Monday, June 6, 2022

Bret Burkhart Escaped Incompetent KGO To Land Gig at Suddenly Incompetent KCBS (Wow)

Bret Burkhart was working months and months to get a gig at KCBS --misery loves company--and is now on board.

The now, ex-KGO tonsil, will be anchoring on the alleged, all-news 740 AM (and 106.9 FM) all-news radio outlet.

KCBS long ago lost its heritage status having been infected with new reporters and whack-a-mole, fill-in anchors, tech glitches galore, uneven programming, lousy and incompetent news managers, and just enough plain awfulness to fill the bay.

Burkhart, I guess, is no better or worse than the current dreck.

A meh hiring if there ever was one but oh well, that's current radio, enjoy.



  1. Makes for a good match. Very few people have more on-air news experience than BB, and that's exactly what KCBS needs. As far as BB now competing with KGO, I don't consider the two stations in direct competition. It's true that listeners may temporarily change stations from KGO to KCBS, but that's b/c KGO's news-talk content isn't meeting their expectations, not b/c the listeners prefer KCBS's all-news format.

  2. Not a Bret hater, so it may work out for him.

  3. Bret has spent decades covering real news for major radio stations. He's a perfect fit for KCBS, the only radio station that still has a real newsroom.

    1. I’m sorry, I was busy taking a Copeland, what was that?

      Jim in Penngrove

  4. Someone with that much experience should be able to read sponsorships and pronounce names. He was full of flubs every morning and never quick on his feet. Stick to reporting.

    1. hmmm... when Bret was in dangerous places covering stories like killer urban fires, he was pretty "quick on his feet". Where were you?

    2. I said stick to reporting, for which he was well compensated. Clearly, I was referring to his anchoring flubs. Are you familiar with context?

    3. I wrote the book on context

    4. Can't wait to read your book on reading comprehension.

  5. Golly gee, Ned Flanders abandoned ship! #wow

    1. Okily Dokily! 300 channels, all locked out!!

  6. Can he replace the no-talented Lisa Chan on Sunday mornings?

    1. If he wasn’t taking KGO’s renegotiated salary, he’s not settling for weekend money. KGO’s budget will recover a bit. win-win!

  7. Mark Thompson doesn’t seem all that torn up by his departure. He must enjoy not being interrupted by endless tangents and dopey questions.

  8. So, a major media company is hiring an old white man to a prominent position? What is going on here? Did a hiring manager have a brain fart, or could this be *gulp* the start of something new, i.e. disregarding the race and gender of the new hire? Someone find me a fainting couch...

  9. Bret will do excellent on KCBS. KGO was his home for many years, he was there from the best years to the worst time (now).

  10. Clueless news reader joins all news station. Wow! I guess KCBS program director never listened to KGO morning shows.

    1. I guess he didn't appreciate KGO asking him to write his own news.

  11. Can he run a board?

  12. What hours is Bret going to be on the air? Or is he going to join the musical chairs like the rest of the crew.

  13. Now instead of watching and quoting news from KGO 7 / ABC world news, Bret will switch to KPIX 5 and CBS evening news. Maybe Nikki can join Bret at KCBS - read news and talk about their weekend and kids.
