Tuesday, March 21, 2023

CNN's Lah Harrowing Experience in SF; Car Burglary Deluxe; Where's Da Mayor?; No Investigative Reporters; Andrew Wiggins Sports Story BS; KRON Puts Stress On Itself; KPIX Donchey Request Via Moi; Makovec Pissed; Dave Clark and Pam Cook Cozy KTVU Vibes; Tuesday Pulse

CNN's Kyung Lah got a taste of SF that I'm sure the Chamber of Commerce is aghast at--like this:
The next time you hear "it only happens in Oakland", take it with a grain of salt. This crime is a Bay Area-wide pandemic.

*And where is Mayor Breed? Better yet, where is so-called Bay Area media asking Mayor Breed about all this crime on the streets of SF--is the mayor getting a pass? You bet she is.

Paging Rita Williams.

*THIS JUST IN: we have NO decent Investigative reporter in this town--hell, we don't even have an average reporter for that matter. They're too busy checking their Instagram accounts and taking selfies.

*If the reason why Andrew Wiggins is MIA -- the Warriors and his teammates are OK with it, that's a crock. More disturbing: the lame Bay Area sports media that knows the story and refuses to report it. More evidence the toy dept. still exists.

*KRON's current chaotic inner turmoil is largely of its own doing. You reap what you sow. Oddly enough, it's KRON and Nexstar that screwed up the mood in the newsroom. They made moves to become relevant again in the Bay Area, not the fourth-tier dimbulbs they were relegated to in the past few years. They ditched moron stories; they hired decent reporters and anchors; they hired a new GM; they essentially said they were going to become major-leaguers and not the minor leagues.

But with all that, you have to maintain the edict. You have to continue the trend. Keep pace.

I like KRON's moves. They aren't anywhere near their goal but they have a missive. They need to keep it going. Nexstar is apparently going the extra mile by providing some much-needed capital. And GM, Jim Rose, needs to get his shit together and fast too, otherwise he'll be in Akron chasing fire trucks.

*Dear Sara Donchey: I want a percenatge of your next contract and I'lll even take dimes on the dollar.

*KPIX has improved their news product for the most part. Not great by any means but not the crap it used to put out. But they need a whole lot more BETTER REPORTERS. If CBS is serious about its O/O stations, then spend more dough on getting good reporters who know the land and understand their layout. Otherwise it's all just phony across the board.

*KCBS gave 10! REPEAT stories on Girl Scout cookies --while I love the GS and their thin mints, that's plain RIDICULOUS and PATHETIC, even by lame KCBS standards.

*Attention, Bay Area criminals: if you commit a crime and don't want to get caught, via radio news, do your deed after 9 PM and before 6 AM when KCBS doesn't send any reporters to the scene and make their traffic anchors, (some in Portland, Ore.) cover news.

*Anne Makovec, despite her public persona of being cool and gracious, is VERY PISSED OFF because she's, again, routinely PASSED OVER by PIX/CBS suits who have thunk, for years, Annie is good but not ready for prime time.

*2's a crowd at 2: the two most-detested anchors/people at KTVU are Dave Clark and Pam Cook.

He, (Clark) still talks glowingly about his buddy, OJ Simpson and she, (Pammy) loves to tell everyone how connected she is--yeah, especially when writing inner-office emails.

FINALLY, yeah sorry for being late-- last-second thingey, so this is for you:


  1. The mayor is getting a pass because she comes on morning shows and provides the "news" stations with oodles of free programming, to ease the strain of not enough editors, reporters, writers and producers. Nothing like a Zoom chat with a talking head for 15 minutes to fill up your rundown. If Rita were still there, she'd be muzzled too. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

  2. I don’t get all the Donchey attention. She looks like the average girl when I used to go to City Nights Club back in the day. Last night I tuned in and I’m not kidding she was wearing ripped pants. Can you imagine wendy tokuda wearing RIPPED pants on a news broadcast?

    1. Times change. The the lyric from The Who song goes “you got to move with the fashion or be out cast”.

      Me thinks your tie is too wide.

    2. If ripped pants are now “standard” wardrobe for news anchors god save us all. Why don’t we just skip to naked anchors let’s just get there asap

    3. so you thought "god" made rules for anchor clothes?

    4. If Wendy wore ripped pants it would be because she got caught in the elevator door.

    5. All of these comments about Sara’s dress are amusing. Times have changed since Dave McElhatton and Wendy Tokuda. Sara is wearing a tight top and leather pants tonight. For the naysayers, get a life! đŸ˜†

    6. Call me when she wears a ripped bikini…big YAWN

    7. Oh man, those who are commenting on how ridiculous Donchey's outfits are, are right on. There was one day last week, when she was anchoring, and wearing one of her crazy outfits. But then, Juliette Goodrich came on, as she was doing a story about something. So there we had, Donchey standing there in some weird outfit, and standing right across from her at the ubiquitous "table", was Goodrich, wearing a standard woman's suit and looking very classy, like an ANCHOR should look! The difference was quite obvious.

