Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Exclusive: KTVU High Anxiety; Losing The Night and The Firm is Worried; Morale/Fear Permeate Jack London Square; Mibach/Haener Center Of Storm; ND Eikel Too

KTVU is still a formidable TV News operation in the Bay Area.

BUT THERE'S TROUBLE in paradise at Jack London Square.

The AM is fine..Just not in the early evening and more ominously for the Fox O and O: its crumbling position at 10 and 11, a time KTVU has owned for more than two decades. That distinction has some of Fox (KTVU's corporate owner) in a nervous zone never seen before and its own veteran staffers in disbelief and mass anxiety. It's so profound and worrisome, it has caused severe mental stress and mayhem at the Jack London Square studios, so much so, Fox almost sent a team of crisis managers to Oakland.

No joke.

Moreover, the present circumstances are so overwhelming, both The Firm and its KTVU reps discussed the idea of a station-wide meering that would, in essence, blow up the entire planning and consider everything from new personnel to a newer set.

The personnel conundrum would involve a mass shake-up--nobody would be immune, including 10 o'Clock News newbie, Mike Mibach and veteran co-anchor, Julie Haener. That, according to a KTVU Insider, has the building "in mental dire straits." "The whole place is on edge. We've all been here before but now we're feeling it and it's 'killing us.," said a news staffer who has direct knowledge of the situation.

*This much is certain: a key reason for all the dread: KTVU owns the night--or at least used to. But recent trends indicate otherwise.

Fox is sensitive about its position at night because the core revenue it generates from 6-11: 30 --which involves KTVU news platforms at 6, 7, 10 and 11 makes up a gigantic revenue producer for both KTVU and its corporate parent--we're talking about multi-millions. It's a LOT of money no matter how you cut it--enough for the Channel 2 news hierarchy to suffer the present environment of tension.

As indicated, KTVU still has a commanding lead in the mornings and while the revenue is good and solid, both from a literal and figurative/competitive angle, morning is nowhere near the core revenue producer that night is. "Gynormous", said a local industry wonk.

Is KTVU concerned about Mike Mibach (new 6 --10/11 anchor) --yes and yes times 100 and then some.

Even Fox is petrified. They have internal data that suggests Mibach's --whether intentional or not--personal quirks--is a TURN OFF--especially from women. Moreover, Mibach's lack of cohesiveness among men has been an obstacle from day one of his joining the primetime news.

*Julie Haener's much-pubbed absence from the news desk--she's taken a ton of extended vacation time--has added more anxiety to a news staff that even in good times, has had a total lack of confidence in its direction and especially at ND, Amber Eikel.

An INSIDER who knows the present situation inside and out was BLUNT and DIRECT: "when The Firm sees doom and that results in any form of revenue loss, then all hell will take place and HEADS WILL ROLL!"

*Developing... *EXCLUSIVE


  1. Who dialed 988 from our KTVU phones?

  2. The time for a Purge is long overdue. Let the bodies hit the floor!

  3. I know that I never really tune in myself to catch the 10 o'clock news except from time to time to get a glimpse of Heather. She's getting older but is still the best looking woman on local news outside Teresa Estacio imo. Mibach was never "must see" to me. I didn't really care for him in the mornings. The only reason to tune in to KTVU in the AM was to get a look at Gasia's pair of Mikaelian's.

    1. Holmes is barely above average on her best day.

    2. I tune in to see if Heather is hosting. If she is I stay but if she is not I leave. KTVU should bring in someone (Man) completely new that is a newsman, not a weak pretty boy.

    3. I actually think Gasia is very good at doing straight-up anchoring, especially breaking news. She's better suited for an evening newscast where she originally was. It's when she starts ranting and raving and spouting off her opinions that her stock drops dramatically.

    4. 4:14 I concur. Even back in the day, I always thought HH was just "Okay." She looks like any other older blonde in San Jose's Almaden Valley...or Fremont. Not sayin' this is a bad thing; it's just not at "HOTT" level.

    5. @8/4 8:52am That's because she learned how to read a teleprompter (try it sometime Ryan Yamamoto!) and anchor the news desk. But behind her back, we talk about how she's just not that intelligent. She complains about NOT having air conditioning in Livermore yet she grew up there? Gasia! It's one of the warmest cities in the Bay Area. Suck it up, bite the financial bullet and buy an A/C or STFU about it. We don't care or feel sorry for you. You make six figs! Spend some of it.

  4. I like Mibach. I think he is charming and does a good job. Agree that he's not necessarily "must see" but he is certainly better than any other male anchor they've got.

