Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Wednesday Media Coffee Extravaganza; KPIX Hasn't Registered Since Dave McElhatton and Wendy Tokuda; "Posers" Rule The Bay Area TV News Zone; Dan Ashley Still 'No-Go' at Circle7; Stephanie Sierra Vanilla --Powerful Mom, Speier, Evident; Does Raj Mathai Know The Way To (NBC) San Jose?; Warriors' TNT/ESPN Shots Save Bay Area from Bob Fitzgerald, Thank God


A local broadcast wonk noted that KPIX hasn't really had a decent presence since the McElhatton (Dave) days --sure, Ken Bastida and Allen Martin look like house royalty compared to today but they were trivial parts --Mac and company --Wendy Tokuda, Wayne Walker, Joel Bartlett, were the PIX equivalent of Circle7 (KGO) and they had valor and esteem. Even stumbling Tokuda was worthy of a name and she and Dave gave PIX cred and stature. The newscasts were strong and the reporters were full of information and vigor. It was there for the viewing on any given night.

PIX has never been the same. The only semblence was when Kate Kelly and Doug Murphy held court in the early 1990's. And the reporters were vastly superior to the dreck we have today. PIX, for all its CBS credo, is a lost ship at sea with a non-existent direction and captain(s) who have no idea what they're doing and who look like personal remnants of The Titanic.

*I'VE often used the term, "posers" as a reference to today's local news actors --and they're just that, posers. They look as if they were just dropped off from the Fresno Greyhound bus depot. They have NO star power. They're human bodies and they're just here. Nothing else. They have NO connection to the local scene hell, they don't even know the geography! The anchors are worthless, not all, but most. Posers, I said and take a look. What a disgrace. Even the decent ones, say, a Dan Ashley here, a Pam Moore there, possess virtually no emotion and passion. It's so sad and tragic.

*SPEAKING of Ashley, he's still not signed a contract extension and is working on an "at will" status, which is essentially what he's making now (roughly $600K, yearly) , no chump change, but Disney aparently doesn't want to commit long term--they're both in a holding pattern. Ashley isn't going anywhere soon, (I think) because he has a home in Walnut Creek, a new wife and a rock band when he's not reading the teleprompter. He loves the Bay Area and he's a thirty-year+ veteran at KGO. He has a little leverage but he's not going to rock the boat. ABC/Disney seems content to ride the wave. Use your own imagination.

*Indicative of the growing exodus of reporters leaving the biz, ABC7 has a whole bunch of new reporters and they look like the sales reps for a chain of empty hotels in Des Moines. My god, what a sad look.

*Stephanie Sierra is the ABC7 "investigative" reporter --she's average and benign. Competent? Yes. Worthy of note? Heck no. Sierra got the gig largely because her mother is former congresswoman, Jackie Speier. It helps to have people like mom in high places. Sierra, as I said, is competent and serviceable but has little emotion and limited passion --it shows when she's reporting.

*Stacy Owen, the GM down in San Jose at NBC Bay Area has her self an ongoing issue with a problem that only gets more irksome every day: a "diva" issue, says a newsroom source. The deal? anchors Audrey Asistio and Janelle Wang's growing feud as to who's the top woman at 11. They both have high opinions of each other ant they both want eternal prime time. Complicating matters? Janelle's open flirtation with head dog, Raj Mathai.

*Mathai himself has issues to deal with; obviosly having wine coolers every now and then with Janelle one but he's also dealing with a growing perception that his worth in San Jose is largely based on his pretty boys looks and lack of news chops. He also has a more pressing item: his contract is up next year and he hasn't signed a new deal and so far, NBC hasn't offered a new contract. Does Raj continue to know the way to San Jose? Uh, who knows.

*THE WARRIORS have been on national TV twice --out of their four games, (TNT/ESPN) thank you for sparing us the indignity that is Bob Fitzgerald, the Warriors' TV broadcaster. Fitz's obnoxiousness and smarmy look and tone is once again showing its awful self. The HOMER Fitz is bad enough and a local sports broacast exex was spot on about the woeful "Rudy", as he is known (a reference to the Notre Dame character figure), the exec said it best, "Two games in and I'm already looking for alternate feeds of the 'Warriors TV; 'Fitz could not get further up the ass of the team. All you see is their Warriors 'shoelaces. JEEZUS!"

