Thursday, August 4, 2022

This, That and the Other

KGO Radio has a more URGENT issue on its hands other than LOUSY RATINGS--inside the Cumulus news-talk albatross exists a MOLE; a certified trouble-maker who is eavesdropping on various talk hosts; sending out fake and dishonest private info only station bosses have access to; more ominously, leaking private memos that weren't meant for public consumption.

The station honchos have an idea who the mole is and are only waiting to collect info on the dope soon enough.

*Nobody is saying anything official partly because there is such a diminished local media: the print edition of the SF Chronicle is BLEEDING red ink and losing upwards of a MILLION bucks a week. The website is actually making a decent profit which I guess means blue houses and burrito stories are good click bait.

*You won't read this from Giants' beat reporter and fan woman, Susan Slusser, but Larry Baer had a come-to-Jesus meeting with Farhan Zaidi and it had ZERO to do with baseball issues--I'll let you know more when I know more.

*Slusser gushes more than a San Fernando valley girl. Critical thought? Are you kidding me.

*Can I just say it? Vin Scully saturation --Scully himself would have probably told the media to get on with their life and knock off the excess news about his death. In fact, I didn't know Vin had so many friends post demise.

Don't get me wrong, Scully was a legend and a true broadcast great but the wampum coverage was out of mind and frankly, obscene and Scully himself would have 86ed half of it.

*KCBS on the night of Scully's passing was so desperate to get an actuality they asked Damon Bruce for a phone interview about Vin's legacy: to place Damon in the same sentence with Vin Scully is like the dogs-playing-poker painting and a Picasso.

*People, all those who work in the building at NBC Bay Area (San Jose) have been told by the boss to SHUT UP, in essence, when it comes to station info and PR. The promotions person is having a hard time doing their PR work. It all stems from a leaker who is leaking station inside dope and the GM, Ms. Owen is not happy. She seldom is. But life goes on.

*Greg Papa should fully comprehend that BULLYING interns and lower-level staff at KNBR wouldn't be tolerated in good, prosperous times; in today's environment? Gees, Pop, get a grip on it.

*Station of giggles: Pop's weird nervous giggle; Adam "Copes" Copeland's hyena laugh; Brian Murphy's frequent cackles. When you're thee Sports Bleeder, I guess no one should be surprised anymore.

*I never saw Vin Scully wear a Dodgers cap; I always saw Vin in a suit and tie; I never sensed Vin was an outed Dodgers fan--sure I'm sure he quietly rooted for LA. Of course. But Vin was beyond a professional. He tried like hell to be just as excited if the opposition won or made a great play. Or at the very least, he faked it real well. Scully was a certified genius and NOBODY TODAY comes even close--including the local crew (baseball) who "never take a Dodgers player" on the post-game wrap.

*What a farce.


  1. Greg Papa saying he got emotional over Vin Scully was insane and creepy. Vin probably doesn't even know Greg. Papa gets it wrong on almost all sports issues including saying Trey Lance would of went #1 in this years draft so the Niners basically had a #1 draft pick this year. Who in the world would pick Trey Lance at QB after seeing what little progress and talent he has.

  2. So if the evil mole has access to information that only station bosses have access to, then the mole must be a station boss.

  3. This site would be seriously lacking in material if there weren't any moles.

  4. "They smile in your face (all the time they wanna take your place) the back stabbers"

  5. Greg Papa is a d-head. Met him at a Sports Broadcasting Camp and told him I admired his calls and work in the Sky Box at the Oakland Coliseum. Asked for some advise and help on my skills. He shrugged me off, said he'd heard about my production work from Little Bobby Fitz and told me "you're not good enough to make it in this business. Your sports knowledge is lacking!" Then walked away... I told Barry Tomkins, Dan Belluomini and Al Bernstein what a terrible interaction I had with Greg the Egomaniacal Jerk. Papa is a clown and the Niners should find a better play-by-play guy to do their radio braodcasts. Treating interns and low level staff like whale dung is typical at KNBR.