    1. Hi Mike! Nice to see you in these parts.

    2. Since I am a woman who lives in Napa, I hardly qualify as Mike. Nice try though!

      I also like James Torres. I'm not him either.

    3. 3:32, just stop already. You’re only digging yourself into a deeper hole.

    4. @4:31 I know it's hard to believe that people like someone that you clearly don't, so you need to make up some weird theory about me, but I am just telling the truth.
      Not in any hole.
      Just in Napa.
      And not Mibach.

  5. I tune in at 10 to check out Julie, Mibach not so much.

    Peter Felch

  6. Andre can hold Eikel’s lantern.

  7. If they’re gonna clean house, I hope they give pink slips to: Julie Haener, Mike Mibach, Pam Cook, Bill Martin, Roberta Gonzalez, Dave Clark, Sal Castaneda and James Torres. Each one of these lightweights dramatically brings down the quality of any newscast that they’re on.

    And while they’re at it, bring in writers who know how to write for a television audience and who know the area.

    Make sure that Allie Rasmus, Brooks, Cristina Rendon, Alex S., Heather, Rosemary, Gasia, Steve Paulson, and Mark Tamayo stay.

    Anyone who I didn’t list can stay or go.

    1. Rosemary stay?? You obviously don’t know her work history.

    2. Frank Mallidope and Claudine Wrong would be at the top of my pink slip list.

    3. @6:53 You must work for KTVU HR if you know her work history. In which case, it's highly unethical for you to be posting here. Shame on you.

    4. Torres is pretty good. Also keep Andre, who I thought should have gotten the 10 PM weekday anchor spot.

  8. Hi Rich: Since Sunday night KTVU has been alternating both Mike Mibach & Alex Savidge with Julie Haener. Alex worked Sunday, Mike worked Monday, Alex worked Tuesday & tonight Mike is working with Julie. Why would KTVU suddenly decide to rotate Mibach & Savidge? Rich: As you said in your Blog Post today KTVU's ratings for all their 5 pm-11:30 pm news platforms are down resulting in revenue lost. I wouldn't be surprised if the more likeable Alex Savidge eventually does replace Mike Mibach as Channel 2's Main Sun-Thursday evening News Anchor alongside Julie H. Rich: You have the Absolute Best Blog in the Entire Bay Area! Cary SF

    1. Julie and Alex would be a winning combination. Mibach needs to be shipped off to Siberia: the 4pm and 7pm news. He should never again be allowed to anchor a newscast that gets even the slightest bit of viewership.

    2. <> I couldn't have said it better myself. Mibach is and will always be a jockboy utility player. His move to 10pm has painfully exposed the fact there isn't a journalistic bone in his body. He looks like a doofus who knows he's in way over his head.

  9. IMO the AM sucks, too.

  10. Maybe if they actually paid attention to EVERYTHING the focus group said...
    Story selection and content...
    Go woke...go broke.
    Listen to the viewers for once....spend some money on real news gathering.
    Stop sucking up to those 3 main advertisers, and start enterprising stories with solid local content.

    1. I don't mind dropping the "woke" stuff. But I also can't stand the pro-Trump ass-kissing at parent company Fox and its national shows. I justify KTVU's wokeness as an antidote to its parent company network garbage.

  11. I'm glad Pam Cook confided in you!
    San Ramon

  12. Nuke the entire organization and start over. Hire some public access interns to be the new faces of The Firm. Heck, I’ll entertain Carmen Kiew as an anchor at 5 if it’ll keep her off the air at NBCSBA. Put Amy G as your breaking news reporter — her breathless 5 minute question will be a hit. Let Carlos report on sports… no one will care. Have Jessica Kleinschmidt tell us the traffic… you might have her stand on a box so we can see her Kleinschmidts on full display. Bring over Raj from NBC Bay Area to draw the viewers from the South Bay. Maybe, just maybe that’ll move the needle.

    1. ...and Cartmen Kiew can tell us how great Brandon Belt is even though all he does is strike out, ground out weakly to the shifted infield or ends up back on the IL. Like Kruk would say... "Carmen & Brandon! Grab some pine meats!" But watch out for flying lipstick containers.

  13. One of the biggest problems with local tv media these days is that, for the most part, people aren't entering the profession because they have a passion for journalism, for finding impactful stories and telling a comprehensive and proportional story, and for adhering to journalistic principles of truth-telling and accountability.

    Rather, they simply view it as stepstone and a way to gain exposure for whatever aspirations they may have outside of broadcast media, whether that be to become a social media influencer (as is very often the case) or simply to gain name recognition for a move to a non-news related job.