More: "Just an awful broadcast. Awful. A 'homer broadcast that is for small market teams. Grow some balls, Fitz, and call a balanced game!". Yeah sure, dream on.


  1. Rich, we were fortunate to live through a magnificent era in Bay Area broadcasting that will never be seen again. It's the end of an era. Like men wearing suits with shined shoes and a Fedora. The "Posers" that you so aptly mention are indeed just that. FA's signing on just like a rental ballplayer, with no local connection or genuine on-air persona. Lifeless, self absorbed meat reading a script. Real Journalism is dead. R.I.P.

    1. Wendy Tokuda was a zero. Dave McElhatton carried her.....

    2. There were other networks with an abundance of talent. The picture of the PIX crew was just a slice of the spectrum.

  2. I've said this before, but the problem is a fundamental generational one.

    I bet, if you asked 100 25-54 people on the street (without access to the web) to name 2 local news anchors on the 6 or 11 pm news, you'd get no more than 15 who could correctly name 2. And I bet 10 of those 15 are 49+. Hell, I read your blog every day and *I* would probably get it wrong, because I don't watch local evening news either.

    My teenagers are news consumers, but they and their friends have never watched the local evening news, and they never will, because it's not a habit for most people today.

    I think that senior station management and ownership knows it and secretly agrees with me, and that's why they don't make investments in high cost talent or smart management. Long term, none of it will move the needle, so they're trying to be as profitable as they can for as long as they can.

    1. 100% agree. The desire for information will never go away, but how people get their information has changed dramatically. I've been a high school history teacher for the better part of a decade. For the past five years I've asked my students, by show of hands, where they get their information. Between social media apps and the internet, all hands are raised. The past two years not one single student raised their hand for local TV news.

      Those who study media and think about it objectively all agree local news has lost it's relevance and continues to float into oblivion.

      Are we supposed to believe all these teens and college students who have zero connection to local news will all of a sudden switch to local news when they become 'adults,' even as the pace of technological growth continues to accelerate?
      Yeah. Sure. Ok.

  3. Once again, Rich is on target! Just last week, when the anniversary of the 1989 quake was mentioned on the news, it reminded me to search youtube for the coverage that was on ABC at the time, as it was live broadcasting the World Series between SF and OAK. The video of KGO or ABC7Bayarea of that day, is very much interesting to look at today, over 30 years later. Once the earthquake happened, and coverage went local to KGO, immediately right there on air, was Cheryl Jennings, admittedly not a favorite of mine then or now. But with her, in the studio was Anna Chavez, and at Candlestick Park, was Pete Wilson. There were other correspondents scattered all over the place, some in the studio and others all around the Bay, and considering the circumstances with chaos everywhere, with major thoroughfares shut down, and Bart, and KGO operating on battery backup, I have to give Cheryl Jennings credit for being AN ANCHOR and holding the whole 'fort', together, despite the chaos, no monitors initially, etc. Watching that old video now, knowing how the people who are referred to as 'anchors' and reporters nowadays, well, the difference between those reporters and anchor back then, and today, is astounding. It reminded me that when something HUGE happens, ya' want someone on the anchor desk that makes you feel like you believe what they are saying and that they know what they are talking about. Cheryl Jennings, along with Anna Chavez, both did incredible jobs, as well as the reporters in the studio and in the field.

  4. Vera who is Hmong is more beautiful than Manila Audrey without the smirky look

  5. Hi Rich, you are spot on about Boob Fitzgerald, though to call him a "homer" is actually a gross understatement. There's no word that comes close to describing the sickening and obnoxious level of homerism that he exhibits.
    During the season opener - when the Draymond-Jordan incident was still the talk of the NBA - Fitzgerald made absolutely no reference to it whatsoever. None. Not in his pre-game remarks and not once during the game. Sure, one doesn't need to dwell on it but considering it had just happened and it was the first game of the season, you think he'd at least acknowledge it and find a way to incorporate it into his broadcast somehow. Nope. All is strawberries and cream in the lala land that Boob lives in.

    Meanwhile, per friends of mine who watched the TNT broadcast, the incident was discussed and commentary and context was provided by their broadcast team, which is comprised of actual former NBA players, unlike Boob Fitzgerald, who's nothing more than a professional jock-sniffing fanboy.

