Monday, March 20, 2023

Exclusive: Is Warriors' Press Corps Keeping Mum on Andrew Wiggins --MIA Story? Looks Very Possible; "Shocking Story" They Don't Want You To Know


THOSE IN THE KNOW--and there's a few--TELL ME that something YOU SHOULD KNOW--is quite shocking.

Surprising? No, but yeah, shocking, a little.

The story? A good majority of the Warriors' press corps knows the reason(s) as to why Andrew Wiggins has been absent from the team's games well over a month now--a story that has made not only the local media circuit but national media domain.

Outside the margin: the reason isn't a life/death issue, just profoundly compelling and uneasy in a bizarre way. And again, THEY KNOW. They won't report it out of courtesy to Mr. Wiggins and maybe the Dubs themselves.

It's not the gospel --but there's a lot of legitimacy to the inside dope.

Here's the oddity: NO ONE is talking --even off the record.

Contacts --and they are well above the pay grade--insist the story is so tight even the regular writers and broadcasters--some who even travel with the Warriors--haven't talked and WILL NOT TALK, even, I'm t old it's a legitimate story to report.

I'VE REACHED OUT to some key media reps to talk about this and await, if any, their response.

Don't hold your breath.




  1. It's fine that the Warriors' press corps knows the reason and not saying anything. It's none of our business, and even if AW gets back in the starting lineup, the team is no where near as good as last year and is outclassed.

  2. I’m hoping Wiggins comes back before the the playoffs and GP II also comes back. Rich I’m shocked no one from the Warriors inner circle has confided with you.

    Actually with Wiggins away and GP II out has given Kuminga a lot more playing time.

  3. I wrestle back and forth with player privacy vs. the public's desire to know what's really going on with Andrew Wiggans. They are professional athletes. And they get paid handsomely to entertain the masses. Personally, I'd like to know or at least have some general idea of what would cause a player like that to miss over a third of a season at a critical time like this when The Warriors are floundering mightily on the road.

    It's not my right to know but I'm human and curious. It's amazing that those in the press core who are in know have NOT leaked the information out in this 'first to break the story' age of social media. Breaking News!!! Adam Schefter Style!!! Clicks. Clicks. Clicks. = $$$.

    I always say the quickest way to squash rumors and innuendo (and they are running rampant here) about any situation is to come out and be forthcoming with the truth. Or at least hire a good PR Agent who can craft a cohesive statement on the situation. And mop up any untidy details as well.

    Not saying that that's the case here, at all. It could be a number of, children, mental health, etc. Who knows?? For the record...he's also the player that fought against the Covid vaccine and says he regrets at all. Neither here nor there but more food for thought and the rumor mill. I sincerely wish Wiggins the best whatever the issue is.

    This team is going nowhere this year, regardless. When you have the worst road record in the league (7-26) it's obvious that's not going to get it done in the playoffs with or without Wiggans or GP II or anybody really. Besides neither is going to be able to just jump back in and play at a quality level this close to the end of the season.

    So let the '22 NBA Championship Title hangover run it's course and let the team tinker and rebuild for 2024. (Breaking News: Lebron James to The Warriors? Click.Click. He did say he wanted to play with Steph Stranger things have happened.

    This season's been weird ever since the Draymond attack on Jordan Poole in preseason, anyways. (Funny, how that story leaked out in the press with the ease of a butter spread. Video to boot. Click. Click,) But the Wiggins story?? Oh we must remain silent at all cost. Strange how the press corp works these days. And who they serve. The owners, I guess. But again, that's not press, that's P.R. (Come on Tim Kawakami, throw us a bone. lol)

  4. Put round ball in round hoop.Game over, turn off T.V and go to bed. Anything more than that. Dream about getting a life.

  5. It’s his business. Not ours. If he wanted to share, he’d tell Warriors brass to let everyone in. Until he says something we just have to settle down and behave

  6. The fact that sports betting is legal in so many parts of the country (and so available to everyone everywhere via smartphone) is starting to make me wonder if issues like this are going to become the subject of "insider trading" style regulations. Although player privacy makes sense this kind of issue also affects the dollars and cents of the masses that think gambling is a good idea.

