Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Bay Area Media Cover 5.1M Quake --Some Better Than Others; KCBS Goes Non-Stop Quake Coverage; KGO? Betting Tips

A 5. 1 earthquake hit the region (Bay Area --south near San Jose)

All Bay Area TV stations went to immediate quake coverage (I channel-surfed across the board and went to ABC7 and saw Reggie Aqui and immediately switched over to KPIX )


*KCBS is running non-stop quake coverage with interviews and eyewitness accounts from the South Bay.

*KGO used to rely on listener reports --now? Sports betting tips.


  1. Listening to the repetitive,hyperventilating hysterics of these candy asses over this. These idiots are so screwed if this was a major catastrophe.The same ill-prepared morons descending upon Costco for toilet paper and bottled water 2 years ago.

    1. These same candy asses are the reasons we have the leaders in California that we have.

    2. Time to cull the herd.

    3. I'd rather the current leaders...than right-wing, Christianity-shoving-down-our-throat, return-to-White-domination leadership the the current state of republiKKKanism has become.

      Y'all can leave our great state if you choose. It's still a free country.

    4. Anyone who says"Y'all" is not from California and is a poser. Get a life rube! Moron.

    5. 6:58 it was a great state renowned the world over before the current ilk took it over and ran it into the ground. Billions of unfunded liabilities. People and major companies leaving the state in droves. Just you wait a few years. People think it's bad now...wait until they start making massive cuts due to all of the money drying up. They'll just pass legislation and raise taxes again. Maybe pay a few reparations to some other made up group. I really look forward to 6:58 going into the poor house.

    6. @7:45 People like @6:58 are the reason we're in the state we're in. My family goes back hundreds of years here. It's sad what the people that came later have turned this once great Utopia into.

  2. The new 810TheSpread (formerly KGO 810 radio, as in talk radio that Cumulus killed) Twitter account has 37 followers. What a perfect example of a waste of a needed radio station in case of local emergencies.


    1. KCBS is ALREADY the designated emergency radio station for the original 9 county Bay Area


      Page 14

  3. I heard Ryan on PIX and changed channels as well.

    1. How many times can Ryan and Cook ask people have you ever been through a earthquake before? Amatuer hour

    2. I was watching The Young & the Restless when the earthquake happened and a few minutes later, KPIX broke in then I listened to Ryan and Cook.

  4. I bet KGO, second thought, no bet!

  5. ABC 7 was mostly live on air as the quake was happening. Always a plus. Just ask Steve Paulson who went viral last big quake.

    Was surfing channels and ABC 7 was the most polished by far. They’ve got a good crew there. And I find Reggie quite engaging. But that’s just me.

    They’ve been on the air for over two hours now commercial free. Enter Ming and Karina Nova (who is actually a pretty solid newbie). Now it’s just getting repetitive. Yawn. No major damage. So enough is enough. Good practice for when the Big One hits, I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️

    1. I think KGO goes after the younger demographic audience. Which is fine otherwise it’s one size fits all. Pretty much 99% of this blog is grumpy old men.

    2. KGO is no more, it's 810 the Spread, l don't expect them to cover an earthquake, but miss the old KGO. I listened to Mark Thompson on Utube, it was covered there. He was interviewing Dan Ashley and Kim McAllister doing the news. I actually find most of his show quite good. He has David Katz on. Only other choice at that time of the day, it's either KCBS or right wing radio. Possibly NPR, but I don't get a good connection in my house.

    3. 1:48 l'm older, but not grumpy nor a man. What is your point?

    4. I watched 20 seconds of Reggie and vomited all over my couch. Now I have to call the leather cleaners.

    5. And @5:38 has a dirty house full of dogs and feces on the walls.

  6. why would a non news station cover a quake?

  7. Next on KGO The Spread - Bets on the next quake demolishing the Bay Area...

    1. over under on the richter scale?

  8. When the quake hit Reggie let out a shriek like a woman who had been walked in on changing.

  9. Rich, what do you think this idea? Your blog readers write a letter to the FCC complaining about the difference in KGO's apparent interest in earthquake safety, citing the difference in coverage now vs before sports betting format change,? And cc'ing the state's two Senators, and all of the Bay Area congressional delegation?

  10. Maybe they're cutting KGO to the bone for a fire sale. It would be nice if Bonneville or some other group could turn it around

    1. Wouldn't it have made more sense to sell while KGO still had some resemblance of what KGO use to be, a great talk station

    2. I have a feeling KGO is doing the sports betting format as a stop-gap for a few months, while it tries to find a better format or sell the station.

    3. If all you people who complain about the demise of KGO had listened to the station as much as you do complaining to Rich the station would have actually had ratings.

    4. They’re waiting out 1 year after firing all the union employees. Pesky labor problem solved!

  11. KQED continued with pre-recorded program. Gasia started to hyperventilate when it wasn't necessary. NBC11 did a pretty good job since it was in their backyard. Some of the call-in reports from listeners actually didn't help. One guy reported his experience while taking a shower. TMI.

    1. Gasia hyperventilating over today’s earthquake, which caused no injuries or damages, should come as a surprise to no one. She’s scared of her own shadow and the dictionary definition of a Nervous Nancy.
      For example, while everyone else has adapted and learned how to live life with Covid circulating, Gasia continues to speaks of the pandemic as if we’re back in May 2020, at the height of fear and paranoia.
      All of this applies to Pam Crook as well.