    1. I noticed the same during the local broadcast. I also noticed that during that game, the camera cut away anytime they were about to show Draymond and Jordan together in the same shot (during timeouts, stoppages in play, sidelines, etc.) It's as though they didn't want to run the risk that camera might catch a moment that some might perceive as cold or unfriendly.

      And also, on his call in show earlier this week Fitz said he was "bothered" when he learned the TNT guys discussed the fight on air. He said something to the effect of, "this team is going for their 5th championship in 9 years, yet the national guys would rather shine the spotlight on a scuffle that the involved parties have resolved." He also said that all teams commonly have "scuffles." He seemed more upset that someone leaked the video.

    2. Are you surprised? I’m pretty sure Fitz would give up his first born before he’d even think about saying something that might even remotely be construed as critical of the warriors.

    3. Warriors games were watchable back when Jim Barnett's honest commentary was there to offset Fitz's sickeningly-sweet spin on anything the Warriors did. The Warriors could miss ten free throws in a row and Fitz would ignore it to talk about how Warriors players read books to school kids. After Barnett was removed and Kelenna took his spot, then you had two nonstop homers who made the broadcasts very difficult to watch.

  6. Fitz can't call a fair and balanced unbiased game because the Dubs pay his salary. Have for years! He's a lackey that will say no wrong about the team. Bob, you are a clown! Warriors brass don't really like you, just feel sorry for you. RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! Maybe the team will carry you off the court after their next championship? "Couldn't have done it without Lil' Bobby Fitz.

  7. Reliable reporting for KPIX by Da Lin.
    More on weekends than weekdays, but always excellent.
    Puts entire packages together.
    News, not fluff, from Da Lin.

    1. You see news, I see hammy showmanship. He's one reason I change the channel fast.

    2. The same cannot be said about Dion Lim.

  8. Who the hell is MceLhatton? And how do you pronounce it?

    I'm from out of town, so I'm trying to learn all the names of the Bay Area anchors.

    1. Learn your local history before randomly posting on social media. Are you in kindergarten?

  9. "I bet, if you asked 100 25-54 people on the street (without access to the web) to name 2 local news anchors on the 6 or 11 pm news, you'd get no more than 15 who could correctly name 2."

    Dude, that's way generous. I doubt you'd get five.

    1. I was trying not to be *too* negative, but I'm sure you're right.

  10. Rich, all politics and parties aside, is there a single News personality in Bay Area who has the poise, eloquence and charisma of ex-AZ anchor Kari Lake? Your thoughts?

    1. Kari the election Denier Lake? The one who claims voter fraud BEFORE the upcoming election? The one who begs to sniff Trump’s Depends? Or the one who if elected governor of AZ won’t promise to complete the 4 year term? She’s the lame poster child of willfully ignorant Fox viewers

    2. Kari the election Denier Lake? The one who claims voter fraud BEFORE the upcoming election? I believe that title now goes to HRC. She's setting the narrative for when the left gets their asses handed to them.

    3. I’d put Dion Lim up against Kari Lake.

    4. 4:05 Couldn't agree more.

  11. It's only a matter of time before Mr. Flirty Pants (Raj Mathai) sets his sights on Audrey. Or, perhaps he already struck out with her.

    1. Janelle just hot a milestone birthday that is not good for women in the news. Audrey is a decade younger and still has that cheerleader body from her days with the 49ers.

      I also dont think Audrey came back to the bay area to do weekends and 430. NBC will just retire Jessica and make room for both Janelle and Audrey

    2. I’m pretty sure Mr. Matha has made at least one pass at every single female who has ever set foot in the NBC Bay Area building.

    3. Raj’s days are numbered, he is stuck in SJ, and far removed from the BIG $$$ of a true major market. His act has worn thin, and there are few markets that would tolerate his act. His story will not end well - just like all other shooting-stars. Where will he land? Vegas?

    4. @2:42 not from her days with the 49ers, from her days with the plastic surgeon. She went way too big.

  12. Replies
    1. Agree 100%! She's my favorite investigative reporter: concise, no nonsense, speaks well, and looks super, super professional. I could care less how she got her job — all that matters is that she delivers.

