Sunday, November 7, 2021

Random Sunday Thoughts; An Apology; Winter Media Feel; Rothmann Fails on Wahl; KGO Merrill Mess; Examiner Yuck, Thanks to Clint Reilly Ego; Deli Update


It feels like winter even if the calender says otherwise. Days are now darker. Thanks again for the ridiculous fraud known as Standard Time, Daylight savings Time, whatever, this time every year, they SCREW US UP. Just leave the time alone and quit messin' with our schedule, it's already screwed up as it is.

*A METHOD TO MY MADNESS: I purposely allowed the ignorant bigots to post "Orientals"--I wanted to expose their eternal MORON, sorry I was Interneted--I finally took down the comments and it won't be tolerated anymore. I apologize to those who were rightfully offended. But again, it was my desire to show how DUMB and plain idiotic these fools are. And they think they're funny. Ha Ha, and bye-bye too.

*I'VE WANED on John Rothmann of late. I still regard him as appointment radio (KGO) when it comes to politics and news-talk. Rothmann is superb, if a bit predictable. He LOSES me when he has on the INSUFFERABLE Jan Wahl, the movie yenta who has no shame going all-out yelty in talking about movies --it's on Friday night when Wahl's on, I'm OFF KGO.

*Speaking of KGO, it's quite sad that a number of KGO hosts who have to resort to FAKE laughs when tossing to SCHMUCKY fill-in, Chris Merrill, a fool who couldn't hold down an honest conversation if his life depended on it. Merrill pollutes the airwaves because program czar, Lee Hammer, thinks he's good only Hammer has no explnation as to why Merrill is still a FILL-IN and why he's always been a fill-in. Interesting.

*Seriously, who the heck reads the Examiner? Like fish-wrap is too nice. The Examiner is Clint Reilly's EGO machine, newspaper? The Examiner makes the Chronicle look like the Times of London.

*A hoffbrau is NOT a deli. Sorry, but Canter's in the Fairfax district of LA was pretty good but that was years ago. David's in SF across from the Curran Theatre was pretty good but it long ago closed and now there's Moishe Pipic, but it too left. NO, please, Noah's Bagel's is NOT real bagels. Yeah, I've tried Beauty's Bagels in Oakland. Pretty good Montreal-style but they have weird hours. Ok, nuff said.

*Continues to make me laugh uncontrollably and I'm sure you do too, but unintentionally: the "foodie chap" schmuck with the British accent who does commercials on radio for the row-house homes with "river" in the title. Yeah, when I think Central Valley living, I immediately think of a Brit drinking Guiness at a London pub. Good marketing.

*BREAKING NEWS: The Pope has turned down a chance to fill-in on the KCBS morning news with Holly Quan on Monday.


  1. Greg Liggons did a good job on mornings on 2 this morning. Expect to see more of him at the desk.

    1. He was in for Frank Mallicoat which means the bar couldn’t be any lower. Any lower and the bar would be underground.
      I didn’t see him this morning but I have no doubt Liggons looked like a Pulitzer Prize winner compared to Mallicoat.

  2. When and why did "oriental" become like the "N" word? My wife is 2nd generation Japanese-American and finds no offense in it. In fact she sometimes uses it when referring to people from Asia and she's not a racist.

    Is this another case of guilt-ridden people who aren't referenced by the term dreaming up the insult instead of the people who it describes?

    1. No doubt the same bunch of genius' who came up with 'latinx', 'unhoused', etc.

    2. Exactly. PC culture run amok. If "oriental" is offensive then "karen" should be as well.

    3. For a deli try La Villa in San Jose, Rich. Packed with lines of people since 1947.

    4. @12:16 "dreamers".

    5. I completely agree with 11:00am. My girlfriend is half-Chinese and finds no offense with it. My next door neighbor is a Chinese couple and the husband routinely uses it to refer to Asians (not in a racist or demeaning way).

    6. When I hear people use the term Oriental it’s never used in a disparaging or derogatory way. It’s simply to refer to people from the Orient region of Asia. Is Scandinavian offensive? How about Mediterranean? Eastern European? South American? It’s all just politically correct BS gone too far. Russia is part of Asia, as is India and Afghanistan. Why do we not refer to Russians, Indians, and Afghans as Asians? Just goes to show how our usage of the term Asian is screwed up and not even accurate.

    7. These labels are so funny. We refer to ‘Asians’ by continent name and ‘Blacks’ by the color of their skin (which seems even more demeaning if you ask me). I’m really surprised that the term black hasn’t fallen out of favor already.

    8. "Oriental" is not so much a racist term as it is a severely outdated term. If you're still calling people "Orientals" in 2021, you're being perceived as a clueless, Archie Bunker type by most of the people you're talking to.