  3. In terms of investigative reporters I think Brooks Jarosz and Evan Sernoffsky are serviceable torsos even though Sernoffsky has taken it too far with his facial hair and at times use of a trench coat. I do admit I was stunned when I found out Sernoffsky is married to Elissa Harrington. Visually they seem like an odd couple.

  4. I saw the ripped pants to and thought WTF. Where are the professionals.

    1. Amen. At first I thought it was a pattern on the pants then I went up close on my 100 inch screen and clearly saw her knees. It wasn’t even cool rips. It was like 4 rips on each leg and they were baggy pants like MC Hammer

  5. Dave and Pam are two of the kindest people I’ve ever worked with: you’re wrong on this one, Rich

    1. I have no clue what you do at ktvu. But you obviously don’t work close to him if you’ve fallen for his fake nice guy act. He does virtually NO work and pawns it off on everyone else. So he can answer emails. Trust I know all the people who work CLOSELY with him. And they all say the same thing. He’s as fake as it gets. Period.

    2. Dave doesn’t have a mean or entitled bone in his body which is more than I can say for most other male anchors there. He does great work in the community and has a huge fan base. He can stay aa long as he wants by me.

  6. She actually wears ripped jeans? Good lord. I worked as an anchor for 40 years. Is there no dignity left. Ripped jeans are what kids wear. Or what people who want to look hip and cool wear. They have NO BUSINESS on a news set. Honestly I’m just stunned. It shows a complete lack of respect for what we do. Period.

    1. “OK, Boomer!”

      Ah, the retort when you have no retort.

    2. I used to work in HR and you would be surprised what job seekers wore to interviews. Sarah’s dress is no surprise for how millennials dress today.

  7. Dave Clark also bragged about getting the first interview with Janet Jackson after her issue with her too during the Super Bowl and put a huge pick of him and Simpson wearing tuxedos together taken AFTER the trial. He is the fakest anchor I’ve ever been around. And the irony is that he replaced one of the best anchors I ever worked with mark Curtis. Just another brilliant move by ktvu.

    1. KTVU, once Zehnder left, treated Curtis like shit. And you're right, he was great. Far better than the clowns they have on air now.

  8. Pam Cook connected? Puhlease!!! She's about as connected as the red and black wires to her car battery. Pammy! You're a legend in your own mind and a hag.... errrrrrrrr.... hack. Management is going to get rid of you one day because Rosemary and Gasia are... well, you get the idea.

    1. “do you know the difference between him and Andre?”

      Yeah. He’s the one who barely fits into his shirt collar, while AndrĂ©’s the one who doesn’t fit into his shirt collar.

  9. Dave Clark's whistling when he talks drives me crazy, need Andre Senior

    1. He can talk and whistle at the same time? Talented!

    2. @ 6:37: Uh....he's hard to understand when he speaks, do you know the difference between him and Andre? Or is this Dave?

  10. I think KPIX weekly morning news has improved while the 6 pm show has declined.

  11. And now San Francisco is creating a 90-second video to promote tourism while using the former fat man, Jon Miller, to narrate. Fat lot of good that's going to do. How can you have dessert when you can't even cook the meal? San Francisco is one hot mess. Why would I want to risk being a victim of crime? Hell, I can't even go to Stonestown without fear of seeing young punks duke it out. The City of Misplaced Priorities.

    1. Forget Stonestown in SF! Even the malls in Pleasant Hill, San Ramon and Concord are getting out of control with hoodlums shooting it out and robbing businesses.

    2. @525 who goes to malls? Clueless comment as usual.

    3. @6:41 oh you must be one of the “trendies” who stays home all day living life through your phone ordering everything online? There are still plenty of well adjusted people willing to go out and interact with OTHER HUMANS!!!

  12. Dear Mayor Breed,

    The only thing I would go to San Francisco for is the House of Prime Rib. I can get mugged in Oakland and not have to drive so far or pay a bridge toll.

    Disgusted Oakland Native

    1. London just got $25M for SFPD overtime. That's nice. Now if she and Chief Billy Scott can find some suckers to fight crime with one hand tied behind their backs as they have been for the last few years.

    2. Thanks to Mayor Breed, San Francisco has become the most prominent "shithole city" in this country. However, great views (from above).

  13. I love the whole disclaimer in front of the CNN tweet. If it had been a really red city there would have been no disclaimer.

    Translation: we can't say it's a liberal shithole.

  14. Both cities are toilets. Compliments of the progressive agenda. If you must conduct any form of business in OAK or S.F. Be strapped.Shopping malls are chimp playgrounds, local media continues to be a joke. Anne. you're not getting the gig because your "thick". Accept it. Go WW and maybe you can join Club Donchey? I'm an easy mark for the GS lying in ambush out front of my local hardware store. One box of thin mints and Do-si Dos!

  15. There’s nothing new about local media Ignoring SF’s crime and quality of life problems. That goes for this blog, which spends far more time talking about who is dating who at TV stations and who is wearing what, like back in middle school.

  16. I miss Robin Winston. She is a class act. Good for her and being in a large market and network TV will showcase her talent. Today show next?

    1. @7:03 am: Freeway 5 is opened, you'll love lala land
