Monday, June 6, 2022

The KGO 810 AM Spanish Radio Rumors are Heating Up. Here's Why.

KGO Radio is, once again, at the center of a swirl of rumors. Only now the rumors might have some substance.

A powerful Latino media group-- an entity involved primarly of Spanish-language radio is buying up loads of stations in big markets--New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami and yes, San Francisco.

The group has wads of cash and has secured financing with banks around the country. Moreover, it is looking to buy stations that might be owned by radio corporations that could be selling some of their assets to ward off existing debt and leaner operating expenses.

KGO Radio might be on the group's list in SF. In fact, a local Spanish media analyst speculated that a potential sale of KGO to the group has already been in discussion for quite some time.

KGO is in dire financial shape and its owner, Cumulus, has been active in trying to trim some of its burdening debt to satisfy a bankruptcy judge. It was thought Cumulus wasn't interested in selling any of its big market stations, but it may have no choice.

Here's the full article from WLRN.


  1. KGO's new call letters: KPASA ;)

  2. Great !
    Can't wait for that "Kars-for-Kids" ad in Spanish.

    1. Dick will have to learn Spanish for Kars for Kids.

  3. KGO converting to a Spanish station is really just like starting from scratch. It would kill the current listener base.

    1. They have one?

    2. I know one person who still listens to KGO. She's old and doesn't know how to change the pushbuttons on the radio in her kitchen, so she just leaves it where it's been since her husband died many years ago. Her native language is Italian and she's learned English fairly well but she doesn't speak or understand Spanish, so not sure how she'd react to a language change on KGO -- maybe she wouldn't even notice?

  4. Question is whether John Rothmann and Steve Moskowitz can learn Spanish fast enough to retain their positions.
    Historiador presidencial, and Abogado fiscal

    1. Can't wait to hear John Rothmann blame everything on LOS REPUBLICANOS! and EL EX PRESIDENTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS!

    2. I'm a Bernie progressive, even worked on the 72 McGovern campaign, definite card-carrying progressive here, but I still find 6:35 pm's comment very amusing ... lol .. Tx for the chuckle :)

  5. Invest in satellite radio. F+++ traditional radio. The monopoly doesn't care about the listeners. They only care about $$$. Truth hurts.

  6. Soccer matches galore. Maybe we can hear Andres Cantor scream, "GOOOOOOOOAAAAALLLLL!"

  7. I don’t think it’s possible top the comments at 3:35 and 4:53.

  8. I'm sure John Rothmann will find some way to blame this on THE REPUBLICANS! or THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

    Pat Thurston will update her resume by posting her 2022 bra size as opposed to the size she put on her resume back in the 1990's.

  9. Theme music for the Nuevo KGO:

  10. So you're giving up on James Gabbert???

    1. Gabbert gave all his money to land trusts and lives on an yearly allowance.

  11. Not sure if Cumulus will sell KGO am but I can see them sell KNBR FM 104.5

  12. Nikki will fit right in.

    1. Nikki is Hispanic and Italian, I don't know if she is fluent in Spanish.

  13. Rothmann would barricade himself inside the studio and threaten to read his adlai stevenson manuscripts for 96 hours if they anything

  14. Latino Media Network/ Lakestar Finance. Compliments of Soros Management Fund. Fucking Hungarian will stop at nothing to destroy this country.

    1. Yep. Soros involved. They appear to be trying to get pissed off Hispanics back into the Democrat fold.

  15. Those stations are all FM as far as I can tell.
    Does KGO even have FM simulcast?
