Thursday, June 2, 2022

415 Media Status Report; Rothmann KGO Excess; Velena Jones from Sacto to NBC Bay Area; ABC/ESPN Finals Crew Covid-Hit; KRON Rumors Hit Newsroom; Thursday Media Nosh

FIRST OFF, Happy Thursday (or sad, whatever) --delighted to have received so many messages from the KGO/John Rothmann fan club--roughly, the average coffee-club attendance of an Emeryville Rotary club meeting.

I don't write positive, I'm not gonna go there unless there's something "positive" to write, I don't like most of the people who work here (media)-- it's a disgrace and thus, the idea of posting anything to the contrary would be false and insincere. If you find me insulting and not interesting and can't stand me, I didn't force you to come here, you come here and most of you do everyday. In fact, I get shit from you all --you're the first people here and you can't get enough of me/the blog, it's not an opinion, it's a fact.

Another thing: I don't post stories --favorable or otherwise--to generate donations. In fact, I probably lost money because I have lost quite a bit of friends of late because I don't think or say they're Mother Teresa or Gandhi. I also don't get cash based on click bait--all the donations come from YOU, the readers.

If you're gonna threaten me that you won't donate money unless I write positive or say nice things about someone, then I guess I'm done. Because that's not gonna happen.

*Rothmann? If you think he's a great broadcaster, great, I agree. But his show stinks of late and I'll call him out. And by the way, have you seen KGO's ratings? I'm not alone. So yeah, when Rothmann gets his shit together and does a decent program, I'll say so, if he doesn't I will say so. As long as KGO doesn't go all-Spanish any day now.

*Velena Jones has joined NBC Bay Area--she will report from the Oakland/Eastbay bureua and spent the past two years at KOVR/Sacramento. How positive I am.

*The ESPN/ABC crew will be minus some of its biggest voices tonight --Game 1 of the NBA Finals from Chase Center will be without Jeff Van Gundy and most likely, Mike Breen, courtesy Covid-related positive tests. Breen, as of now, is unavailable, but ABC hasn't made it official yet. He could show up out of the blue.

*On Wednesday's broadcast on KGO Radio, Rothmann cut out a network (ABC) feed from the news presser in Tulsa--scene of the latest mass shooting--so he could "talk" to his good friend, Steve Moskowitz, about taxes. I know it's a paid commercial--KGO won't use a disclaimer--but timing is everything. Rothmann/KGO screwed up here even by lame KGO standards.

*The mood at KRON is getting more morose because several top anchors, maybe Pam Moore--probably Catrherine Heenan, might be on the verge of calling it quits. Nothing is official just yet.


  1. "...Game 1...will be without Jeff Van Gundy"

    Not a loss. Unlike his brother Stan--who has first-rate basketball knowledge--Jeff and sidekick Mark Jackson offer little to no useful play-by-play. Mike Breen, on the other hand, is among the best and it's his absence that will be evident.

  2. I will miss Breen, but not Jeff. I prefer the other Van Gundy, Stan. As for Mark Jackson? Please, no!

  3. I suppose it would be best to wait for Ask Rich Lieberman but that might be a while from now...Why is it Bay Area stations don't do investigative reporting like this?

  4. The mood at KRON is not morose. Having an anchor leave does not bring down a station. Look at all of the recent anchor departures, it's no big deal. The mood at KRON has not changed. Most are just happy to have a job in a top 10 market, no matter what.

  5. Velena Jones is an attractive lady, but for the news, she may need some advice on looking a bit more toned down, a bit more professional. In that photo, she looks like she just jumped off a motorcycle, jacket still on, helment still in her hands.
    Maybe Ms Heenan could advise her, girl to girl like.

  6. I just realize you thrive on negativity. Not saying your blog should be all positive, but it seems to me you are always looking at the glass half empty. You think John Rothmann is not sincere because he is polite and talks nicely about the people he works with. I doubt Kim McAllister was upset because John had nice things to say about her and other co workers. I can see why you like Michael Savage, he was anything but nice to most people. I for one prefer politeness and nice, to nasty and rude, even it it might come off as a little phony. With all the ugliness in the world, wars, shootings I will take nice where I can.

  7. John Rothmann VIPs part 6
    Nick Nolte, Dean Acheson,Whitey Ford, Grace Slick,Larry Mondallo, Marion Motley,George Mikan,John Fetterman,the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Noris Weese, Paul Lindblad,Paul Naschy, Peter o Toole,Warren Burger,Warren Zevon, Vicki Morgan, Clara Peller, Ted Neely,Robert F Kennedy Sr and Jr, Clayton Kershaw and Clark Reed
