Monday, May 30, 2022

Dave Flemming Had To Pee, Badly, During Sunday's Giants-Reds Game

Comically tragic: Dave Flemming's announcement --on-air--in the eighth inning of Sunday's Giants-Reds game--that he had to use the bathroom.


I'm not kidding.

The Reds were making a pitching change during the Giants' rally and when it's time for a change...

Fortunately, Flemm was able to do his thing and told listeners "I feel much better."

Flemming was working solo on Sunday's KNBR radio broadcast, and therefore, when nature beckons, you have to pee. Flemming is no different.

There's a lot to say here but I'll let you all decipher.


  1. surprised he didn't go "amazon driver style" so that we wouldnt miss a beat

    1. Biggest complaint from Amazon drivers...
      Other Amazon drivers leaving their "pee bottles" in the van, after shift. Where does that cute tv reporter pee when she is stuck outside the Hall of Justice doing live shots all night?

    2. Last time I dogsat for someone, I peed all over their carpet and the dog got the blame for it. That’ll teach ‘em.

  2. Reminds me of an episode of Garry Shandling's 'Larry Sanders Show.' He had to go, but every time he tried to go on a commercial break, something would come up, preventing him him from making it to the men's room. He really did a good job of building up the tension.

  3. I only listened to the Giants game for a few minutes yesterday morning, but Dave Flemming was hilarious. He at one point mentioned how one of his first broadcasting jobs didn't pay well. I think he said he was working in Fresno or something like that. It was just a hilarious tidbit as he was mentioning it and talking about it. Dave Flemming is a lowkey kind of funny guy.

    I really hope Dave Flemming doesn't leave the Giants. We really are lucky that he wants to stay here and hasn't bolted the Giants for ESPN full-time.

    1. I recall him working a season or two for the Visalia Rawhide.

  4. Steve Moskovitz wants to buy the 4th,5th,and 6th innings,the Giants playoff inning,the catch is that instead of winning cash or tickets, the lucky "contestant" gets to attend John Rothmanns new one man show, Requiem for a Republican

    1. Remember that SM is paying for his commercial time, so you don't have to pay to listen to KGO's programming. Suggest if you find the spot annoying, just tune to a different station for 5 minutes.

  5. Imagine what you'd be saying if it were a female sportscaster.

  6. You mean to tell me with all of the announcers the Giants employ, they didn't have anyone who could fill in whilst he took the pause that refreshed? Let me guess...they were all on assignment. And where was his PBP partner? Maybe he was dropping off the kids at the swimming hole.

  7. hmmm ... Might make for an interesting thread. Places in the Bay Area you & your readers have experienced THAT emergency having no near-by public toilets.

  8. I heard it, it was great. Throughout the game, Flemm was reading messages from Giants fans/listeners around the world (I assume they arrived through twitter), as well as describing the game, and somehow keeping up with the endless onslaught of in-game commercial spots that his overlords at the Giants and KNBR have sold. It was a command performance.

  9. I listened to the game too, and loved it. Great, great job by Flemm. It was so much fun and he really shined all through it. Been a huge fan since his Stanford days, and wish him the best no matter what he does. The Giants are lucky to have him.

  10. Who are you people listening to a baseball game on the radio? YAWN.

    1. Because this game wasn't on local television. It was on NBC Peacock.... Also, a lot of people, or at least longer time Giants fans, grew up listening to Giants games on the radio. Baseball on the radio is part of the fabric of baseball.

  11. Just listened to the archive of Flemming's eighth inning and it was classic like radio broadcasts used to be. Glad he brought some levity to the broadcast
