Tuesday, October 25, 2022

More Drama Than Ever at KPIX; Andria Borba MIA Due to Unknown Medical Issue; Weather Talent Bizarro; Scott Warren-Lisa White Inept Leadership --NO Accountability --"Big Shot" MO

NEVER MIND a NEW MANAGEMENT REGIME...excess drama exists at 855 Battery --home to CBS-SF, KPIX

Star reporter, Andria Borba, has been MIA for some time now, over a month --the reason? She's dealing with a "medical issue"--I don't know if it's serious but whatver the case, Borba has been away from the PIX newscasts for an extended time.

PIX has seen a plethora of new reporters --some, literally just hired within a few weeks. Enough to warrant lots of speculation inside the building--while the newscasts have seen some momentum --like Reed Cowan and Liz Cook at 5, the want to keep Ryan Yamamoto in the mix is losing steam with staff--not just viewers.

GM Scott Warren and ND, Lisa White (who didn't hire Yamamoto) are nonetheless trying to keep him happy. Why? I have no idea because he's a lousy anchor and has no presence. Put him on the Nooner and let him go wild, nobody watches. Nobody cares. PIX has more pressing issues.

*I know now, for sure, why Lisa White has been passed over for 22 years, mostly at KRON and now CBS: she is a nothing burger. She doesn't lead. She is incapable. But whatever.

Paging ex-KTVU news grip, Janice Gin, but she's in Hawaii.

PIX's weather talent is a state of chaos. Paul Heggen is good but sort of stale and robotic. Darren Peck is decent and viewers seem to like him but his EGO and Napoleon syndrome at the office is NOT a hit with staff. The "LT", Jessica Burch? Dear lord, don't get me started.

The overriding issue at PIX is a massive lack of direction. No accountability. NO leadership. Who's minding the store? We're talking about the O and O of CBS and its Bay Area news operation! DOES ANYONE at CBS give a damn? Aparently not.

And Warren's inept leadership with as assist from White is an abject FAILURE.

BOTTOM LINE: they all (Warren and White) want to be Big Shots but they can't even perform their jobs marginally.


*Please continue to make donations to 415 Media as this is 100% --READER SUPPORTED!


  1. Paul Heggen is fluent in over six million forms of communication.

  2. KPIX tried to be slick with the weather/sports personal shortage over the weekend

    Instead of Brian being solo, he had Andrea Nakano coanchoring with him.

    Andrea: Since Brian is doing News, let’s see him do the weather.

    Brian: the only efficient way to run a newscast and you’ll be doing sports after this. 😂

    1. Yet Darren Peck came Sunday evening joining the party. And Brian did say Darren has been working every day in the morning show & when you do that, you need a day off. True. And I guess that explains why he would work this week too. Otherwise he would have easily done the whole weekend like he did during the holidays.

  3. Yamamoto must have a good lawyer.

    1. He has a 3yr contract. they have to just let it play out

  4. Maybe the medical issue that Andria Borba has, is that she is getting laser lipo. That would explain it and is certainly something she needs!

    1. Harsh. She is a beautiful woman.

  5. PIX's weather talent is a state of chaos. The biggest problem with Paul Heggen is the shoes he wears. He dresses in normal attire but when you get to the shoes they are appropriately dark, except for the glaring thick white soles. Why not find a pair that are dark, with a dark sole. Very disturbing to many viewers. Its as bad as if he were wearing a dark suit with white crew socks.
    Who does he think he is, David Letterman?
    A little decorum, PLEASE.

    1. “Decorum?” He’s talking about the weather on TV, not detailing high crimes and misdemeanors for the January 6 committee.

      I like the casual look, seems professorish rather than uptight news blowhard.

    2. Maybe PIX decided it’s okay with the shoes

      When the 3pm debuted he would be tieless and would be wearing different colored chucks and would switch to dress shoes during the 5,6,7 and 11

      I guess they being lenient on shoes now

    3. Look I am not against what casual Paul Heggen is wearing but why is he the only one doing that? Honestly it is kind of distracting. PIX is lenient on this?

      But except that he is a great meteorologist; sounds knowledgable but kind and humble to the anchors.

  6. @1:05 Right? I went to my cousins wedding in 1975 rocking my powder blue leisure suit with a pair of brand new white low top Converse. Granted I was 15 and talked my parents out of buying a pair of ugly shoes that were only going to be worn once.

  7. If Paul Heggen insists on wearing those awful shoes then he has to wear the right suit: shorter jacket and tapered pants with a slight break. Paul has to also wear the right denim to go with those awful shoes. He should wear straight leg denim with a medium break. His legs are too short to wear wider leg pants and he should pair the denim with a sports jacket, short length and not a suit jacket.

  8. Did Andrea Borba got Covid or maternity? She has been married for years and still no surprise!

  9. Darren Peck is why I watch KPIX. Great personality, really interesting and informative...

    1. He is great, but I think he really just prefers being on weekends (morning & evening) & weekday evenings a fill in. He gives great weather at all times but I guess it looks like he doesn’t enjoy being in the morning show because of the fact people don’t sit in 1 place like before (they all congregate on the Weather Center) and unless something interests him in Gianna’s morning mix, he doesn’t appear to be interested.

      Weekends are another story, does great weather & enjoys the interaction with Devin/other anchors and Brian Hackney (and any coanchor he may have).

      He does look to have a temper sometimes and ego for sure. Sometimes he does sound as if he is angry.

  10. Sara Donchey is finally on the 11:00 pm News. She’s good. Why all the negativity? I think she’s attractive.

  11. They need to really get 1 more meteorologist at least especially if Brian Hackney isn't that interested to do the weather. The reason being that Hackney is there to anchor and his "pet" Darren Peck is doing the weather. I know Hackney is a brainiac but he just turned 65 last weekend (which explains why he was off last Saturday). My guess is he has no plans to retire at this moment. His knowledge is versatile while also still maintaining professionalism & some sense of humor and trivia with the anchors and viewers.

    KNTV and KRON are organized; 1 weekday morning meteorologist, 1 weekday evening meteorologist and 1 weekend morning meteorologist & 1 weekend evening meteorologist. Backups on the weekdays would usually be whoever is taking care during the weekend, though the problem can sometimes mean some of them working 7 days a week. (i.e. Mayeda and Arana). KPIX uses Darren Peck for both the weekend morning & weekend evening and fill-ins at all other times.
