Thursday, June 2, 2022

John Rothmann Fatigue: KGO Radio Talker Uber-Bore

I'M CONSISTENT: I'll rip no matter friend/foe, lib/conservative, dem/repub, etc.

I've finally had it with KGO Radio's overbearing, over-modulated, fake outrage John Rothmann (4-7 PM--KGO)--the guy who knows everyone (he says, especially when they die, like, Richard Nixon, Abe Lincoln, Dwight D Eisenhour and the like.)

Lately, Rothmann's shtick is getting old and unlistenable; to wit:

*Of late, he's begun shouting, as if that style will make his words count more. They don't. They just add to his overall nausea.

*His relentless fawning (fake), of newswoman, Kim Mcallister, who moved to the morning refuge because of an opening and best of all, escape Rothmann's unflattering, patronizing, crap--disingenuous to the core.

*Rothmann managed to mention his trip to Disneyland over ten times the other day--in a period of 10! minutes, a whole segment!--yet on the 45th anniv. of the Entebbe raid, he didn't even mention it once. This, from a man who is supposedly a world historian and political guru.

*Rothmann still has no grasp on how to do a drivetime radio show. He never has. His long-winded subject matter and inability to go from topic to topic in a short span--combined with boring, unimportant, minor political topics makes his show unlistenable.

*His insistence to bring up Donald Trump ad nauseum even though he says he's had enough Trump talk. Yeah right, John. You can't help yourself.

Rothmann needs to take a chill pill and maybe go hang with Steve Moskowitz, the tax guy--one of the thousands of current Rothmann friends.


  1. so because John didn't talk about your fixation over the Entebbe story of yore, he is now on your attack list? If he had thrown in a few words about a very old story, not currently relevant to anything, you would have been kissing up to him. got it.

  2. Entebbe? Really? It is an historical event that made an OK TV movie, but it really has no on-going impact on world affairs or the current situation in Africa. As for Disneyland, it's radio week's at the Magic Kingdom. Station's play the game to get the commercial buys and ticket giveaways. It all about the money! See the Consolidated Cigar Corporation.

  3. Yeah, rail about Trump, ignore Basement Bonehead.

  4. All the local news on the Radio is garbage, same repeats all day, every day = awful everyday! I can only listen to Bloomberg news on Radio. Not sure why any local radio staions can not do better, sad but true....

    1. I totally agree about Bloomberg. In the business capital of the world, we have to rely on a 500 watt station that you can't even get in San Jose. They are professional, excellent and very interesting except when the A's have an afternoon game. They must have a great deal with the owners but personally I think they should buy KSFO and do Bay-Area wide business coverage with more local news too. Love them though.

  5. How many negative posts can you write about John. It is hard for me to take you seriously. When John was not on KGO and the election was coming up, you wrote several posts how disgraceful it was that John was not on the air. This was when Trump was running, now you write something negative about John often several times a week. John has not changed, besides I have not heard him talk about Trump in a long time, only when it has to do with January 6th. Of course I don't listen every night, but since the shooting in Texas he has talked about guns a lot. You are critical of John because he keeps brining up the past, yet you do the same, always bring up the old KGO, and past anchors. I actually find those post somewhat interesting, but your inconsistency is confusing and somewhat off putting to those of us you read your posts.

  6. I'm pretty sure you will not publish this, but your negative posts about John is getting VERY old, in fact your constant negative posts about almost everyone, unless it is a good looking woman, is redundant and for the most part boring. Couldn't you balance those post with something more positive? How about writing about some other hosts, even if they are conservative and syndicated, at least there would be a little diversity.
    I contributed to this blog several times, but won't anymore. I stopped for awhile, because of you bashing of housewives (of which I use to be on), but when you wrote you would refrain from ridiculing housewives I made at least one if not more contribution, but then you just couldn't help yourself, and again put housewives in a negative light. So combined with that and all the negativity and your redundant negative remarks about John Rothmann I will not contribute, and should your column disappear I won't miss it much.

