Monday, May 30, 2022

A Year Ago, Frank Somerville's Historic Run at KTVU Began To Unravel --Exclusive

IT WAS A YEAR AGO...time flies so fast.

The beginning of the end of Frank Somerville's three-decade-plus reign at KTVU.

He and co-anchor, Julie Haener, ruled the Bay Area news ratings--KTVU's vaunted, powerful franchise newscast, "The 10'O'Clock News" was the DOMINANT legacy newscast after years and years.

Somerville, despite numerous in-house issues and transgressions that made him an unsympathetic figure at KTVU, was going strong. He was able to largely mask his inner troubles and make do with a solid, if not spectacular anchorship alongside Haener and maintain 10 PM as KTVU's power time slot.

Most important for Somerville, he had enormous personal backing from Haener, who was loyal and very caring. In spite of all the negative and outright hostile feelings that personnel at 2 felt about Frank, Julie was by his side, literally and figuratively.

Then Memorial Day, 2021...when things began to unravel and with it, Frank Somerville's historic, triumphant and in the end, troubling and disturbing final act at KTVU.

*The conclusion, exclusively, with all the details, inside and out, you'll omly get at Rich Lieberman/415 Media.



  1. Oh, so you mean this is the day he accidentally mixed up his medications and took the wrong pills—silly him?

    1. Yeah, he mixed up his Johnnie Walker and his Knob Creek.

  2. Frank said he took medications making him slur and by Christmas, he made headlines proving he has drinking issues or else why is he drunk. Enjoy his early retirement, maybe Dennis Richmond can help him in the forest

  3. So it’s been a year since he started posting insanely on instagram? Oy vey that has been perhaps the worst fall out from this mess.
