Monday, October 24, 2022

KPIX's Sara Donchey Still On Board to Anchor 11 PM; Lousy PIX Communications; KRON Fights Internal Issues; Ex-KGOers Pat Thurston-John Rothmann Status Updates; Monday Back Stories

AT KPIX they still find a way to screw it up even when there's nothing, (apparentlY) there.

So is the case with Sara Donchey anchoring the 11 PM newscast. Or in this case, not so much.

A PIX contact told me Donchey, the LA-to-SF CBS vet, "wasn't ready" to begin her anchor duties--nobody knows why--so instead of reading the news from the anchor desk, Donchey began reporting from the field; and get this: she loved it and had the blessing of KPIX; she's not going to abandon 11; she's slated to begin any day now; the PIX source was adamant.

Only KPIX left everyone in the dark --including its own 855 Battery staff--so those fill-ins you saw at 11--including Reed Cowan and Andrea Nakano, are just that, fill-ins. The KPIX communications award is still non-existent and Bay Area viewers were left to speculate.

Again, Donchey is scheduled to read the teleprompter at 11 any day now, when I get the exact date, I'll fill you in.

*Yeah, Darren Peck, the CBS5 weather guy, has been all over the place--morning, noon, night; weekend, weekdays --KCBS too. PIX suits show how much they take the Pecker for granted and he's OK with it because he has ZERO leverage. It's a new world.

*KRON has been trying to become legit and stave off the lousy image by strengthening its news staff and its web output but those efforts and help from cheapo Nexstar have been neutralized by a sudden, massive case of "internal issues" at the station. Yeah, staff is fighting and grumbling at one person especially, guess who?

*Former KGOers Pat Thurston and John Rothmann hope to land new gigs.

Thurston is drawing significant interest from all outposts in radio: AM, FM and digital too. Thurston has been meeting with Bay Area media heads and something could break any day now.

Rothmann, I'm told, has reached out to a few stations and is pitching his expertise in politics and especially local. Given the midterm election in a few weeks, that would be welcome news and more. The idea of a Bay Area radio venue void of news and talk on Election night is crazy and ridiculous.

I'll keep you posted.

*By the way, the "LT" --Jessica Burch, another PIXer who has been gone a lot lately, is simply on an extended vacation, nothing radical or sinister about her lengthened period away from PIX.


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  1. I overslept. Was either blonde back at kpix this morning?

    1. I don’t wake up that early either, I just catch it on YT & watch the news after 8am. Peck is there.

    2. Starantino looked very nice this morning in a yellow dress.

    3. Starrantino looks nice everyday.

  2. I remember having a drink with John in Cardiff in 1948. Wonderful Man.

    Sir Winston Felch

  3. A news station that can't communicate (Pix). My irony meter just broke.

  4. I still think Pat and John could pitch the new gambling-focused KGO on a elections-betting segment.

  5. Why are is kpix not doing news at bottom of hour and top of hour? Traffic makes sense,weather doesnt. In old days (3-4 years ago) they used to do news briefs at those times. Guess network channels do not do news anymore at anytime??

  6. I’m not looking forward to hearing Donchey on at 11PM. I prefer Andrea as she is a very good anchor for news & sports too.

    Well thats true about Peck but I guess maybe its because he’s that passionate about his job. I know he has an ego and can be an arrogant jerk but he just loves the weather.

    But what does this have to do with Burch? I suspect she may not be here this week either…guessing he went back to the AM show temporarily & will return back to full time weekends once they find another weather anchor for the morning & noon show.

    1. Burch is doing her National guard 2 weeks. i bet she is back on the 31st.

    2. I guess that makes sense. Maybe Peck will come back this weekend. Definitely enjoyed seeing Hackney do the weather and how smart he is on the systems and in general but Peck is fun to watch.

      If Burch is returning Monday then Peck may likely do what he did yesterday but also be on at 11pm.

      Lets wait & see.

  7. Someone needs to inform KTVU writers and anchors that the 49ers running back is CHRISTIAN McCaffrey. It’s not FREDDY McCaffrey as they repeatedly referred to him this morning.