    2. Here's another who believes SS is very, very hot!

  13. Raj is a clown who wears sneakers with a suit, GTFO with that stuff.

    1. "Raj is a clown who wears sneakers with a suit"

      Correction: "Raj is a clown who wears *dirty, cheap ass" sneakers with an "ill-fitting" suit"

  14. I stopped watching Warriors games because of Fitzgerald, he's horrible and always has been...

  15. KTVU should replace Julie Haener and Mike "Jock Strap" Mibach with Mathai and Wang. This will allow them to continue their flirty escapades with impunity since evidently anything goes at KTVU. And, as a bonus, they'll be able to saunter off to the parking lot next door when they have pressing "business" to take care of.

  16. Ahhh...Yes. Dave, Wendy, Joel and Wayne...My childhood. They had a gravitas about them and what was then KPIX. Dave did pretty much anchor the team. Just a likable guy with whom you felt safe. (Wendy is the only one left!!) That's why I say bring back the NightCast branding. Cuz' what they got right now (The Late News...yawn) ain't working, that's for sure. But their problems go deeper than branding. Still some good reporters there though.

    Dan Ashley is pretty much the only male anchor with the same likability factor as MacElhatton. Fortunately for ABC7 he's on their network. Still no contract. Surprising. But I'm sure he's not pressed. He's probably got enough fu money to quit and hit the road with his band. Probably a much simpler and more fulfilling feeling than trying to build a permanently broken Bay Area.

  17. Janelle Wang just had shoulder surgery and will be out of action a few weeks. Look for a lot more of Audrey AsistiĆ³ in the coming weeks.

  18. "The three women pictured here, standing in a row"

    "Who are 3 women that I see everyday at my local San Jose Costco, Alex."

    Translation: Not moving the needle.

  19. now santangelo is lapsing into the yada yada yeah talk.already bored so soon.

    1. well, at least he's not creeping office women as is his want. Greasy skirt chaser. And a poor utility baseball player.

    2. No joke! The other night.... I think it was Tuesday. He literally braodcast on 50,000 Watts that while on his way into work he (creepily) watched two people have sex in a hotel window with the curtains open. Why? FP... no one wants to hear about your voyeuristic tendency. Get bent clown! Did you tell Bob Fitzgerald?

    3. Will the Thrill, you need to understand that FP is a certified, grade-A pervert. He can’t help but do creepy stuff like that. He’s has no self-control and apparently now it’s gotten to the point where he can’t even keep it to himself.
      7:10 said it best, FP is a professional skirt-chaser. As is the case with many creeps and predators, he goes for women half his age, though at the end of the day he’ll go for anyone as long they’re wearing a dress and have a pulse.

  20. Anyone who had never before listened to a Golden State Warriors game and tuned into a Bill King broadcast knew in the first half minute he wanted the Warriors to win. But Bill was no "homer,' called every game without bias or allegiance to the team, every player got credit or calling out for what he did or failed to do. Some of his harangues of NBA officials were the stuff of Shakespeare.

  21. Warriors fans need to realize that the reason Fitz is the announcer is because Warriors management (Lacob) like him and his style. They want a homer who won't go near any team controversy and Fitz is willing to do that. So while you hate on Fitz (and I do, I listen to the radio while watching TV), also remember he has the job because that's the kind of person the team wants.

    1. They also pay his salary. Lil' Bobby learned from Bob Agnew you never bad mouth who butters your bread. Plus Lacob and Bob Myers feel sorry for him because his wife died of cancer. It's a known fact. But Bob thinks he's important then he really is. Tim Roye should be the one MCing the championship Q & A's before the parades. NOT BOOB!

  22. Wayne Walker's mustache had more gravitas than the whole lot of 'em now.

  23. I grew up in San Jose...and in the 80's it was Doug & Maggi (Doug Moore and Maggi Scurra). My parents always watched them because of the San Jose-centric focus. Little by little I eventually became hooked on them. I think they even had better chemistry than any SF anchor duo. They really seemed to like each other.

  24. Maybe KPIX should approach Dan if he is being disrespected by KGO. They were stupid to let Carolyn Johnson slip away. They have not been the same station ever since.

  25. Brill Cream Bob Fitzgerald knows who signs his paycheck

  26. Raj Mathai has let his ego get in the way of being a decent anchor. He was good when he transitioned from sports to news, but over the years he thinks he is David Brinkley. He is smug on air which is annoying. Where did he the idea his feces didn’t stink? I would take Audrey Asistio and Jessica Aguirre or Janelle Wang any day.

  27. My first impression of Bob Fitzgerald when I worked with him was “man this guy is a total phony!”
