Saturday, November 6, 2021

"Monumental" Issues at KCBS; Internal Strife; "Place Going to Hell"; Cries of Help; Staffers Dismayed at Direction of All-News 740 AM


I'VE received several contacts from staffers; many of them senior editors and they didn't mince words: "This place is going to hell." A longtime editor told me, via e-mail, "there's no direction here." Beyond that, say a bulk of the people, "there are just monumental issues here; it's KILLING us and the station is in trouble."

KCBS had a robust September, but fell again last month (to a 6.0) --the RATINGS make it clear what everyone already knows: KCBS has PROBLEMs. Lots. The constant audio GLITCHES and FLUBS. The whack-a-mole anchor policy that sees new people, old people, bizarre fill=ins just show up behind the mic and broadcast. It's an awkward listen. It sounds goofy. It seems to be an uneven constant. And what listeners hear (minus the ONSLAUGHT of commercials) is AUDIO HELL! Now we know, people who actually work there are just as PERTURBED and FRUSTRATED as you all are.

KCBS could use good managing. Leadership is vital only the alleged leader seems to be resting on her laurels. Jennifer Seelig is in charge (supposedly) only Seelig seems INCAPABLE of fixing matters. it's obvious Seelig either can't improve anything or doesn't have the moxie to alleviate matters.

Another KCBS staffer: "we are losing faith in her."



  1. Let's face it (or not) the whole state of CA is going to hell in a non-gender specific hand basket.

  2. Jennifer Seelig, Amber Eikel, Chris Nohr, Stephanie Adrouny, Tracey Watkowski, Audrey Cooper...notice a pattern here?

    1. 11:38, I do see a pattern. These execs all have jobs for which you would not be qualified.

  3. What a F%$#ing mess this once stellar station use to be. It's not even funny comedy, it's kcBS... Sad Situation this station is in. I hope someone fixes it soon.

  4. The pattern is pretty obvious. This not-so-newfangled thing, the internet, has dealt a death blow to tv news, radio in general, and newspapers. The internet has no gender.
