Tuesday, March 14, 2023

KTVU Titanic Update: Still-Sinking Ship; Best Talent Wasted; Rosemary Orozco Paranoia; Feud With Pam Cook Eternal; Rendon/Alex Savidge Wait in Wings; Henry Lee Plus; Mike Mibach-Julie Haener Still Useless; Inmates Running Asylum

TUESDAY TELL-ALL--I will. For Your Eyes Only

THE CLOSED-DOOR Meetings at KTVU continues--with even senior on-air anchors and reporters not knowing what the hell is going on and paranoid to the max. Good god, they don't know how to run the ship at FOX2--and if they did, you'd have a great case for The Titanic!


*Some of KTVU's best talent is being wasted. At a time when good talent is needed, the premium anchors/reporters are vastly relegated to the back pages. Dumb leadership and incompetent planning by Amber Eikel, (ND) is at the forefront. Eikel's LOST the newsroom. I've been saying it for months now. The only reason she remains is The Firm has no one, (yet) to replace her. The majority of the ENTIRE newsroom has NO CONFIDENCE in her.

*Underrated: Crime reporter, Henry Lee. Consistently solid stories from the field. Need more of him.

*Talk about paranoia: Rosemary Orozco, the fashion diva that only exists at KTVU to promote her clothing line, is TOTALLY FREAKED OUT! My moles say as Rosie nears her mid-50's, she's finally realized her own professional mortality. KTVU skirts/suits have pretty much told Countess Orozco she's eternally a back-up. Orozco's FEUD with Pam Cook has not subside. The two never talk and there's massive FRICTION, everyone at KTVU knows it.

*Cristina Rendon and Alex Savidge contimue to get SHORT SHRIFT. They are being WASTED and could save the sinking ship. Most people at KTVU know this except the BRAIN-DEAD yentas who allegedly run the operation.

*STILL USELESS and FLUTTERING--from the outise looking in, Mike Mibach and Julie Haener.

Mibach's growing indifference at KTVU. And 10 PM numbers continue to ERODE. Haener? Why bother even showing up anymore, Jules? Nobody cares.

And KTVU current state? Dear lord, Nick, cue the orchestras:


  1. "Most people at KTVU know this except the BRAIN-DEAD yentas who allegedly run the operation". Therein lies the problem. Either go scorched earth or STFU and enjoy your shit sandwich KTVU!

  2. Bring back Summerville and Ibanez. It’s the only real answer

    1. Thanks for chiming in, Frank.

    2. Whenever I watch KTVU during the weeknight Joe Fonzi is not there.

      Roberta looks horrible. I turn the channel whenever she is on.

      Bill needs to go. His rambling is bad. Just stick to the script.

  3. They could about replace MIbach with a Howdy Doody puppet and no one would know the difference.

  4. Every newsroom in the world has those meetings of the higher ups where everybody is paranoid about their jobs... Didn't these young-uns understand that broadcasting was a career without tenure? We geezers always understood that. You have no "right" to be on the air.

  5. Rosemary's days are numbered because she is getting "older" and it shows on broadcasts in HD, especially in her face. Also, I bet Roberta will work for a cheaper contract and Pam Cook is rumored to be conspiring behind Rosemary's back to get her laid off. Wow! "As KTVU Turns", huh Rich?

  6. Rich I’m curious ktvu used to be number 1 on every single newscast. Do u have current numbers. I’d love to know where they are now especially at 4,5,6 10 and 11
    It’s also interesting to me that you write this excellent post and so far only 2 responses. Makes me wonder if people truly don’t care about ktvu anymore. I know that I for one haven’t watched them ONE TIME since Summerville and Ibanez left.

    1. I've tuned in only a few times since Somerville left as well. I liked Ibanez too. KTVU, the former flag station for both the Giants and the 49ers. Fox 2 seems keen on phasing out their bay area sports reports altogether.

      I's not the same, anymore over there. But we saw this coming a long time ago when longtime independent KTVU fell under the banner of Fox News. Things began to change in subtle and not so subtle ways.

      As far as on air talent I like Alex Savidge. But he kinda only got behind the desk after being hit by a car while reporting in the field. But he certainly is more likable than Mike Mibach behind the desk. (Mistake Amber.) Rendon is solid as well. I don't really dislike Julie Haener, either. I'm sure she's probably equally frustrated with the way the station as changed. From starting off alongside veteran stalwart Dennis Richmond and working with Somerville to this?!? I'm sure she's just counting the days at this point (when she's not taking them off, of course. lol)

      Fox is corporate. And I have a feeling corporate could really care less about bay area reporting as a whole. Focus on in-depth reporting on local stories used to be the staple of KTVU. And the reason why their 10 O'clock News was number one in this market for decades. But when the ratings start to free fall that's when the 'suits' come in and try and 'fix' what they initially ignored for years in the first place. Typical.

      Times have changed and the old paradigm no longer works. Also there's a lot more competition in the market bleeding off viewers as well. I don't think KTVU will ever get back to the dominant status they once held. It's just not the same market anymore. Add to that millennials getting their evening news from Twitter, Facebook and TikTok these days (shriek).

      Maybe it's time to check out the Donchey Disco at 11pm over on the corner of KPIX. Hey...If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Now is there a cover to get in over there?? lol Here's hoping Ibanez can bring his Vinyl Room over to DJ. one day!!