    There are exceptions, of course. The people who actually have a passion for journalism stick out like a sore thumb and will inevitably leave for an outlet that actually values that.

  14. Perhaps the Suits should look in the mirror - Fox News is an oxymoron. If the bean counters had some idea about the Bay Area, they would drop their association with FOX. I am certain there are many who believe every word coming out of FAUX and their associates - we unwashed masses prefer substance over style, truth over opinion, fact over fiction.

  15. It's clear Amber Eikel has a 'thing' for Mike Mibach because there's no other reason for him to be the prime time anchor. None.
    So here's an idea: How about if Amber takes him off the anchor desk and pays him to just stand in her office all-day wearing nothing but a jock strap and golf visor? This way she satisfies her himbo fetish and the rest of us can watch ch 2 without having to endure this grossly unqualified dunce.

    1. Mibach wearing only a jock strap and golf visor LOL Pretty sure that 3/4 of the females 45 and over in Marin County would take out a second mortgage on their house to see that.

  16. Rich--What exactly causes such hostility toward Mike Mibach? He reads the news well and seems professional in his role. We do not need a rock star and a performer at 10 or 11. Thanks for your insight .

    1. @10:20am, So because he wears a suit and doesn’t trip over his words then that means he’s qualified? What a pathetically low bar. As far as why people don’t like him, just read the comments.

    2. What in your opinion makes Mibach ‘seem professional?’ Is it because he’s a clean cut white man in a suit and tie reading a script? If race isn’t a factor, then technically every male at ktvu is ‘professional.’

  17. Improvements at channel 4 (KRON) evening news & weather may play a role. No worries, hard-fought competition is good for everyone, stations, advertisers, and viewers. The bigger worry for KTVU imo is their Fox association, given Bay Area viewers' political proclivities.

  18. Every time I see Amber Eikel’s name in your column, it’s usually not good news. How do people such as Amber Eikel manage to escape Fresno or Salinas or wherever she came from to get an important job such as ND?

    1. I can’t speak for any other ND’s but as far as Amber goes, let’s just say she’s very skilled in the art of flirting, which includes her choice of wardrobe. The ktvu GM at the time of her ND appointment was a male. Do the math and, voila, you have your answer.

    2. 4:53pm: This makes sense and would also explain her reputation of not getting along with females (and vice versa) while simultaneously playing favorites with men.

  19. The pink slips are coming and the on-air "talent" who will be handed their walking papers will be very surprising to some. Hey! Maybe PIX or KRON is hiring? LOL Good luck finding a job on TV in a recession weaklings!

    1. I hear PIX (Both K & W), KRON and espin are hiring!

  20. Tell me that you’re checked out of your job without saying it: Bill Martin still hiding in his basement like a scaredy-cat, looking like a total fool.

    1. still is...groceries delivered via carrier pigeon.

  21. I quit watching the KTVU 10 o’clock News when Mibach became the regular anchor. His smug, swarmy delivery and presence is enough for me to watch KRON News at 10:00 pm. Bill Martin’s cat is more interesting than Bill. The rotating sports anchors is tolerable, but Jesse Gary reporting sports is a joke.

    When KTVU shows reports from Sacramento’s KCRA, it is guaranteed slow news day.

    KTVU is FUBAR. There is little hope they will change.

    On KRON, Ken Wayne and Pam Moore are steady, Lawrence Karnow is very good. Kyla Grogan is excellent. The reporters are competent and not flashy. The sports team is knowledgeable.

    NextStar should invest in the News. They will peel away viewers from KTVU. They have the potential to overtake KPIX & KTVU.

  22. The real question is, does Mike Mibach scream in his car like a crazy lunatic after he works with Julie the way he used to after a shift with Gasia?

  23. No, Mike Mibach doesn't scream in his car after work because he doesn’t have to work with Julie Haener 5 days straight as he had to do with Gasia.

    1. Good point. Kind of hard for him to get that frustrated with Julie Haener considering she only shows up to work on occasion, on nights when she has nothing else to do.

  24. Last night I had dream that Mike Mibach and Julie Haener were both fired rather unceremoniously in the middle of a newscast. It was was fantastic. The best part is two ktvu janitors took over and did the job 100x better.

  25. Looking forward to laughing at more of the ‘amateur hour’ on local TV news as we move further along. It appears that any semblance of professionalism and credibility have been thrown out the window like trash in favor pf cheap, annoying minor league talent. No wonder so many Americans have been dumbed down. They actually get their ‘news’ from these mostly boorish clowns.
