Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Media Sunshine; Shafer/Mitchinson KCBS Nirvana; Storm Coverage Idiocy; Contracts Mean Nothing, Damon Bruce, Unless...; KRON Clarity; Darya Folsom's Poignant Interview With 94.9 FM's "JV"; Liz Cook A Little Ticked at KPIX; The Oscars: No Star Power

I'VE GOT SUNSHINE ...on a rainy day

IF KCBS were smart, they'd pair Dan Mitchinson and Susan Kennedy on the 10-2 PM weekday time slot --but Jenny Seelig only plays favorites.

*Margie Shafer is perfectly fine --she'd be even better as the permanent evening, (7-11 PM) weeknight anchor but Seelig's shifting whack-a-mole act is cheaper and scores her points from Audacy.

*Memo to all, especially Damon Bruce: there is no such thing as a guarenteed contract. Especially in radio. When Bruce boasted about his recent contract renewal, he made it sound as if it were real and ever-lasting. NOPE. The only real contract that means anything in TV/Radio is a personal services contract. That's real. Only a few have those today. Ronn Owens years ago had one at KGO, courtesy his agent, Don Buchwald.

*KCBS was so news-savvy the other night, that during the latest storm deluge, they ran, twice!, the taped, CBS News round-up and a week-old, "60 Minutes"--remember, Seelig has NEVER worked as a reporter in the field. She's a professional bean counter. She's about as journalistically sound as a Millbrae Shell statiot.

*I didn't say KRON was suddenly CBS with Walter Cronkite. I only stated they'd improved their act and that they look a little better. It's not nirvana by any means but it's a marked improvement from a few years back when they were particularly gruesome.

*Darya Folsom can do good work when she has when she interviewed MIA 94.9 FM radio's "JV"--Jeff Vandergrift--even a half-decade back, what a sad video:

*We have ZERO Investigative Reporters in this SF market dept. Of course, JV is most likely dead, but anyone dared to go out and interview the wife? The cops? Anybody? It's a joke, a sad joke that this story has been placed in the circular file even though it demands futher notice. The Bay Area is a cesspool for dead journalism.

*Liz Cook, outside PIX , isn't smiling so much these days. She is incredibly annoyed that Sara Donchey is not only getting attention for reasons that have nothing to do with news, but rather Donchey's continued wardrobe drama. Liz won't say anything, even to her closest friends, but she's ticked. The shadow knows.

*I'll watch Jimmy Kimmell's opening and that'll be my Oscars 2023 viewing. It's not that I don't want to watch the Oscars it's just that there's no real stars left and The Academy Awards has lost its luster. There is no Jack Nicholson. No Burt Reynolds. No Johnny Carson. And Marlon Brando. I miss real starrs like Cary Grant and Bill Holden and Bob Mitchum. Where's Billy Crystal? Liz Taylor and, well, you get my drift.

*Yeah, I know most of 'em are dead, like the Oscars, unfortunately.


  1. I haven't watched the Oscars (or any other self-aggrandizing award shows on TV) for years. It's all PC stupid, and like you said, no more stars. I also don't bother going to the movies anymore. The last movie I went to see at a theater was Kung Pow when I took one of my sons to see it. That was in 2002. I don't need to drop a fortune to get in, then another fortune for crappy popcorn (what ever happened to real butter?), and watered down soda. Screw Hollywood.

  2. Kimmel is a woke clown and a hack who hasn't done anything worthwhile since 'The Man Show'.

    1. Sour grapes from a Trumpanzee? Looks like it

    2. Is it just me or???? Ever since Carson and Dave retired ALL the late nite shows suck and boy do they suck! Apolitical, not funny and no class.....sure missed the old days..

    3. It's not just you. The current late night hosts are hot garbage. They draw nothing near what the others did. Conan was the end of a dying breed.

  3. last years show was so awful I am not watching. It was not the slap but the show overall was bad

  4. I wish KCBS would just get a steady crew on all shifts. This musical chair (and empty chair) BS has to stop.

  5. Hi Rich: Watch the oscars? Sorry, I can think of a million things to do and waste time on than watching most award shows; maybe bring back Billy Crystal and I might.....