  8. You think Darren Peck is all over the board at KPIX, he still has time to show up at CBS Los Angeles to fill in with the So Cal weather there when needed. Gotta admire the guy's work load.

    1. Funny you ask; how often does this happen? I saw a clip where he did appear in KCAL9 on Labor day evening.

      Don’t forget he’s a native of Los Angeles.

  9. “Donchey, the LA-to-SF CBS vet, ‘wasn't ready’ to begin her anchor duties--nobody knows why“

    I know why. Have you heard her read? She sounds like she just learned. She sent seem to get what she’s reading. Remember that scene in Broadcast News where they have to give William Hurt remedial reading and reporting skills?

    1. It’s not just reading. She can’t write. The executive producers often have to write her news packages. Must be all that black hair dye seeping into her brain.

  10. Speaking of Nexstar, this is kind of odd: just as KGO Radio switches to a sports-betting format, the sports-betting TV channel (the Nexstar-owned SportsGrid) that we've had for the past year on one of KRON's digital subchannels (also carried on Comcast cable) has disappeared, replaced by another retro sitcom channel, Rewind TV.

  11. Glad LT Burch is back. I think she is great.

    1. Me too but likely next Monday. Personally I think she is good in doing the weather. If the reason is military related, and not any others (yet) generally she at least shows up & does the weather regularly.

      Lets see how Christmas/New years plays out….Peck may sub if Heggen is out on vacation if Burch is doing the AM shift daily.

  12. More ineptness at KTVU. Last night's 30 minute Sports Wrap kept repeating on the bottom crawl that the Oakland Raiders won. It's already been 3 years since they moved.

    1. This should come as a surprise to no one. Remember, this is the same station that, this morning, repeatedly referred to Christian McCaffrey as "Freddy" McCaffrey, and has referred to Madison Bumgarner as the Giants "former quarterback" on many occasions.

      Clearly whoever writes sports-related stories has their head buried in the sand, but how does this also get past the anchors, who are responsible for reading the script beforehand? And how can this happen throughout the entire newscast? This tells me no one there is even listening to what they're saying.

    2. " does this also get past the anchors, who are responsible for reading the script beforehand?"

      You just answered your own question: they don't.

      There are only two anchors I've ever worked with who read every word before they go on air (and correct MUCH of it): Catherine Heenan and Brian Hackney. Because of this, I can't recall either of them ever screwing up with copy while live, or busting the chops of a writer for a mistake that turned out to be their flub. It's called preparedness. Are you listening, Pam Moore?

    3. KCBS also had a very good talk show way back then with, I believe her name was Lilah Peterson in the afternoon. What ever happened to her, I thought she would go on to better things? She was as good as anybody on KGO in it's prime.

    4. Sum Ting Wong. 🫢

      If that incident with Tori Campbell doesn’t forever define the ineptitude or apparently disgruntled nature of the KTVU/ FOX newsroom I don’t know what does. I still look it up on YouTube from time to time for sh/tz & giggles. Would love to buy that former intern who did it a drink.Talking heads exposed. Bang Ding Ow.

      Ahh…The insanity of it all. There are probably still a few good people left over from the independent KTVU days. But the corporate FOX takeover forever changed the dynamic. Cue Don Henley’s Dirty Laundry. (And add a lyric about Mike Mibach’s annoying smirk.)

      This newsroom needs an enema!!

    5. If Hackney reads his script ahead of time, then he must be responsible for saying "incentivize" the other night. I was blaming whoever wrote it but, if he had a chance to fix it, then he must share culpability. At least I'm pretty sure he wouldn't defend himself by whining "But language evolves!", so I may forgive him, sort of....

