Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Telling It Like It Is (And As It Should Be); Damon Bruce; The SF Chronicle; KPIX/KTVU; Nikki Medoro-KGO; Lee Hammer; Steve Moskowitz; John Rothmann; Tom Cibrowski; ABC7 "Building a Better Bay Area" BS; All The Weather Chicks at Circle7; Matt Nahigian/The Game; Ray Ratto; Tim Kawakami; John Lund; Tom Tolbert; Jan Wahl; Ryan Yamamoto/Sara Donchey; Greg Papa; Wednesday Honesty

NOT BEHOLDEN TO THE MORONS, men, women, yahoos currently in charge who have either RUINED the business or are RUINING it now. They could be bosses or air talent themselves, kiss-asses really, and willing participants in the degradation that is before your eyes and ears, every moment and every day...

LET'S NOT KID AROUND--let's just tell it like it is.

*Damon Bruce (The Game/95.7 FM All-Sports): Truth is, and I know you hate reality, Damon, while your personal life has improved with the new (groupie) wife and kids, you haven't extended that element to your professional life. The numbers don't lie, Dame, nobody listens to you, nobody gives a damn about your thoughts because you're a pedantic fool. A self-imaged, self-absorbed, ego manical doofus who has won the charm of a fan boy who masquerades as a program director and has managed to fool his bosses himself. You, Damon, are a by-product of what's wrong and will always be wrong with the farce known as The Game: your ratings SUCK, you still can't even get a 1.0 and your M25-54 is NON-EXISTENT. Never has such a TERRIBLE, insignificant bread crumb like 95.7 FM been allowed to survive and YOU, Damien, are a good reason why. Time to send your anonymous, nasty letters to certain bloggers, Dame.

*Everything about The SF Chronicle and SFGate: a TOTAL JOKE. It was romantic in the 70's to make fun of the Chronicle--Jason Robards did so in "All the Presidents Men"--the Chronicle still put out a decent paper and had the likes of Herb Caen, Art Hoppe, Chuck McCabe--so it was civilized chaos. Nowadays with the internet world the Chron and its Gate write about purple houses and burritos and think a hot-dog stand closing in Palo Alto constitutes news. Jesus, what a disgrace.

*KPIX: This pathetic wafer is supposed to be taken seriously? CBS should be sickened and EMBARRASSED by its eternal under-performing Bay Area O and O. Just a cacophony of non-inspiring anchors, some of whom have bloated egos and don't understand reality and incompetent managers who couldn't lead a sailor to a whore house. Blatant, amateur-hour "production" by incompetent morons who WASTE time, money and energy on outside-market fools who couldn't move a needle if their life depended on it.

*KTVU: Before he was hit by a car and killed near his home, word was the great Fred Zehnder, the former ND at vintage KTVU, might write a book and describe the old KTVU and the new, pathetic KTVU. We'll never know. I know. I know KTVU is a total ABOMINATION. I know most of the people that work at KTVU cannot wait to split KTVU and I know what the KTVU revolutionary workers talk about daily when they meet next door in the parking lot area away from the cameras. They HATE KTVU. They talk about the morose, the unbelievable TERROR and ANXIETY they deal with courtesy of the witch known as Amber Eikel and her various savants. They DREAD having to go through the door and into their cubicle to have to work for that bitch but they do so anyway; it's called survival. KTVU itself makes The Firm look like Mayberry. And Fred Zehnder knew all of the above.

*Nikki Medoro/KGO: a disgrace. A whining, boring, amateur-hour, intellectually-devoid, teenage-sounding sprout that has all the interest of a Daly City 7-11. KGO, even dead KGO, should be embarrassed by this puppet and her alleged news sidekick, another Lee Hammer creation who gets by because he's cheap and doesn't mind working overtime for a few pennies...Medoro isn't creative nor anything exciting or worthy. She is a woman (gees, that'll get us numbers!) who has a nauseating voice, a penchant, every day, to mention and talk about her kids (how nuanced) and conduct the worst interviews imaginable. For all this package, KGO and Hammer think you should all be lucky to have Nikki enter your life every morning. Really, Hammer, more like termites invading your basement. Have a nice day.

