Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Sea of Non-Tranquility at KCBS; Paranoia Rules The Newsroom; PD Seelig Mutes (Or Tries To) Staff; "Crazy" Feeling at 855 Battery, Home of "The Shit Show"

AT KCBS, paranoia rules the day. It's both toxic and dangerous, especially to a younger staff, (and tenured too) who demand and expect clarity.

You would think there'd be a newsroom chock full of optimism and relative calm, joy and happiness. Wrongo!

The news boss, Jennifer Seelig, put out a directive that her amen corner, (including a recent KGO hire) not dare talk to me and that there'd be "consequences" if that policy were comprimised.

Only Seelig did all that in her own secret manner with meetings and texts that I was on her shit list and even a whiff of me on a phone or computer was tantamount to self purgatory. It's fine because the boss doesn't want her pupils to go rogue with a critical blogger who is very aware of the inner sanctum of the "shit show" at 855 Battery. Only Seelig went about it the wrong way, of course she did because she's a LOUSY manager.

Jen, it's not me that is there ripping your neanderthal ways, it is YOU and you only. Your troops, even your amen corner loyalists, are more disgusted and as PISSED OFF as ever.

They know the recent ratings were awry; you killed in the beauty contest numbers but your CUME is the shits, about half of what it was only a few years ago--1.2M to now HALF of that and that your only salvation from the KGO collapse was a modest TSL (time spent listning) uptick, big deal.

Beyond all that, Jen, you have a staff that is teetering on total NO CONFIDENCE in your crappy direction and wholesale ability to maintain utter incompetence and managerial malpractice. It's on your watch that KCBS has become a local joke and that your whack-a-mole anchor policy and hiring dim bulb reporters is the main topic in the newsroom. I didn'do any of that, Jen, YOU DID!

So now, cool, go ahead and try to MUTE the few remaining pupils, that only makes it worse and intensifies the atmosphere which is borderline putrid now. You have KGO retreads that worked the PM drive, a little desperate don't you think? Pat Thurston was great on Tuesday, you got lucky, but putting a mute button on her is no salient policy, it only heightens the overall paranoia.

Transparency and clarity supercede any form of mass dysfunction and you cannot mute that, Jen, you either come to grips and be open and allow the troops to spew their displeasure without the fear of retaliation in their head.

None of your demands of shh to moi will work, it'll only get worse and deeper.

Which is why, Jen, everyone in their right mind is LEAVING IN DROVES at KCBS; can't wait to split, retire, ESCAPE the building and go home to relative calm and pleasure and devoid of your inner CRAZY, Jen, you and Don Bastida, another kiss-ass gem who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

Hey, Jen, this is the new big hit at KCBS.


  1. Humans are the only species that follow weak leaders. Not to many dumb asses in a wolf pack. Sheep are easily led.

    1. I think this every time I see the election results in the Bay Area and California at large.

    2. Go easier on yourself 1:39.

    3. It's a free country, 11:51. You are free to leave California. But then you'd have to move to a right-wing, ChristianSharia-law hellhole full of redneKKK republiKKKans. It's your call.

    4. I still remember the purple California, the one where Pete Wilson (the politician) ran the "they keep coming" anti-immigrant ads. The California that voted against same-sex marriage -- twice.

  2. So a " new hire" told you that she /he was told not to talk to you. You don't need much of a brain to figure that out.

  3. the news director is perfectly within her rights and duties to tell her employees that sharing their internal beefs with you harms the station and she asks them not to do it. Have you ever even met her? Does she return your calls?

  4. Pat Thurston read some news copy. This is not an epic accomplishment. Stop pretending that it is.

    1. She sounded more comfortable today, but we all miss the fearless Pat Thurston. They need to let her speak her mind

    2. KCBS is an all-news station. Her JOB, the one she was HIRED to do, is to read the news. Listeners have to like hearing her reading the news enough to stay with the station. That's the deal she signed up for, until the day her job evolves back into talk show host. Until then she can express her opinions as fearlessly as she wants when she's OFF the air.

    3. I caught Pat yesterday while driving around. Britney Griner's release was the big story, and Steve Kerr (of the Warriors) was giving a speech welcoming her back to the country. Pat was talking (seriously!) about how Steve should sign her on as a player for the Warriors. WTF? She's not even close to being in the same league as the current players and would be nothing but a total embarrassment to the team and herself. Pat is so out of touch with her feminist BS.

  5. When I worked in the TV news business I'd never use a company computer to read your website. These management types are all morons!