    6. Have you ever seen Anchorman? Enough said

    7. It’s obvious there isn’t a single anchor at KTVU who reads their scripts prior to going on air. Not one. Rich has reported that anchors routinely arrive at the station 15 minutes before they go on air. Just enough time to take a dump and saunter into the studio.
      Watch any newscast and you’ll experience the following: a constant mispronunciation of words, stories with typos, and other stories with flat out wrong information. One example, this past weekend Frank Mallicoat couldn’t pronounce ‘immuno-compromised.’ He tried three times and botched it each time. At that point Claudine can be heard in the background pronouncing it correctly. Mallicoat just giggled.
      Not to mention it’s evident that most don’t even know basic Bay Area geography. A few examples over the past few months: referring to Mission Street in SF as ‘Mission Avenue,’ referring to San Bruno as ‘San Bernardino,’ and while doing a live shot along the Embarcadero next to the Ferry Building, referring to the San Francisco Bay as the Pacific Ocean.

  13. I will follow Pat Thurston and John Rothman to whatever new stations they go to. KCBS could be a good option: they used to have call-in talk shows back in the late 80s/early 90s.

    And while we're here: Darren Peck is my fav weather person. He has the best presentation/explanations for the general citizenry.

    1. KCBS had a great call in talk show with Jan Black, but it wasn't an opinion show. KCBS is not going to air a liberal or a far right opinion talk show, neither is KQED.

    2. Don't really see anywhere Pat can go on the AM dial.
      KCBS is all news. 24 hours a day. ...
      Art Finley had a nightime call in talk show on KCBS in the 1990's when KCBS was not 24 hour news; it was a mix, if I recall correctly. Maybe KCBS can go back to that format and put Pat on. Barring that, don't see where Pat fits in at KCBS or any other place on the AM dial.

    3. Agreed,for Thurston and Rothmann, neither of them have an AM station for talk,which is really their niche..maybe kqed might consider them on fm,they might fit in there,probally doing something together would be my guess

  14. Send the lieutenant on a 20-mile hike...with a full backpack.

    1. No, she'll be overhead, piloting a chopper, watching you gasp from a lofty distance.

  15. I guess I am the only who noticed it, but before Jessica Burch took her time off, for whatever the reason, but for at least the last two weeks she was on-air, they GOT RID OF, the LT crap on the byline that appears when she first comes onscreen. It only showed her name Jessica Burch. I have no problem with her being a somewhat military person, but I DO have a problem with KPIX showing her military title, when what she is doing has nothing to do with her military job. The old etiquette rule is that if you use a title for one person, you use it for all, so that would mean, that the others would be addressed as Ms Starrantino, Ms Moran, and so on. Or, since KPIX seems to think they are a military organization since they were referring to Jessica Burch as a LT, which SHE IS NOT, by the way, as there is NO SUCH RANK in the National Guard, it would mean that they would designate the other newscasters with ranks. Considering anchors would naturally be of higher rank than a weather person, I guess they would be Captains, at the very least. And my explanation about Jessica Burch's rank is that if you watch the PROMOS for her on KPIX, they show her in her National Guard uniform, and on the front, you will see a gold bar. That is a designation for an O-1, or the bottom rank of an officer. Since she is in the National Guard, that would mean that her rank is 2ND LT. Only the Navy has a rank of LT, and that is an O-3, or the third rank from the bottom.

    1. Thank you Colonel Klink!

    2. "a somewhat military person"???
      She's a helicopter pilot. Does that intimidate you?

    3. I noticed it to that they dropped the LT. I bet someone complained from the national guard.

    4. " I have no problem with her being a somewhat military person, but I DO have a problem with KPIX showing her military title, when what she is doing has nothing to do with her military job."

      Exactly right. If they were interviewing someone for a story about, say, catalytic converter thefts, and that person happened to be a medical doctor, there'd be no reason to super them "Dr. Harold Smith/Had catalytic converter stolen." They'd just be Harold Smith, because that's all that's relevant. The rest was just KPIX trying to seem superior for reasons that have nothing to do with their job, which is reporting news.

