrich in a fablious red

  19. I 'subbed' for a friend down the street who had the Chronicle paper route. Up early to fold the papers, a customer list for any adds/deletes/vacation-holds, and off I went 6AM for several weeks when he was out of town.
    Paper routes were a good part-time job for teenagers. It taught how to be responsible & dependable and how to interact with people (e.g. collecting the monthly payment.) Even Warren Buffett had 3 paper routes when he was a kid. Sorry to see newspapers move to the USPS.

  20. Ryan is very robotic, but calling him a nothing burger is quite harsh. Whoever recruiting him should probably not be placed in the same position again. On the other hand, Elizabeth Cook is great. She's almost on the level of Juliette Goodrich.

  21. More Elizabeth Cook.

  22. Kristen Sze on a power trip? Geez… this lady just can’t get over herself. Just watch the newscast, pay attention to the body language. She’s extremely self conscious and often unsure of herself. When Dion or another beautiful female newscaster does well or makes an excellent point you can see how uncomfortable Sze gets. It’s too bad because she was once a bright star but has since tarnished any reputation of that when she drafted that lame petition for other female journalists to sign. Love how she capitalized “HORSE FACE!” in that letter. You can tell it’s obviously from her. She needs to do more to get back her massive viewership. People aren’t tuning in for her anymore. Maybe if she flashed more ‘upskirt panty shots’ that would have a huge spike in ratings for her. I remember about a year or two ago, for about a week straight, she was flashing really high skirt shots towards the camera. You could see the sexy floral decor at the top of her white thigh high stockings. I’m sure I’m not the only person that noticed. I would love to see what a massive spike the ratings had during that time. She has great sex appeal and her breasts continue to grow bigger with age. In order to get the masses of audience back to tuning in just for her, she definitely needs to start showing some of that sexy body. Just my opinion.

  23. The fact that incompetent boobs such as Lee Hammer and Jen Seelig are in positions of power in radio is proof positive that radio industry has gone into the toilet. They are both Shameless lapdogs for clueless management. Hammer is truly one of the most dense people in radio. Seelig has helped turn morale at KCBS to an all time low. And minor league announcers such as Joe Hughes or people such as Megan Goldsby who sound daffy Duck? KCBS’ morale is like that on the Titanic when it was going down.Meanwhile, Jen Seelig reminds me of a frantic, overworked, underpaid and UNQUALIFIED news director I worked with years ago who was eventually fired. But it won’t make ANY difference who is running KCBS, KNBR or KGO anymore because Cumulus and Audacy are clueless. Just listen to any of those stations sometime for about 5 minutes while you’re driving around the Bay Area. They used to be the Gold Standard of Bay Area radio. Now they sound more like Fresno or Spokane radio with their minor league voices and constant technical screwups!

  24. Seeing how affected Reggie Aqui is, I'm almost suspecting that he makes sure that the tag of the tea bag is sticking out of his cup onto the desk so that everybody KNOWS it's tea (better for you) instead of coffee.