*Lee Hammer: even Cumulus knew what a tool you are/were. They wanted nothing to do with you. They put up with you at KNBR but everyone knows it was Salvadore (Tony) who pushed all the buttons and made the car run. Lee, you talk a lot behind people's back--it's a speciality that Agnew (Bob), teached you how to perform. Only now, the party's over. You're stuck in 4th gear and running KGO into the ground, a Cumulus brand manager who comes to work dressed in a $68 suit from Ross and having to kiss ass with schmucks from back east named Larry. But Lee, I'll give you credit, those Taco Bell coupons you handed out to Burkhart (Bret) and Rothmann (John) were just so darn nice of you, way to kick-start morale.

*KGO/ABC7: "Building a Better Bay Area" --if Circle7 was legit and Van Amburg got confronted with this bullshit, he'd have kicked the ass (literally) of the ND, the GM and every Disney exec from LA on...the fact a major company like the mouse could get away with this bullshit is a disgrace and should be taken as such. No one with any smidgen of credibility would work under this utter BULLSHIT, PC CRAP, that is sickening and so patently offensive and patronizing to the very people it tries to flatter and embrace, you know why? Hey ABC, I know a lot of Black people, I walk through and break bread and sip beers right here in the hood, in Oakland, and they not only do NOT watch Channel 7, they're on to your bullshit and aren't impressed. Take your fucked-up Disneyland-ride to Fresno and have a nice day.

*All the weather chicks at ABC7 (KGO-TV): anymore oatmeal left? Sandhya Patel, I'm supposed to feel bad because you HID and HIDE away from me on Twitter even though you told all your co-workers that you thought I was funny. And it was probably unwise for you to think Lisa Argen was going to stop talking shit about you--that won't stop. Listen up, Sandy, it's best sometimes to just go about your biz and do your job and not worry about the leftover bread crumbs and perhaps, dare I say, be loyal and honest to certain media bloggers.

*Tom Cibrowski/VP-GM--KGO-TV/ABC7: you KISS ASS! You bloated mega-ego asshole that only was hired because Disney had no other choice but to annoint your sorry fat ass. Everyone knows at 900 Front that you hide behind your fake-leather chair and pretend to work while all you do is take barking orders from Trixie and walk around the newsroom as if you were King Farouk. Tom, you're not a king, more a hang nail that won't ever go away, I got your 'building a better bay area right here, asshole!

*Matt Nahigian/Brand Manager The Game: speaking of FAN BOYS, hey Mattie, you can Fool Some People, but you can't fool me. I had to put up with assholes like you in college and god, what a fucked-up deal that way. But I'm FREE now, fan boy, free from DUMB morons like you that corporate loves to hire because you're cheap, work cheap and think that babbling bullshit on Twitter is energy and creative. Fan boy, don't brag because you lucked out and barely beat a shithouse like KNBR --(in the morning, no less) you have NEVER managed anything beyond a barely 1.0 and you SUCK at M25-54 demo. You hired Mark Willard? How's that working? LOL. You brought with him, Dan Dibley, the human duck. How's that going? Mass LOLs. And you're paying Damon (Bruce) close to 300K? Does Damon have pictures of you? Never mind, keep on keepin' on.

*Ray Ratto/The Game: you MUST have pictures. Have a few more cheeseburgers, comrade.

*Tim Kawakami/The Athletic: Tim, I could give a shit about your personal life and your BLOCK shit on Twitter. You're a Warriors SHILL, you ass-kiss Joe Lacob every day and you got hosed by your alleged "media" scribbler, another ass-kisser who begged Larry Krueger to get on his KNBR show. This is too much inside baseball, Tim, but I'll still say it: you're a well-organized fan boy who gets by on sheer intimidation and institutional arrogance and while it works for the masses, it sure as fuck don't work for me, say hi to your miscreants.

*John Lund/KNBR: I'll be diplomatic. An incompetent, incoherent, egotistical, imbecile, asshole of mass proportions that gets by by being a current ASS-KISSER and historic brown-nosed butthead to all existing program directors, brand managers and plastic surgeons near Walnut Creek. He isn't anything special unless you like a schmuck who repeats, "like you said..." every two minutes and marries women who are nothing more than sports groupies and looking for tickets by third base at Oracle Park.