    2. Perhaps , 5:28, it's because the omicron variants are more contagious than the delta strain and can still kill you.

    3. 7:46am, got it! time will tell if healthy people begin dropping dead on the street, or if it’ll just be more of the same, affecting elderly, sick, and the dumbasses who didn’t want to wear the mask or get vaccinated. Have fun hiding in your basement!

    4. dear 8:43... We don't have a basement, except in your imagination..Omicron variants are more contagious than the original(delta) form and variants. It can kill healthy people just like you, whether they are assholes or not.

  12. Is KRON having people call in all afternoon?

    "Hi, this is Velveeta in South San Jose, I think it moved my mobile home, but I've been drinking Everclear all morning and I'm not sure."

    1. Don't forget her little mans and boo's that are running around unsupervised throughout said trailer park. We should pay her reparations or something.

  13. Gasia was cringy and horrible on KTVU. Thankfully they went to person on the street with Christina Rendon who was in San Jose at the time. But most people were unphased, just said they felt the shaking and went back about their business. 5.1 quake...ehh... Nothing to see here. Pretty much like Bay Area media.

    1. Wow. You mean Gasia was actually talking about the earthquake and not reminding us for the 400,000th time that she and her family have zero interest in sports?

    2. "My family and I have zero interest in sports." Send her to the Warriors victory parade, opening day with the Giants. Why send the one person who couldn't care more about sports? Dumb! Gasia is the type of person to take free 49ers tickets to Levi's than complain how hot it is on the sunny side. Hey Gasia! You reside in Livermore.... as we know it gets really hot out there as you also like to remind viewers. Have you finally decided to put in an air conditioning?

    3. Will the Thrill, exactly my question as well! Surely there must be at least one other person there who actually knows about and has an interest in sports. Gasia routinely speaks her disinterest and lack of knowledge almost as if it’s a badge of honor, similar to how she brags about not having AC, shopping at Ross, and driving a 20 year old car.

  14. Yeah, I didn’t need the visual of the NBC program director taking a shower while experiencing the 5.1 earthquake.

  15. The odds of a bigger quake happening are 5 to 95. Even more odd is the lack of local news stations mentioning “it could be a fore-shock”.
    Do any of the readers here log onto the USGS shock map? It shows where folks most felt the temblor. It is never a linear matter, some places really feel it and nearby. most folks felt very little. Kind of cool dynamics by Mother Earth.
    Newsflash !! There is a run on Ivermectin, and not by the Oatsmobiles.

  16. At least Gasia was at the station, unlike Amber Eikel who was recently spotted sitting in her parked car on a dead-end street in the industrial area near Jack London Square. Later, when someone mentioned they saw her car on a back street, she said she had been taking a "mental health break."

  17. When Reggie is on, I tune to CNN

    1. When CNN is on, I leave the airport.

  18. The coverage on all the locals went on WAY too long for a small trembler that I BARELY felt in San Mateo. BTW, the quake alert came through on my phone a good few seconds before I felt anything. I was pretty impressed. It's just enough time to get your attention and be ready.

    1. Gee, we felt the temblor here in Monterey, as if the earth had disgorged an uncomfortable burp. There was no trembling, and no phone alerts. Often, aftershocks can be larger and more damaging than the original incident. That's part of why quake stories get covered. See 1989.

    2. Gee Anonymous at 7:44, tell me more about earthquakes. I've only been through two major quakes in my 50+ years of living in California so you must know much more than I do. What are these aftershocks you speak of?

    3. hmmm I've lived in California since 1944, survived Pasadena quake, northridge quake...etc. etc. See Caltech re earthquakes and richter scale..There is no such thing as a "trembler". You should know this.

  19. KGO-TV's new reporter Lena Howland has been annoying me since she arrived by gasping for air between each sentence. This morning she added a new reason: mispronouncing Alum Rock as
    "aLUM rock". Ugh....

    1. Almost as bad as Frank Mallicoat referring to San Anselmo as “San Ass-Lemmo’ or Jessie Gary (KTVU’s sports dude extraordinaire) referring to runs in baseball as “points.” On more than one occasion.

  20. Sad reality is I haven't listened to KGO in such a long time and only recently turned it on because I was looking for a NFL game on the radio this weekend. The local stations weren't carrying a game and 1050 had Baseball. I decided to turn on KGO. It was a betting show on the NFL and while I really did not care much for it I at least listened for a few minutes to get current NFL news. That's more than I can say about how much time I listened to KGO the last ten years.

  21. So you are the one.

  22. I was listening to KCBS. Despite the earthquake active warning system apparently available in the SF Bay Area, no on-air warning from KCBS was issued. Wondering if this is by design, concern about the listeners panicking? or something the station hasn't gotten around to yet?

  23. I'm predicting an earthquake of a magnitude 9.5 on the Richter scale. It will result in thousands of casualties with surprisingly, little to no physical damage. DATE: 11/28.Epicenter-Twitter HQ-SF.

  24. I flipped back and forth to see who had the better coverage. Sorry to say KTVU was a "bore". I thought KNTV had solid coverage. Laura Garcia did a solid job. Surprise to see Raj came in and they were anchoring together and actually it was watchable. KGO TV was pretty good also. Reggie, Kumasi and Nicco were watchable. KPIX was ok at the beginning when they had Wendy Tokuda on the phone but after that no need to watch. KRON was ok. Too much map not enough of Noelle's pretty face. She is good eye candy...

    1. Noelle eye candy? Guess we know you like the ladies thick

    2. Bellos eye candy? Bet it takes a lot of licks to get to the center of THAT tootsie pop?

  25. Nothin wrong with watching "thick" ladies on television doing the anchor desk. Its not all about the pretty skinny peachy face on camera only...
