Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday Breaking News: Monday Teases; I Get Knocked Down But I Get Up Again

SUNDAY BREAKING...We're back (we never really left, we just asked for some gas so we could re-start the car)

MONDAY teasers Sunday

*Pat Thurston, one of the KGOers that got booted, is drawing significant interest from outside forces. I'll let you know more on Monday.

*John Rothmann hopes for a resurrecton soon, somewhere...especially before the November election.

*The Sara Donchey 11 PM news anchorship at PIX will be upon us soon; I'll tell you the back story on Monday.

*KRON was just starting to humn baby until../.I'll tell you more Monday.

*READERS: Please continue to make donations to 415 Media as this is 100% --READER SUPPORTED!


  1. Looking forward to seeing where Pat Thurston and John Rothmann will be heading. Both are excellent at what they do.

    1. prediction: Rothmann will start a ventriliquiest act with steven moskovitoz and Thurston will go into real estate fulll time with her best friend and long time partner "Sherod" And if you believe it that, then you most think the Nikki Medoro show on "Kgo in Exile" is groundbreaking news

  2. Rich, I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the BREAKING NEWS Monday.

  3. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the delivery man to drop off my new stove.

  4. I'm waiting for pizza !

  5. So you’re saying she will start anchoring the 11PM news now? Not looking forward to Donchey much. Although Nakano was there last night with Hackney, both did a great job in both roles (anchor & weather/sports). As Hackney mentioned Peck is off since he worked every day of the AM show. But I’m happy he did not show the rain chance graphics and gripe about hoping or not hoping for rain; that’s one thing I got a little annoyed about. Peck won’t do it unless its significantly needed like back last month.

    I’m also worried about Burch and where it’s landing up. I feel she may return tomorrow but don’t know for sure; if Peck is there tomorrow morning I guess they are still searching for an AM/Noon meteorologist and Burch got let go and the schedules will get messy till someone gets hired. I would have preferred to see Mary Lee on a weekend morning or any evening for a change.

  6. Greatest song ever.

  7. There was a conmercial on Saturday with Jessica as weather person. It ran in early afternoon on either she will be back or they dont know what commercials run on channel 5??

  8. Mike Mibach isn’t wearing his ring for the 2nd day in a row. Probably no big deal, but he ALWAYS has worn it.

  9. I was watching the football game on KPIX earlier today and they were still showing the promo for the LT.

    1. It's partially a little confusing, and tough to just jump into conclusions. In the past, there were periods Peck was filling in for Mary Lee and he still came on weekend mornings & weekend evenings (for example for New Year's). I was only under the impression that she might have left, because the pattern almost went back to the way it was in late Winter and a part of early Spring and Peck evidently said "I'm on the morning show now...." on a noon newscast.

      I don't think she left, but it's a little strange how it came to this.

    2. Damn. I was hoping she got shipped off to Salinas where she belongs.

    3. KSBW in Salinas is a solid news station and has been for many decades. The anchors and reporters aren't posting sexy pictures of themselves, but rather look and work like real people. This is a good thing.

    4. KSBW is an excellent station in a small market. Their anchors and reporters are veterans. It has been a stepping stone for young journalists. Alumni with Bay Area connections include Leslie Griffith, Joe Fonzi, Allen Martin, Christine Craft, Rob Fladeboe and Len Ramirez.

  10. Andrea Nakano is co-anchoring with Brian Hackney at 6:00 right now. She is very good and it’s a shame that management is inept.

    1. And Darren Peck returned on Sunday evening. Brian Hackney was there Sunday morning, great doing the weather, but no interaction with Devin or live shots, which I would have loved to see. I suspect they ended the 11PM newscast and just did 2 overnight newscast clips and they just repeatedly played them during the AM show.

      I think Burch is going to return tomorrow. The only way that this would not happen is if Peck is not in at 11PM. I think this is a regular pattern; if Peck is working Monday AM, he will leave after the 6PM newscast and Hackney will be in for the weather so that he can get some good sleep & wake up. Let's watch & see tomorrow.

    2. Agreed both are very good. Now that brings me up to Rich's next point...Donchey anchoring for 11PM on weeknights, while Nakano is anchoring with Hackney weekend evenings? At least Hackney has a co-anchor now, sounds better now and he seems a little happier. And good to see Peck back today.

    3. Andrea should have the 11 pm newscast. Donchey is a joke.

    4. My point as well, Andrea is a solid anchor and she is definitely a solid anchor on the 11pm newscast.

    5. Okay, Peck is not in for the 11pm newscast which means he will be on yet again this week for the morning show.

      Really Rich, if she is still out this week, we should seriously find out what happened to Burch. What she does on social media is honestly not something to bother about; the fake followers or whatever was her personal choice. There must be a different reason she is out, more than 1 week out starts becoming questionable now. If its really to do with the National Guard, I understand. Beyond that its a concern and just a sign they’re on the hunt for a new AM meteorologist (man or woman and race, I don’t care). Just don’t strain the current meteorologists out.

    6. Okay I think I found what happened…they closed that listing on 10/3 but sounds like nobody has officially joined yet. Maybe they are getting trained and soon we might see a new AM/Noon meteorologist.

  11. I heard things became extremely uncomfortable for the LT after all her on air colleagues learned about her extensive campaign to buy fake followers and likes. It sounds silly but at the end of the day she was exposed as a total phony. I wouldn’t be surprised if she took a mini LOA.

    1. Where did you hear this? Oh no, not another VDLC who went MIA. Well, I would be, but at the same time, wonder if part of it is coming down to the job posting for weekday AM/Noon meteorologist.

  12. Yesterday was the second Saturday in a row that Haener worked. This in addition to her regular schedule. Rich, is there a particular reason for this?

  13. Guess I missed that?? When did she do that? Looked to see if any news outlet covered that or only Rich?

  14. I'll admit it, perhaps it would be better not to, but I cannot help myself.

    It has been heartbreaking for the demise of KGO, I actually listened to it back in the Ira Blue days. All those many years have passed.

    But guess what......I also miss Coast to Coast !

  15. Weather guy on channel 2 news has his cat on tv? Why isnt he in studio? Seeing his cat'sbutt is not newsworthy or professional!! What a mess they are!

    1. The cat is often more coherent than he is.

    2. Amen! The cat is more watchable than Bill.

  16. Rich,
    Do you have an update on Andria Borba? Is she coming back to KPIX?

  17. It’s amazing to me that people get their panties in a tangle over local TV news. I pride myself in being a news junkie and I have not watched local TV news in over 20 years. It’s all crap.

  18. Coast to Coast is gone? Well at least something good came out of this mess. But now what will Big Foot have to listen to at night?

  19. And in other news. A rafter of wild turkeys were seen in my neighborhood and a mischievous raccoon knocked over my neighbors garbage can during the night. Film at 11:00!

  20. Why all a hate towards Sara Donchey? Sara competent, reads a teleprompter without stumbling and a good reporter. I also think she is cute, too, soft on the eyes.

  21. Is there still such a thing as Nielsen "sweeps" months in the major TV markets? or have those been replaced by daily metering? (Also I assume financial bottom lines are more important that ratings now). But in the old days, stations in the week before the ratings book began would have different anchor combinations, this person here and that one there, regulars would take time off,and the new configurations would be in place on the first day of sweeps (which is Thursday).