    9. That’s exactly right. In 2021, the term “Oriental” isn’t so much racist, as it is loaded and certainly outdated. When it was commonly used, it reinforced the widely-held notion (at the time) that Asian Americans were foreigners. They weren’t ‘real’ Americans, but rather “Orientals.” It is definitely as much generational as it is outdated. But with each passing generation, the term doesn’t have that same racist ‘sting,’ it just makes you sound like your grandfather when he talks about the ‘movie house’ or airline ‘stewardesses.’ We’ve all been told that the term is racist, but for younger generations it doesn’t conjur up the feelings or lived experiences that Asian Americans of prior eras experienced.
      So while I personally don’t use that term, I wouldn’t automatically assume that someone who uses it is doing so with racist intent.

    10. Up until recently, there was a Top Ramen flavor called "Oriental". It was one of my favorites, actually. I always wondered when the PC mob was going to bring it down, given what's happened to Aunt Jemmima, Uncle Ben, Land-o-Lakes Butter Indian Lady, etc. I noticed recently that its now called "Soy" flavor. I'm shocked I tell you...shocked!

    11. As with most spoken and written words, understanding the context and the spirit in which the word is used is critical.

      For example, the term "LGBT" used to be a perfectly acceptable and inclusive way of referencing members of that community. I recently learned that nowadays that term is widely regarded as exclusionary. Apparently the new term is "LGBTQIA2s+" Usage of anything less is regarded as outdated and an affront to the QIA2+ community. That was news to me. I have no doubt additional letters and characters will be added at somep point in the (not too distant) future.

      There's always someone who'll be offended, whether it's genuine or not is a different story. But back to the word "Oriental,' I feel like nowadays it just sounds unfamiliar, as it's fallen out of our collective lexicon with the emergence of "Asian American." And for many who were not alive when that term really "packed a punch," it doesn't immediately register as racist or bigoted, especially if not used in any sort of demeaning context.

  3. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why we cannot leave the damn time alone. Most of the state agrees that we should ditch dst. Twice a year when we roll the clocks forward or back, it gets talked about and still nothing ever gets done.

  4. I was watching some comedy clips of the late (2020), great, Asian comedian Johnny Yune. He calls himself an Oriental in pretty much every stand up bit he did. Same with current popular Asian comedians like Bobby Lee. It's not as bad as you think. Did PC culture attack that? I must have missed it. What is PC culture currently attacking? I don't keep up on these things.

    1. I was visiting the Indian Museum of North America at the Crazy Horse Memorial in May, and was wondering why they didn't change it to something like Native American Museum of North America? I've been noticing that Indian is coming back into fashion among Native Americans. Maybe the Cleveland Indians jumped the gun with their name change.

    2. "Johnny Yune. He calls himself an Oriental in pretty much every stand up bit he did. Same with current popular Asian comedians like Bobby Lee."

      And rappers use the N word every chance they get. Oh, and they're allowed to "reimagine" The Wizard of Oz, Alexander Hamilton, the opera Carmen and the half the superheroes out there, but if a white woman wears braids it's "cultural appropriation." (I didn't know blacks invented braids. That must be news to Bavarian milk maids.)

    3. Jumped the gun? They're decades late, re: Lowell High and Stanford.

      More than the usual white bitching on the blog today. Always amusing yet pathetic when racists get defensive & try to rationalize their willful ignorance.

    4. @12:51
      I've heard some interesting arguments on both sides for keeping/removing the label of "American Indian" vs Native American.

      There's literally an article on wikipedia on it:

      One of the general answers might to answer a question with a question: what do the experiences of an Irish person have to do with the experiences of a Croatian?

      The answer:
      They're both "European" but that doesn't really mean they have a truly shared history or culture. European is a label that happens to fit both of those groups together based on a shared geopolitical concept.

      For Native Americans it's kind of the same thing, except magnified since many of these groups have been conquered, relocated and had their cultures eradicated.

      There are hundreds of recognized tribal identities within the US, and for some of them the external label of being grouped as part of a macro racial group (Native American or Indian) was/is itself a foreign concept, as their most preferred label would be to recognize their individual tribal identity.

      Naturally the flip side is that as a political bloc, different tribes have had wildly different ranges of success in negotiating with the Federal government, and by banding together there is a useful side to creating a macro identity with which to create a sense of solidarity.

  5. << He LOSES me when he has on the INSUFFERABLE Jan Wahl, the movie yenta who has no shame going all-out yelty in talking about movies --it's on Friday night when Wahl's on, I'm OFF KGO

    That's exactly how I feel when Pat Thurston has the INSUFFERABLE Tim Sika on her show weekly doing their "movie reviews". Which is worse? Why do they both feel people want and/or need movie reviews? Nobody, and I mean NOBODY cares.