*Mark Thompson/KGO Radio: a bloated excess that is KGO's leading moron dog; a self-centered NO TALENT hack that plays YouTube sound bites, blobs into the microphone with FAKE, artificial NOISE and for that, we're supposed to think, talent? More like eternal bad breath. Yeah, Mark, want don't you go "text it."

*Tom Tolbert/KNBR: he was last relevent during the second term of the Bill Clinton administration when talking about beer, boobs, gambling stories and coaches from St.Marys meant something.

*Jan Wahl: among the many reasons why a good percentage of Jewish men commit suicide in their early life. Jan wants to be a certified yenta only Joy Behar got the job and gets paid better.

*Ryan Yamamoto and Sara Duchey/KPIX; entitled nobodys like you that exist today because you satisfy a demogrphic --you have no talent--you were brought here by a guy that had marching orders from CBS to take care of the SF market and appeal to an audience that they'd figure would blend in. No, talent was the least of considerations. Now, officially, you're a DUD. A ratings disaster that has all the chemistry of a burnt burrito from 7-11 in Dublin. Go back to Des Moines and try the cosmetics counter at Ross.

*Mike Mibach/KTVU: I never thought much of this guy. Looks like he was recruited from a Hillsborough boutique house. And guess what, KTVU? I'm not the only one. Fact is, viewers don't like him. He may be a hit with some women who have beehive hairdoos and read People magazine on the checkout line at Safeway, but overall, he's just not that popular. Then again, KTVU, you have nothing to lose because, well, you're KTVU.

*Steve Moskowitz and John Rothmann: both of you all, just shut up.

*Greg Papa: you decided to play hardball with Comcast and they won. Yeah, they're cheap but they also have deeper pockets and you have lots of overhead.

*Have a nice day.


  1. I can understand you not liking Mark Thompson. It is what it is. He does use a lot of sound clips. But I listen in small portions. As i drive someplace. Regardless of what you think of his show, or him, do you think it would be a better drive time show? I feel like your concerns about Rothman being during the afternoon drive time would apply to Thompson. Where Rothman wants to do long form converstaons, Thompson does the opposite. He does small little chunks and segments... Friday Florida, News of the Weird, Chunk of Trump. That feels very drive time.... Right down to the crazy sound clips.

    1. I think it's important to remember that most people who listen during the 10-noon time slot are listening at work. Mark Thompson's show is light-hearted and entertaining, which makes it great for listening at work.

  2. Wow Rich, how do you really feel? Great read, I feel better already!

  3. If Rich ever turns up dead under mysterious circumstances, it's going to take the cops longer than the January 6 committee to interview all the persons of interest.

  4. And what do you do to make

  5. I think it's Rich's time of the month. Anybody got a Midol?

  6. Dude. You need a Kasper's (with a "K" SFGate) and a chill.

  7. I’ve been listening to Tolbert(I live in Montana now) for years…he is just a fun loving guy who has excellent insights into the Dubs, which is valuable these days!

  8. YEAH BABY! What a post. Hump Day/Dump Day. All deserved. The truth shall set you free.

  9. mainly with lund it's that costant ''happy lap dog';' voice tone.turn off radio.

  10. If I happen to have ABC7 dialed in on my tv, and I hear "Building a Better Bay Area", I immediately switch the channel. However, I find it so annoying and pretentious, that I now go out of my way NOT to select that channel in the first place. So obnoxious...

  11. Mike Mibach acts professional, looks professional, rarely misreads the teleprompter, suits fit well and I think more viewers like him then you are claiming. He’s also smiling more and looks very comfortable in his new nighttime job.

  12. Rich goes scorched Earth on the whole Bay Area media. It's a tough job but somebody has to do it!

  13. Rich, you sure had a plate full to unload there. I hope your now feeling better about things. But do you have to talk smack about Sandhya? I just think she's the best at what she does. I said that for myself and not for a friend.