  6. Perhaps John Batchelor will fill in part of the late night hours or Coast to Coast with Georeg Noory.. The latter may be less likely becuase it is syndicated by Premier Networks owned by Iheart, an important competitor of KCBS owner Audacy.

  7. I am SHOCKED! SHOCKED I TELL YOU - that at a workplace someone inept is running the show and worries about factions who may undermine their power. This never happens. This is the state where the surfer’s attitude prevails - “take the day off, smoke a bowl, grab a beer if you need one”.
    When, where, did this devolve into the Winter of Character Assassination??

  8. Rich - You missed the big news. KGO in November ratings had a 0.3 rating. Not 3.0, but a 0.3 rating. Talk about dismal.

    1. I assume you mean "The Spread" there's is no KGO anymore.

    2. If you mean "The Spread" and not KGO (KGO is gone) I would say that is what the deserve. These guys are idiots, first the cancelled talk radio, and went to all news, even though everyone could see that 2 24 hour news in San Francisco is overkill. Then they went to talk, but had some awful hosts, then they kind of got their act together, with decent host, some better than others, but most good enough to listen to, some more appointment radio. Then they failed to promote it adequately, and now this latest disaster. If they loose their shirt, that is what they deserve.

    3. Yes, sorry it's now officially "810 The Spread". I propose they rename the station "810 The Flop".

    4. I fully concur w/2:05 PM above, the big news in SF Bay radio-land this month is KGO's November ratings, dropping from 1.6-1.7 to 0.3. I presume Rich, you are waiting to give their sports-bettering format a fair chance. Personally, I've already deleted 810 from my station selection buttons, replaced by 640 (KFI out of LA).

    5. 3:30 and 3:34, there is the brand "KGO Newstalk 810", which is now gone, but there is also the FCC-licensed legal entity "KGO San Francisco", and that continues to exist. Until their owner, Cumulus, files to change the call sign of the station, or they sell it to another owner who does, it remains KGO. (If you listen at the top of each hour, they still give their legal ID, "KGO San Francisco", as every station must to comply with the law and regs. Cumulus tries to make it short and bury it, but it's there.)

  9. One of the KCBS’s news anchors told me a few months after he retired: “ I’m glad to be out of that place. Morale here is at an all time low “. Audacy’s short sighted management is to blame for that. They give some ditzy former
    producer that kind of’re gonna get a news room in chaos. But Audacy’s CEO David Fields doesn’t care. KCBS Will continue to make money because their overhead is now very low with salaries about half of what they were because the station had veterans such as Stan Bungee retire. Speaking of Jennifer Seelig, she’s pretty much the female version of Lee Hammer, another former KCBS producer who lucked out and ran the ‘Cumulus cluster ‘ for over a decade. Another reason why KGO went into the toilet. Hammer was running KGO after they went to the new sports betting format .

    1. If you check KCBS news staff list on their website under the heading "more" most of the old crew is still there. They can't even update that. Pretty sad situation...

    2. Lee Hammer is not running 810 now. It’s Kevin Graham, KNBR PD. Lee stayed on as VP of Play by Play Sports Programming.

  10. Who is "DRTOVES" from whom everyone is leaving KCBS?

  11. All-news stations always have low TSLs, though.

  12. It is only a matter of time before KCBS has the same fate as KGO.

  13. KTVU blunder of the day (Thursday 12/8): Sal Castaneda is about to begin a live, in-studio interview with the Oakland Chief of Police. At the beginning of the interview, when he attempts to introduce the Chief, Sal sheepishly admits he forgot his name. Sal puts his head down in shame and then says "I'm so sorry. I completely forgot your name. I know it's Laronne." At which point the chief says "Armstrong."

  14. Rich don't encourage people to break legally binding non-disclosure agreements, call Jennifer names, call Audacy incompetent, etc. , but internals business plans are confidential for competitive reasons. employees will be told when management is ready. anyone that leaks info on this mini-talk show format before then should be fired

  15. Sal Castaneda and blunder are synonymous. For as long as he's been at KTVU you would think he would have improved somewhat.

  16. 10:11, hup two three four, hup two three four, ...

  17. Who gives a flying fig what Lee Hammer is doing now. Hammer is a ass kissing, corporate tool who fired people or eliminated jobs whenever he was told to do so by his Cumulus handlers. He and Jennifer Seelig are classic examples of ca-ca rising to the top of the toilet bowl. Sucking up to corporate big wigs in any profession usually works, especially in broadcasting. Bob ‘Fatty Fitz’ Fitzgerald is proof-positive of that.

  18. I forgot about “ they’re coming to take me away!” Had a good laugh over that. “ They’re coming to take me away, from Jennifer Seelig and KCBS, ha ha!”
