Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Reed Cowan and Liz Cook --KPIX Anchor Magic at 5 o' Clock (For a Change)

WHETHER INTENTIONAL OR NOT, KPIX finds magic at 5 with Reed Cowan and Liz Cook...

I made a point to watch PIX's 5 PM newscast on Monday; I stumbled on Reed Cowan and Liz Cook and I found a refreshing mojo; hopefully PIX won't screw it up.

Cowan is good and it shows. Cook looks good, sounds fresh too, in fact they both help each other out and just watch and it's evident. You see a burst (or maybe not, which is good) of energy and a fluidity that is chock full of information and news presentation. It looks nice and it has a very clear and crisp appearence, again, I don't know if this was planned but it sure is a welcome addition to PIX's otherwise stale-looking output.

Cowan, the Las Vegas transplant has a nice delivery, a solid voice. He looks the part and he reads the news without any gimmicks; it helps his voice is precise and full of crispness--everything Ryan Yamamoto is not. A presence and force is Cowan, who I gave short thrift to and didn't pay much attention. He's easily someone PIX can build around.

Juliette Goodrich is a potential duo involving Cowan and it could make for a dynamic pairing. KPIX could use the boost.

Cook seems energized herself and has a far more fresh look and gives Cowan a spark. It's a wonder CBS5 hasn't gone to this pairing earlier. I like it and yes, that's news in and of itself.

Don't eff it up, PIX.


  1. Cook is an airhead.

  2. Reed Cowan is a poor man's Pete Wilson. Talks like him with the same odd smarmy inflection but the difference is, Pete had talent!

    1. They all have overinflated egos, which is understandable. Pete Wilson's was epic and annoying.

    2. How else does anyone get to be a news anchor without an overinflated ego? Though the more talented ones make it less obvious.

  3. I really think Reed Cowan is miles better than Yamamoto for sure. He has a lot of energy & charisma. But his delivery is good but also stern.

    Sure he can’t replace the charm Alan Martin also had but he’s good in my opinion.

    Liz is also good, I really enjoy her anchoring, very articulate and to the point too. Lets see if Reed & Juliette ever anchor together.

  4. KPIX version of Reggie Aqui aka, another jerk like Reggie

  5. Liz Cook is smoking hot

  6. Cowan has the most presence of a KPIX male news anchor since Dave McElhatton.

  7. How many people actually watch any local news? I mean WHO CARES