    1. I used to run into Sandhya in the stairwell when I worked at 900 Front St. We didn’t know each other, but she was always friendly and kind. That wasn’t very common. Lol.

  14. Replies
    1. Is it her voice, the narcissism, or the run-on sentence as she verbally bulldozes every host?

  15. Scorched earth much? Whew, this was exhausting.....

  16. ripping matt nahigain, i think the first time you ripped him was better,,. he blocks people at the same rate as king tim.. and damon bruce must live, sleep and breathe about dave kaval all the time.he's been obessing over him and the A's attendance/lack of for several weeks now..he and nikki medoro should do a debate on who mention their kids the most on the air..and john rothmann and steve moskovitz must have either gone to hebrew school or got bar mitzavh at the same time..his "long time friend"

  17. And not a word about Gasia! Has she won you over?

  18. always near the later part of the show it devolves into the predictable ''yum -hum'' back and forth ,tom Tolbert speaks and you say ''uh -huh ,yea yea'' all the while.''All coming up next ONLY on the Tolbert and Copes...''.

  19. Outfuckingstanding today Rich!
    You covered ALL the bases my friend and established you are now the top wordsmith in the bay

  20. Who does Modoro doing. Why is she, and Thompson, still at kgo

  21. Rich,

    KPIX management really made a bad decision hiring Ryan Yamamoto. He has no presence at the anchor desk and does not look comfortable. I prefer Allen Martin who knows how to anchor a newscast. I think Sara Donchey is okay. The new guy that co-anchors at 3:00 is worse than Yamamoto.

  22. LOL. Dang, Rich emptied the clip once again

  23. Dang Rich, why do you have to say that about Damon?.... Damon's been married for at least a good I think 5-6 yrs now? Why do say that his wife is a groupie?

    I thought Damon's numbers were pretty good. He just got an extension and his show along with the Morning Roast got great ratings for I think it was the 4th qtr of last year or something like that? Even though I'm not a fan of Ratto either, Damon has continued to crush it on afternoon drive.

    Regarding Ratto, I do agree with you there. Don't know why 95.7 continues to humor him and have him on air when he clearly hates his job. He was so mad when they had to cover the 1st round of the NFL Draft last week. It really was unlistenable radio, even though yeah, some of it probably was schtick. They now have Ratto on for a segment on Tuesday mornings on Willard and Dibs, the 9-Noon show. They try to joke around with Ratto and he gives them some good insights, but at the same time, it just feels like more Ratto is not needed. Willard and Dibs have an entertaining and informative show as is. Give the guest spot to another weekday host, or have the Crosstalk segment with either Bonta and Shasky or Steiny and Guru be a bit longer.

    As far as Matt Nahigian, by all accounts, he seems like a good dude. As I mentioned before, he invited me to come to the station a few years back to basically check out the shows and maybe hangout and chat with the hosts for a bit. I think it was 2019. It was before the pandemic. I didn't get a chance to visit the station but the fact that he reached out to me, a listener of the station, by messaging me on Facebook regarding that, says a lot about him. I have nothing bad to say about Nahigian. Also, I think he's been the longest standing program director at 95.7 since Jason Barrett I believe? Nahigian must be doing something right at 95.7.

    1. How do you know what his numbers are? You aer such a fan boy Everything at the game is just a copy of knbr cross talk on the game face off on knbr There hosts are ALL knbr rejects... Must be doing something right? with 1.0 ratings?
      and you have told this blog a dozen times you visited the game we get it Otis you are a fan boy...

    2. Dan Dibley hasn't been informative in decades...

  24. Nasty comments from a nasty man

  25. C'mon, Rich: What do you really think?

  26. If you can't say anything nice about someone...

  27. Nothing on the Nibber: Smurph and Mook morning junk? Come on, brother!

  28. Jan Wahl is trash and should not be in media. Oh wait! She isn't. Back in the day, her "Hooray for Hollywood Show" on KNBR ran from 11pm-Midnight on late Sunday nights. Huge listeners at that time of the night, right? LOL She begged Bob Agnew to let her on air. Jan... Booby. You suck!