  7. His girlfriend isn't too happy about the rumor mill on Twitter.

  8. Perfect timing !! Mystery !! Intrigue !! Mouths Zipped !! Tight Lipped !!

    The entire Warrior Team is a mystery this season: they have moments of brilliance and then a week of WTF??

    Perhaps there is no story. Perhaps it is the PR man’s dream to drum up interest. The Warriors might get to the playoffs only to be one and done.

    The Warriors have been superb ambassadors for years. Maybe they are burned out? Maybe a few players away from relevance again? Maybe Father Time is rattling their nerves?

    Tune in next week, when we learn if the team folds like wet cardboard or if it rises to the occasion and comes back from the dead.

    1. Maybe they need a coach who's woke about basketball instead of everything else on the planet.

    2. Yeah @ 4:04 so woke about other things and still have rings as a coach and player. You can do both. Sucks for you.

    3. @4:04 PM, Finally, we get a rare non-woke person that gets it!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!! Entertainers and sports people should stay away from politics!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. @4:04- Kerr is a top 15 coach in NBA history. What's wrong with him wanting what's best for mankind at the same time?

      Also, when did being woke become a bad thing?

    5. woke. The second you used that word you established to everyone that you are an old, angry, bitter, homophobic, sexist, and racist asshole. Maybe you need to wake yourself up...

    6. @4:04 completely agree! He way too woke

    7. @ 6:37. Projecting much? Who's bitter and making insinuations about the posters comment? Check yourself D-Bag!

    8. @4:04 AM and 10:35 AM

      Like all aspects of the GOP, your ilk has mismanaged "woke" into ruin.

  9. My 15 y/o told me what Tik Tok is saying and based on the NY Post picture it makes sense to me.

  10. Why can’t everyone just leave the freaking guy alone. Obviously it’s something personal. Just leave him the hell alone and let him deal with it. I’m sure he’ll talk about it in due time. Seriously what the hell is wrong with all of you? Do you have ANY empathy?

  11. Quite shocking is all they divulge to you. Sounds bad. I wonder why they would say that given their obvious fear of Warriors’ management. Coach Kerr said his absence involves family and I sympathize. What could be so shocking about that? Maybe TMZ will break the story if it is “shocking” and we should know something more or at least the season ticket holders!

  12. It was huge news and cause for great national pride here in Canada when Andrew was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2014.

    Since then, however, newspapers have so gutted their sports sections that the mystery of Andrew’s absence is nothing more than a blip.

    One wishes him well.

  13. KPIX's Sara Donkey keeping up the slutty look wearing ripped jeans. Looks like David Kessler (An American Werewolf in London) got his claws into her pants.

    1. Relevance to this specific post? Judging by the time of day in which you posted, I will go out on a limb and say you're probably drunk. Booze and keyboards, nothing good ever comes out of that combo.

    2. That outfit was inappropriate at best.

    3. I enjoy the game of watching the news to see what she is wearing tonight-usually not disappointed

    4. 11:08 I was watching the KPIX replay and didn't drink at all

  14. I heard Draymond punched him during practice and Andrew is too embarrassed to come back to the team. His ego and self-esteem are forever wounded. Warriors will be out in the first round of the playoffs. Proven they can't win on the road. No team has ever won a championship when a teammate knocks out another player during training camp to start the season.

  15. @4:04. I’ll take 4 championships with a “woke” coach at the helm that’s for sure. Thank goodness Kerr came to coach the Warriors and not the Knicks. We would have been stuck with Stan Van Gundy for a few dismal seasons.

  16. I know the reason Damon and Ratto got let go was for cost cutting reasons but did they say anything on their show about Wiggins prior to their departure that helped accelerate this change? Maybe something rubbed Warriors the wrong way, timing seems suspicious. Last ratings period D&R along with KGMZ had healthy ratings in core demos compared to Knibber.

  17. Don't get it, if 'no one' is supposed to know about Wiggin, yet the press knows about it...why,? Aren't they "No Ones" also...epidemic of hypocrisy going around. Leave the cat alone!