    1. No shade really but if Papa agreed with something Fitz said, then your skills just may be that bad. 'Cause Papa can't STAND Fitz going back to when he dry snitched to get the Warriors gig {shrug} IJS

  6. KGO Nikki Medoro spent otherwise valuable air time this morning interviewing the SPCA and its pet patrol adoptions. Can you imagine Jim Dunbar and Ted Wygant doing this? It deserves its low ratings.

    1. The morning show on KSFO use to have a segment on dogs up for adoption from the SPCA, they had with Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan and later with Sussman and Katie Green, l wasn't a fan of either, but l believe they (especially Lee and Melanie) had good ratings. I don't care for Niki's show, but the dog segment is not the problem.

    2. Except Ted and Jim did do that. Hint: they understood that San Francisco(named after animal lover St. Francis) loves animals... You don't, but lots and lots and lots of people do care.

    3. It’s the same producer.

  7. It has to be Steve Moskovitz
    He's almost a "part time" employee of Kgo as it is now
    Or Joe Starkeys pet termites

  8. post game ''WRAP'' is now post game WARP.all the yada yada banter.

  9. Carlos simping Sean so hard he can’t help but talk over him.

    1. When will this truly embarrassing Carlos Ramirez debacle be over?

    2. 6:33pm, what? You don’t like listening to a know-nothing clown mansplain baseball to a cast of Major League Baseball players with World Series rings?

    3. His list of 3 superstar Free agent signings all at a discount. Just pure fantasy.

  10. Plenty of tv and radio types that freelance or daily hire/VR have passwords and logins to multiple newsroom platforms like ENPS. They also share passwords between each others and that includes access to all memo's and inter-office gossip.
    Stations are too cheap to secure the newsroom computer systems and it's just easier to "share" passwords.

    "Leaks like a cheese grater..."

  11. Is Slusser going to still make excuses for the woebegone Giants? Or should I call her Schiller?

    1. Someone had to take over for Henry Schillman, might as well be Susan since it's only fair to both genders. Susan Schiller sounds good to me

  12. While the accolades have been plentiful for Vin Scully, it could be worse. It could be for Bob Fitzgerald or Gregory Papa. That would make me throw up in my mouth.

  13. I love the fact that all KGO daytime hosts proclaim their support of “diversity and inclusion” - and former host Chip even explicitly denounced “white privilege and white supremacy.” But to put these principles in action, why doesn’t the station have at least ONE program in Spanish? Can an English-only station really be called diverse and inclusive?

  14. You forgot Pop's partner-the most annoying cackler of them all.

  15. I agree with you Rich, the Scully memoriams are over baked, time to stick a fork in them. The BIG difference between Vin Scully and the Bloviators on KNBR is he would tell the stories of others, NOT himself. The hosts at Thee Spurts Sheeter only want to talk about their tastes in burgers, beer, ridiculous never going to happen trades, lousy bands, and their latest vacation. Rarely, if ever, do they actually have something intelligent to say about Sports. They remind me of 5th graders dreaming about their love interests - not a clue about reality. And to think they go home and say they are doing a good job for the benefit of the public. Can these narcissists be any more pathetic? To paraphrase ‘the great’ Mickey Mantle, “If I made my living dispensing cheap banter on the radio, I’d wear a short kilt!”
    Hit the Showers !!

  16. I disagree w/your take about Vin 86'ing the flowery tributes. He had come to the point in life where he realized he had a vast warehouse of stories/memories...and relished talking about them because people liked re-visiting or hearing about these moments. BUT...he wouldn't have done it in a "look-at-me" tone. Instead, he would've emphasized the players involved...the significance of a play...and community reaction to those big moments. Scully popped talk shows these past few years, and every time he did he just wowed the radio host and the listeners. Vin "spun" stories, w/o an ounce of self-importance or bragging. There aren't any more like him in TV sports broadcasting today.

    1. SoCal resident of 3 years after 50+ years in NorCal. Scully stories and tributes are everywhere down here. Can't go 3 minutes without seeing or hearing a "Vin Vignette". But, you know, they are all justified and well deserved. Every time he made a comment, it was about the subject at hand...not about himself. No one lasts in a career for 67 years without the tiniest bit of ego, of course. But Vin Scully always was the embodiment of knowledge and storytelling. RIP.