  7. He tells everyone that you're a sad man with mental problems. Why would you consider him a friend?

  8. 10:06:
    "I contributed to this blog several times, but won't anymore. I stopped for awhile, because of you bashing of housewives (of which I use to be ON)"


  9. He has always been disingenuous.

  10. Loved John when he first joined KGO, but he's become a very self-important dude. Votes in the south count as much as on the east and west coast. State your position and then shut-up John! Your opinion is no better than another's

  11. John Rothmann talks about Donald Trump ad nauseum? I listen to his show every day, and I have not heard him bring up Trump in a long time, other than when he talks about the January 6th investigation, and even then he is usually not talking about Trump specifically. I have to agree with other commenters. You seem to really have it in for John Rothmann lately. Maybe you could go back to bashing Jan Wahl? That I could get on board with.

  12. I have to concur that Rothmann's show seems to lack the pizzazz it once had. Hard to say who's to blame, Rothmann, the show's producer, or KGO management policies.

  13. So you've finally had it with John Rothmann? What took you so long?

  14. John does need to at least pretend he’s even handed. For instance by holding the President and his administration to task on failing to take inflation seriously and, more recently, scarcely lifting a finger until May to respond to the baby-formula shortage.

    Even the New York Times is taking Biden and Co. to the woodshed when it’s deserved. John? Not so much. Though he likes to claim he does.

    1. Talk show host are for the most part not even handed. John is at times, but that is not his main focus. Do you think Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and other right-wing hosts are even handed? Was Rush Limbaugh even handed? Do you have the same complains about right wing hosts?

  15. Even if John was still in the evening slot, hours devoted to gun control in response to yet another mass shooting would not be appointment radio. Doubly off-putting when it’s wall-to-wall in the drive-home slot when motorists must surely crave some variety if they haven’t long ago tuned out.

    What else is there to talk about? Well, John likes to regularly claim he holds President Biden and his administration to account for screwups. But his show would be a lot more interesting if he put that much much more into practise.

    Where’s that Rothmann “outrage” for
    continuing revelations—often from disillusioned Democrats—that the administration completely dismissed warnings that prolonged inflation was inevitable.

    Ditto the ‘Who could have predicted this?’ response by the President and his aides to the baby formula shortage. More and more details about the administration knowing about the looming baby-formula crisis back in February. Yet the President insists he only learned about it in May.

    1. President of the United States did not say he "only learned about it in May"( one company has to shut down due to lethal bacterium), he said he learned it was serious in April. Details matter. There are four manufacturers of infant formula. Only one was affected, after it spent billions on stock buybacks instead of modernizing critical safety equipment. We need more manufacturers. In the olden days, babies were raised on PET or Carnation evap milk, water and karo syrup.. We did fine.

  16. John must be the only person to visit disneyland and spend the entire time obsessing over the hall of presidents presentation..he demanded to let his boyhood hero herbet hoover speak and then he stole dick nixons tie, he was also seen throwing tomatos at jerry ford and martin van buren

  17. Why the hell does Rothmann need to say, "President Of The United States"? Does he think that makes him sound interesting? Who the hell talks like that? He needs to get a clue. Can't imagine anybody is listening to this insipid bore.

    1. A self-important person who sees himself as the expert in all things political. One who doesn't think guests really add much value.

  18. John may be smart. He seems fake about caring. He is very condescending to callers and he knows anything and everything. I turn into bloomberg for real relevant news, Not Kim Mcallisters. Hows the economy John? No, he really does not care what you think.

    1. Don’t forget how he mansplains to Pat and Kim. Let me explain…

    2. They need to develop a translator button for radio so we can listen to that Spanish station in English, I don't know how much more of Pat and John screeching people can take.

  19. Pompous ass. I don't listen anymore. Nothing on KGO is worth listening to.