    2. Frank can you please learn to spell your last name correctly!

    3. Regarding KTVU. I used to watch KTVU fairly regularly and used to DVR it, too. My schedule has changed a bit, but I never watched because of Frank S. Right now, I'm watching KPIX' 5pm news, with brief switching between KPIX and KRON. When out of town, it's also easier to reach KPIX and KRON using my AppleTV apps (NewsOn and KRONOn apps). I can reach KTVU, but have to watch it being broadcast live on the FOX/local app and it doesn't include KTVU's 5pm broadcast. I've cut back a bit on my tv watching in general which includes not watching KTVU news as much.

    4. Yes, the 11:00 News with Sara Donchey is much better than Fox. The reporters, stories and Sara are good.

  7. Rosemary must be jealous of her ex KTVU weather anchor Kyla G now on KRON showing a PG-13 exposure on camera and Rosemary show more last week. This is local TV, not pay TV News

  8. Speaking of Pam Cook, this morning (after she wrapped up her anchor duties at 7am) Pam was seen in the background during one of Sal's traffic updates, in the newsroom clearly arguing with another employee (who was not recognizable and I assume a non on-air employee). Based on her mannerisms it was clear that it wasn't a good conversation.

    Once again proving that a circus doesn't run itelf.
    During one of Sal's traffic reports (which he does from the

    1. Any video of Angry Pam this morning?

  9. I like the way one of their investigative reporters did a terrific piece last week about corruption at the Alameda Co Sheriff's department, reminding me briefly of the old investigative reporting the station used to do, and KTVU buried it. They aired it twice, then it disappeared. No repeats later that night, no repeats the next day throughout the day (which they routinely do with the most trivial stories), no package breakdowns into shorter pieces. But the Cupertino woman crushed by a tree was still getting airtime two days later. What's the matter, afraid of upsetting the Alameda Co. Sheriff, KTVU? How about some chicken feed for your hen house?

  10. coldhandswarmheartMarch 14, 2023 at 4:53 PM

    Rosemary Orozco's clothing line is pricey and looks cheap!
    $149 per tube top? $299 for a pants? I would advise 'stick to your day job' but oops... that's pricey and looks cheap too! ;)

  11. I've never understood your rage boner for Rosemary, and I wouldn't know she had a fashion line at all if you didn't find a way to mention it once or twice a week. Pam Cook has the face and charisma of day old oatmeal.

  12. Why has "Let's Nitpick on Mibach Day" Become a daily event here? Whatever he does or doesn't do, he's horribly awfully wrong! If you look at anyone under a magnifying glass you will notice to your stunned amazement that person aint perfect! OMG! Mike has his own style.
    Step back and take a Chill Pill.

    1. Cuz he sucks. Ain't rocket science. Either you like someone's personality, style and delivery or you don't. And judging from the ratings and feedback here most people don't. He may be and probably is a nice guy and none of us is perfect indeed. But if you wanna move the needle as an anchor you gotta have some gravitas along with a nice favorability rating.

      You would think they would do test marketing before deciding on which anchor holds down that prime time spot. You can't make someone likable if they're not. It's that old adage of putting lipstick on a pig.

      When I think of ABC 7 I see Dan Ashley and his smooth style. CBS 5 is currently trying to find its male lead. But Juliette Goodrich proves you don't really need one! And of course, NBC has it's own self-proclaimed Indian Walter Cronkite with Raj Mathai. (Let me stop right there. lol)

    2. "You would think they would do test marketing before deciding on which anchor holds down that prime time spot."

      HA HA HA! I don't think anyone's done that since the 80s. Do you think news outfits still have budgets? They don't. It's strictly BYOB.

  13. I just perused the fashionista's clothing site and wasn't sure if it was a serious business or a joke. All I saw were a bunch of tacky, totally ripped-off, and unoriginal clothing with exorbitant price tags. $160 for a t-shirt? $275 for jeans?
    I guess she thinks her name is worth that much. Sad.

    1. Who cares? Why does infactuation with her clothes concern you?

  14. Frank S. is the only one who can bring back the ratings. The station has suffered since he left.

    1. Frank is too busy drinking and chasing underage girls and thus working a job is not possible.

    2. I know him. It’s really easy to make a keyboard courage comment like that. I think if you met him you’d realize he’s nothing like that at all. And for the record he’s worked his ass off and completed all the programs and now come out the other side. He had serious mental heath issues because of the stories he covered. But he’s now dealt with them. And as his friend I can see how proud he is of the person he is now. He’s back to the old Frank and it’s great to see.

    3. I have know frank for over 40 years. He was a narcissistic jerk in high school and he has not changed.

  15. Henry Lee is the most professional journalist in the Bay Area.

  16. I worked with Henry for several years. He’s one of the good guys.

  17. Just please PLEASE do not put Dave Clark on longer than he already is!! I think he's totally fake and his suits are always too big for him never tailored.

  18. I have said it before, the only one who moves the needle at FOX is Heather. I tape it and if she is on, I watch, but if she is away, I erase it immediately. I bet I am not alone. Move Heather with Julie at 6 and 10 then you will have 2 winners and if Julie splits then pair Heather with a professional anchor from out of the area because no one here currently is going to help.

  19. James Torrez was anchoring this weekend. What a frat boy fruit cake can’t take him seriously

    1. James Torrez anchored on a weekend? That's weird, usually James spends his weekends at Steamworks making other patrons uncomfortable.

  20. As a crime reporter Henry K Lee has done well for himself. He has a MASSIVE house on the upper Oakland hills, even bigger than the one Frank Sommerville used to have before the divorce. I see him from time to time as I live nearby.
