Monday, March 13, 2023

Damon Bruce Gig on YouTube Slightly Delayed; Ponders New Career Path; Eric Thomas/KCBS Bowl of Energy?; Smurph and Smack Bitter Morning on KNBR; KTVU's Clark Works Overtime; NBC Bay Area Cuts Looming; Monday Mundane


Damon Bruce, fresh out of a gig at The Game (95.7 FM, All-Sports), was so convinced his new YouTube show would be an instant hit, he both tweeted and then, un-tweeted (deleted) its debut. A show that had a beginning and demise in about five minutes. Bruce is again trying to go the YouTube route if you're one of the inmates at Folsom prison that is interested in his new venture.

*The San Jose NBC Bay Area outket is about to get the layoff wrath that has hit all the other NBC O and O's --like in LA, NY, Philly and Chicago. Only the Bay Area/San Jose carvings will be especially lethal and they're due at the end of the week.

*Bruce bragged to underlings that his $300K a-year salary was "the biggest in town.," only he didn't mention that it was spread over four years, the $300 grand. And now it's, uh, kaput. Welcome to the real world, Damien.

To once again say, emphatically, I don't wish anyone who loses their job. It's bad karma. But Mr. Bruce consistently made it a rough go for people who worked with him, including one notable traffic anchor. Damon thinks he was a god who channeled Howard Cosell. Yeah, right, and I'm Curt Gowdy.

*Damon has free time now, he can take Rod Brooks and Larry Krueger to lunch.

*Listening to Eric Thomas on KCBS this morning was about as energized as having a triple root canal.

*For the better part of three hours this Monday morn, listeners to the teenagers on KNBR, (Murph and Mac, 6-10 AM), were tortured with highlights of "Powlie"'s Sat. nite trip to the Warriors game. Paulie sounded like a 12-year old on his way to the ice-cream parlor with Mr. Rogers. Then again, even a 12 year-old would vomit and yell, "get me away!" at Paulie's vanity act.

*Murph had a rough week: Larry Baer was supposed to take him to lunch but bowed out at the last moment so he could attend Lou Seal's birthday party at Momo's.

*KCBS fill-in anchor, Pat Thurston, cntinues to "KGO, KCBS" --her latest friend, Tim Sika, the movie critic, did a lengthy Oscars preview and like the show itself, dragged on and on and on...The next thing on Thurston's radar: a threesome phono with her, John Rothmann, and Jan Wahl. Rothmann will discuss his movie time chats with Abe Lincoln and Richard Nixon and Jan will highlight her 70's bonanzas with the likes ofJudy Garland and Carole Channing.

*KCBS: traffic, weather, Habbas/Dolan law firm ads sprinkled with Kars4Kids. News? Cmon, man.

*KTVU had a rough Monday--Dave Clark, who worked at 4AM and on thru the 9 AM news because they couldn't get another body to do the news. I'm sure Clark was just thrilled.


  1. Thanks. Now I'm going to have nightmares about Jan Wahl.

  2. Does Damon Bruce realize $75k a year is not that much money. The ax is going to fall next at KNBR. Any rumors on who's going to be out at NBC Bay Area 11? I'm hearing that Laura Garcia, Raj, Jennell Wang and Jessica Aguirre could be out of work by end of week. Audrey Asistio could be the new belle of the ball.

    1. NBC Bay Area wont fire a guy with dirty shoes and a dating list as long as Raj's.

      Somebody like Wang or Aguirre will be going to make more room for Asistio. I can't imagine she's happy with just 430 and scraps.

  3. This is why I switched to KRON today:
    >>KTVU had a rough Monday--Dave Clark, who worked at 4AM and on thru the 9 AM news because they couldn't get another body to do the news. I'm sure Clark was just thrilled.<<

  4. Are you implying that Gianna left The Game over working conditions with Bruce?

    1. I always wondered what Gianna was thinking being that jackalope’s laugh track. His act has to get really fast in person.

    2. Mark Willard and Dan Dibley what a bunch of no talent replacements. Wonder how long they last.

  5. Hey. I’ll read the news at Mornings on 2. I can be telegenic, if you don’t look too close. And I could help Rosemary change

    1. “And I could help Rosemary change.”

      Too late.

      She already has a platoon of creepy photographers who follow her around like sick puppies, doing whatever she orders them to do.

    2. What happened to Rosemary Orozcoo’s appearance? Her look has changed so dramatically that it’s jarring.
      I’m thinking it’s plastic surgery or Botox injections gone bad, but I don’t want to assume.
      All I know is it’s not just a matter of old age, because aging alone doesn’t cause one to look like Jocelyn Wildenstein.

    3. Please read my follow-up novel coming out soon... I call it "The Portrait of Rosemary Orozco". What happens when you allegedly get too much Botox & plastic surgery.

  6. Five straight hours of Dave Clark on a Monday morning is straight out of a Stephen King horror movie.

    It begs the question, where was Pam Cook during all this? Was she in the women's restroom even longer than usual today, leaving her mark as she is known to do?

    1. 5 hours of Dave Clark > 5 hours of Jan Wahl

    2. 1:14, I’ll never be able to look at Pam Cook the same way again! lol!!!

  7. Shouldn't be hard for KTVU to find someone to do the news. Offer a pack of Newports and a bottle of MadDog 20/20 and you're golden!

  8. I'd like to suggest Damon Bruce take his time to find a landing spot. In the meantime, he may do unpaid work by being a fulltime house husband to support his family including two young sons and a wife who works fulltime as the breadwinner. Good luck to the Bruce Family.

    1. I hope her has to get a real job because his takes on sports especially the Bay Area teams suck! Good riddance ya egotistical loser!

  9. Rich, what is the matter with this Jason Dumas character? Between rubbing his hands and running at the camera, he comes off as a buffoon.

  10. I miss Pat Thurston on KGO. Have not heard her on KCBS, but I guess it wouldn't be the same anyway. I just miss KGO. Live, local talk.

  11. Bring back mark Ibanez!!!

    1. Agreed! Also bring back the vinyl room.

    2. No! That ship has sail with Ibanez. Time to move forward, not back in time. 3 mins of sports reporting at the end of each news telecast is no longer relevant. I'm fine with Ibanez doing 49ers postgame show.

  12. Dave can continue on doing the noon news. Just take some time off the next day

  13. How soon before Pat Thurston completely goes full KGO and starts bringing in Steve Moskowitz to do the phone number jingle song and dance?

  14. Rich, have you listened to “Santa Cruz Voice”? This is the outfit created after MZ/KSCO fired all its hosts. They got together and are now broadcasting their shows. I’ve listened a couple of times. Zero commercials! How can this last? Are they just going to broadcast for free?

  15. I hope NBC Bay Area gives Raj Mathai the boot. I will missJessica Aguirre and Janelle Wang if they are released. I think veteran reporters will be downsizing victims.

  16. I stopped listening to Murph/Mac a few years back, but I remember always being embarrassed for them when Paulie would sing/yell his parody songs.

  17. Dave Clark. We all know the reason he's still on the air and it's not his news skills.