  17. I was listening to KCBS on Wednesday and Ken Korach was being interviewed about Vin Scully. He grew up listening to Vin in Southern California when the Dodgers moved from Brooklyn. His respect and admiration for Scully was genuine and heartfelt, and he also mentioned how listening to Scully and working with the great Bill King helped him immensely with his baseball broadcasting skills. I have always been a fan of Ken Korach and this interview was another reason why. RIP Vin. You were one-of-a-kind.

  18. The business models for SF Gate and the Chronicle are completely different. SF Gate is a free click bait farm that reuses some Chronicle stories and has little stub stories written by far less experienced journalists. The Chronicle makes money from subscriptions (the new newspaper model) the print paper is almost more of a marketing tool than a revenue source. Like many papers, it will eventually be dropped to go digital only. The reason you see such bizarre paring of articles on SF Gate is because placement is an editorial decision, it's just based on what the computer program determines is getting the most clicks.

    1. You got one thing right: SFBait is nothing but a pathetic excuse for a clickbait rag.

  19. I’m sure Larry Baer is ordering his announcing crew to “ keep it positive! The season isn’t over! We can’t turn off the fans!” The Giabts. Guess what? After winning one of every three games over the last month and a hand, the 2022 season IS over. The Giants will probably average under 30,000 fans a game and that’s pretty good for a club made up primarily of obscure journeymen and unheralded rookies. Don’t expect tings

    things to change dramatically next season. Like the A’s across the bay, the Giants will continue to serve their fans an inferior product whije upping prices and charging $15-20 for designer hot dogs and ‘handcrafted’ beer. But many local fans will not be fooled. The best thing this club has going for it is the ballpark. The curiosity seekers, out of town tourists and young people with disposable income who whisk down the Embarcadero on an annoying combination of motorized scooters and skateboards will continue to make up the majority kf ticket buyers. The true fans? Either priced out or disgusted from watching incessantly bad baseball. Sadly, this has been the norm for the Giants for the last 6 years with the exception of the flukes season of 2021.

  20. Is KSFO actually still on the air? When I was a kid and a young Nan, it was considered one of the premier stations in the country. Now it mostly has syndicated radio programming featuring inane, hysterical and hateful right wing talk shows. I heard the station a few years ago and immediately switched it off when that maniacal egotist who calls himself ‘Michael Salvage’ began one of his bleating rants. The fact that this detestable creature is still on the air is proof positive that radio has sunk to the lower depths,

    1. The Savage Wiener hasn't been on the air for years.

  21. NBC sports Bay Area features an embarrassingly amateur lineup of underpaid minor league talent. Summer, whatever her name is, the baffoonish clown Carlos Ramirez and the smarmy and annoying frat boy Grant Lifflin, or whatever he calls himself should be announcing the horned frog races in Coalinga. A few years back these rank amateurs would be laughed off the air. But NBC sports Bay Area, the media equivalent of that minor league baseball team from the East bay insults Bay Area sports fans with a lineup that appears to have been recruited from the comic strip ‘Peanuts.’

  22. Oakland A's coverage is ready for Bally Sports. They'd possess more respect as well as more coverage. They can keep Brodie Brazil, Dave Stewart and Bip Roberts happy.

  23. Yeah, that's always the true measure of how good a broadcaster is: whether or not they wear a baseball hat. God forbid they should ever get caught on camera with one on. Vin Scully probably would have been fired his first day on the job had he put a baseball hat on while broadcasting a baseball game. Thank you for pointing out such an important part of being a great broadcaster.

  24. To illustrate how low the state of radio has fallen, that abominable idiot Lee Hammer has been presiding over a college-level radio station, (KGO,) and has helped them drop down the elevator shaft into the depths of irrelevance. This corporate tool behaves like an automaton when it comes to taking marching orders from Cumulus, maybe the worst mega-media company in the world. Virtually every radio station they’ve bought around the country they’ve eviserated by firing most of the on air staffs and putting clueless fools such as Lee Hammer in charge.
    “ We’re firing the entire news staff because that’s what Cumulus wants!” Good job. Keep it up.