    1. You know they're going to honor films based on diversity and appeals to woke culture and nothing else. Quality has nothing to do with why films, books, music or anything else receives attention and awards anymore. It's a narrative you have to play to and reinforce. The better you do, the more you're rewarded.

    2. @ 12:33 AM: Totally agree

  6. Seems like every other week there's a different awards show going. Bunch of 'stars' whom I've never heard of and industry people patting each other on the back and telling each other how wonderful they are. Yawn. Awards shows lost their luster somewhere in the mid-nineties. There indeed are no real stars anymore as the media landscape has been inundated with over a thousand channels and not much to watch.

    Love it or hate it the Will Smith slap was the most exciting thing to happen at the Oscars in years. Guaranteed this year's ceremony will be a borefest after Jimmy Kimmel's opening monologue. (Stay tuned for another boring a@@ country music awards show next week. Same energy. That being none.)

    And yes, you're right about investigative reporters. Maybe Dan Noyes is an exception (and he only uncovers stories every once in awhile these days). But for the most part the news media has become basically a bunch of ambulance chasers like their lawyer counterparts. Always on to the next hot story. Most stories with all the depth of a potato chip.

    Short attention span theatre for a microwave world. And audiences as a collective have bought into it. Which may help explain why there are so many uninformed people walking around with baseless opinions today.

    'We can do the innuendo, we can dance and sing...When it's said and done we haven't told you a thing...We all know that crap is king...Give us Dirty Laundry....' - Don Henley

  7. Jimmy Kimmel is one of the funniest and smartest guys out there. Guy's got heart. Description of someone as "Woke" has become a right-wing talking point that has no real meaning other than to express one's own political affiliation and to display one's own ignorance as a badge of honor..

    1. You've said that nonsense before. I'll just point out, as I did before, that it was the "woke" crowd who invented and insisted on using this term. Just google it. And it is quite well-defined. There's no mystery, except maybe to you.

    2. I will admit JK's impersonation of Karl Malone was pretty funny. Anyone who has seen that knows it proves your point that he's definitely not woke...

    3. Woke wears a man bun and skinny jeans. Just lemmings without a spine or original thought. You're welcome!

    4. Jimmy Kimmel has turned as political as Colbert, whose CBS show was circling the drain till Trump got elected. That's why CBS had Corden warming up in the bullpen. Trump, the gift that keeps on giving Colbert material, years after he was ousted. I didn't know Carson's politics or even Letterman's. They were courteous to all.

  8. Just seen a commercial for the KPIX 11pm with Sara Donchey. The commercial said it’s the #1 watched 11pm Bay Area newscast.

    Must be all of the posters here that strictly watch to bash Sara’s wardrobe selection have made it the #1 watched 11pm local news.

    Sara is laughing so freaking hard.

    1. I bet she’s laughing while wearing a green Irish outfit.

  9. If Kimmell is hosting I won’t be watching. Thanks for the heads up.

    1. Bwtween Kimmel and Fallon, has either of them ever said a funny thing?

    2. Fallon is not funny. I miss Jay Leno.

  10. On a day when the Feds seized another bank out of NY with California branches, a potential impending financial crisis, and a Monday that may be bleak for the stock market and smaller banks nationwide when people rush to pull their money....I turn on KCBS for the first time in weeks to get the news and who do I hear? Pat Thurston. Instantly..."Joining us live is Presidential expert John Rothmann". For the next 15-20 minutes (with a commercial break in-between) it was the KGO of old. "Trump! Pence! January 6th! Indictment! Conservatives! Trumppppp!!".

    You can't make this shit up. Unreal. And they wonder why their ratings are fucking dismal.

  11. Damon Bruce looks like Seth Rogans father.

  12. I will always enjoy Billy Crystal as host of the Oscars...

  13. Knock it off with the JV stuff. The guy posted a suicide note on social media and you want an investigation? Have some respect.

    1. Some of us would like to know what actually happened with JV. Some crazy stories floating around...faked death, insurance scam, etc. The way to put out rumors is with information.

      It's so odd the way people are so private about the way people die these days. Maybe a little knowledge about what he was going through in an interview with his wife or close friends could possibly help someone who may be dealing with a similar situation.

      But I guess there is a fine line between that and being too exploitative. Point taken. If ever they're ready to talk it could help bring some closure to the many fans of their program he touched.