    5. Ok, she knows how to fly a helicopter great. Let me know when she’s in a combat zone.

    6. AnonymousOctober 24, 2022 at 12:37 PM "a somewhat military person"??? , yes, and since she is in the National Guard, that is why I wrote it as "somewhat Military person". While the national guard is a part of the military, it is no way at all like being in the regular army or other military organizations. I mean, they work one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer. hardly anything at all, close to regular military. And really, Jessica Burch has been a helicopter for quite a while, and yet, she is STILL JUST a 2nd LT? I wonder about that too...

    7. I did some research on this too. There must be a different reason for her absence and probably a new AM meteorologist is coming soon. Maybe Rich can fill in when he got more details on this change

  16. If Pat and John want to be picked up by KCBS, they better be prepared to talk about vaccines a lot. Is that station part-owned by pharma companies, or is it just my drug-addled imagination?

    1. KCBS will not be doing opinion-laced talk.

  17. Kyle Shanahan has been talking to the media for six years now. Why does he still start every sentence with "Umm"?

    1. Ummm. I don't, ummm, know, ummm.

    2. Umm so does Gabe Umm Kapler.

  18. “ Donchey began reporting from the field; and get this: she loved it…”

    Wait, are you telling me someone from LA and who’s now in SF—both top markets—had never reported before?!??


  19. Is it just me, or are the excuses coming from the Forty Niners getting stale? “Penalties hurt us” and “we need to tighten things up”. I love it when they state,”the game could have gone either way but we didn’t deliver.” Oh Brother.
    Don’t get me started on the Vegas Traitors - they bailed on us Oakland fans TWICE. They aren’t the drunken brawling rowdy kooks we rooted for, and they never will be. They are glorified showgirls now, and they always will be.
    But at least Stanford Football is drawing 1,122 fans per game🤷🏼‍♂️

    The Score takes care of itself👏

  20. After a steady diet of Allen Martin, Ken Bastida, and Reed Yamamoto, Reed Cowan (or Darrin Reed Cowan, per his social media handle) maybe offers a bit of energy to a newscast badly lacking it. Not to be harsh, not too much, but Paul Heggen needs to go up a jacket size. And jeans for a news anchor might work in DFW or Mobile, but not in San Francisco.

  21. TO RICH: A TIP

    The Spread 810, the Cumulus radio station that will probably be killed off by next year, has 37 followers on Twitter.

    Hardly the barn-buster launch I'm sure they envisioned for themselves.

    1. Surprised to say that I have not tuned into The Spread yet.
      Not even to check it out. If I am indicative of the general audience the new format will flop.

    2. Damn. My burner account I use to troll Rich on Twitter has more followers than that.

    3. I checked out 810 The Spread on Twitter. They have 37 followers, while the former KGO had 32,900. Says it all.

  22. Donchey is anchoring at 11PM tonight, she is okay. Honestly, still prefer Nakano at this timeslot as she is a solid anchor like Fehely, Hackney and Goodrich.

  23. Sarah tonite looked like she just got off the golf course…Oh those pants…Yikes…

    1. What a joke, not what I wanted to see at 11pm. Thats why Nakano was great when she had the gig. She (and ofc all women anchors I have seen on tv) dress more or less professional yet also do a great job on the news.

  24. At least Cowan is off the 11pm news, he was god awful.

  25. Jessica Burch is back on the morning show. Finally Peck got his next 2 days of break and will be back to his weekend schedule. No more Paul Heggen on Saturday mornings in casual.

    But why was that listing anyway for the AM/Noon show there in the first place? Is it likely because they want a different backup besides Darren Peck?

  26. Andrea Nakano is on the weekend evenings now coanchoring with Brian Hackney. Well last Saturday both covered weather & sports as an “efficient” way to run a newscast.

    This weekend, Peck is back, except for his ego & arrogance, I really just like his ability to forecast the weather.

    But I think Andrea is likely going to be a permanent fixture (for now) on the weekend evening newscast and not leave Hackney all by himself. She is a great anchor and I wish she had the weeknight 11PM gig & move Donchey to weekend evenings with Hackney.

    I think it’s been over a year but do you think Devin Fehely will have a coanchor for weekend mornings in the future?