    1. It's like a throw away hour to try and "lighten" up from the serious depressing political talk..I would rather hear John rothmann interview himself on the history of all these politicos he claims he personally knew or worked for..

  6. Leave Jan Wahl alone. Everyone who meets her loves her!
    She is a Bay Area treasure for sure.

    1. I agree with some that Jan Wahl can be a little annoying, she tends to talk to much and gets over excited at times. However, she knows movies and I usually like the hour, I often email my choices in, and my email gets read or get a mentioned. I like that they tend to do a different themes, such as musicals, movies about workers etc. I still enjoy the hour even if she is a little annoying.

  7. KSCO owner Michael Zwerling LOVES politically incorrect jokes. I wonder how he would feel if I referred to his Chinese girlfriend Amy Hoe as an “Oriental”. Btw when is the Rich Lieberman show coming back to Monterey Bay? The KSCO hillbilly audience DESPISED Lieberman which made for good radio.

  8. There's no appointment radio on KGO Rich. No one. None of it. It's all crap. Please stop pretending.

  9. Can not agree more on Jan Wahl. As soon as I heard her on Rothmann the other night I thought who wants to listen to this end turned it right off. Ugh. How she gets any airtime is unbelievable.

  10. Leave it on standard time!!!! When I'm up at 630 it's dark, as in middle of night dark. School kids and parents must love it. Congress has to change it, good luck with that.

  11. I agree with the time change fraud. Leave it alone. I have some friends in Saskatchewan that love they don't have to set the clocks twice a year, which is good since one of them said there's a clock high on a wall in the main room.

  12. Rich, Have you ever tried Factor's Famous Deli in Los Angeles! Terrific.

    1. Factor's is a great deli! It's #5 on my list of LA favorites, after Greenblatt's on Sunset, Canter's on Fairfax, Langer's, and Nate 'n Al.

  13. "Just leave the time alone and quit messin' with our schedule"

    You go Rich, fully concur.

    "Jan Wahl"

    That segment would be improved at 30 minutes rather than 60.

    "Chris Merrill"

    Somebody has to be the regular fill-in host. Who would be better? True, CM's tendencies can be a little annoying, especially when he goes off on his tangents; but he has a good sense of humor.

  14. I don't know at what point the scale tips, and a term becomes offensive or racist. There are certain terms that were created specifically as slurs and thus meant to insult specific ethnic or racial communities. Such terms include the 'N' word, wetback, spic, gook, chink, zipperhead, lemonhead, greaseball, etc. There is no socially acceptable context in which these terms would be used to casually and respectfully reference those populations in a non-demeaning context.

    "Oriental" however is a bit different. I've heard it said that rugs are Oriental, people aren't. Can we say then say the same about Scandinavian (design vs. people)? Or Mediterranean (food vs. people)? The point here is that the roots of the word Orient (which is based on the latin word for "east") and Oriental more specifically, do not have inherently racist roots (such as the derogatory terms I shared above). "Oriental" is simply a word that refers to that or those of a specific geographic region. Just like "Asian" can refer to Asian people or Asian food.

    Referring to someone of east Asian decent as "Oriental" is NOT the same as referring to an African-American as an N-word or a Mexican-American as a wetback or spic. That said, the word "Oriental" did eventually assume a demeaning quality during the era in which it began to fall out of favor, but keep in mind that it was not used a racist term or slur throughout it's usage in American history. All of the example slurs I shared above have always been used to demean.

    Rich, I appreciate you listening to those who were offended by those who used it here, especially if it was used to mock or insult members of the Asian American community. I too would've removed any comment that was ethnically or racially insensitive or meant to demean an entire class of people, but I'm not sure I would've wholesale removed any reference to Oriental. Instead, I probably would've added a disclaimer that you see the comments and will remove any that slander any particular ethnic or racial group, whether it be Asians or anyone else.

    Thank you for listening.

    1. Orient Express

      It always amazes me that, in their rush to be PC (pricks and cunts), American liberals are so short-sighted, especially in urban centers of Northern California. They live in their own teeny, tiny self-constructed reality.

  15. Agree...sad we have to go to LA to get a decent deli, and there lots of good ones down there. Decent bagels are starting to emerge up here...if only they could do the rest of it.

  16. Rothman is circling the drain. It is all Trump derangement, all the time. And if you call him and point out his weak positions he takes, he screams "RUBBISH" and hangs up on you. Rothman used to be a stand up guy and would argue his position. But he is so scared of Biden looking bad that he will not tolerate any opposing views. Also he NEVER criticizes Biden. You would think we were all living on the Big Rock candy Mountain because of Biden instead of the hell we are really in. Sad. You think he takes payola from the DNC? Mebbe.

  17. Have not heard someone called 'Oriental" in years. Not because it is racist, but because it is passé. I do have an Oriental rug though. Should I call it my "Asian" rug now?
