Sunday, May 29, 2022

Emotional Week; KNBR--Marty Lurie/Crowley/Laskey Offer Levity; Old KGO Radio Host, Joanie Greggains Has Died

WHAT A WEEK... Somehow, things don't seem quite so OK and cool despite the sunshine. Look at people's faces and expressions and you can sense the exhaust and unease.

Where's Herb Caen when you need him.

Leave it to Gabe Kapler to provide some much-needed levity. Of all people, but maybe not. I look at Kap and observe that he's too big for baseball. Maybe I'm reading in to much here but Kapler, like many in the public eye--his peers, not just major-league baseball, could say something, anything. But they don't. You don't have to necessarily agree or disagree with the Giants' skipper, but be thankful he used his own bully pulpit to speak out.

I want to commend, of all people, Marty Lurie, on KNBR (of all stations) to use his show and get others, like Kerry Crowley, to express the horror and anxiety we all felt last week, in his Saturday segment on Lurie's pre-game baseball show. It was a side of writer/commentator Crowley I hadn't heard. So too, ex-pitcher, Bill Laskey, who said a lot with little words. Powerful words, nonetheless. Again, this is not something you hear on KNBR, an outlet I knock regularly but on this particular matter, commend.

Lurie, who has lived a little bit in life, was both poignant and dynamic, we needed it, thanks Martin Lurie.

*Speaking of the Giants, you had to wake up real early on Sunday to watch the game --Peacock, a paid streaming site was charging five bucks to watch the game. But 8: 30 AM on a Sunday morn before Memorial Day? Ouch. Another brain-dead MLB marketing decision run amok. And yes, I know it's all about the money. It always is.

*Joanie Greggains has passed, way too early.

Greggains hosted an exercise show on KGO Radio from the mid 1980's to the early 2000's. She was one of KGO's most popular hosts and her Saturday morning show was one of the top programs.

I don't have particulars on cause of death but will try to get more info when/if I can.


  1. RIP Joanie. She was a real star.

    1. She used to be on that local TV show with Ross McGowan & Ann Fraser -- my dad perked right up when she appeared.

    2. Amen. You will be dearly missed, Joanie. The Bay Area loves you.

      Peter Felch

    3. She was a phys ed teacher in SF before she became a local star on TV and radio.

    4. RIP Joanie. I sometimes listened to her show, but she unfortunately peddled a bunch of alternative medicine nonsense and quackery on her show. She may have done more harm than good.

    5. What would that have been , specifically?. I never remember her pitching nonsense.

    6. She was way ahead of her time with health and nutritional information

  2. Kerr and Kapler seem to be in a virtue signaling competition. The rest of the country has moved on, but the Bay Area is stuck with these two DBs, milking this tragedy for as much as they can. Note to management: The "Woke" aren't sports fans. They don't buy tickets or follow the games. When a company goes "woke," it soon goes broke.

    1. Great idea. The more we don’t talk about it, the more it won’t change.

      I applaud those in high profile places who speak up, speak often, and speak loud. It’s not “woke” to speak against kids being killed.

    2. It should be discussed. Starting in the home. Want to implement a societal paradigm shift? This is where it starts. I do NOT laud those in high places, who speak up,often and loud. Why? They can feign outrage yet retreat behind gated communities with armed security at their disposal.Here me Gavin, Steve and Gabe? Sorry, but Robert Heinlein was correct. "An armed society is a polite society".

    3. Get off my lawn!!!

    4. "The rest of the country has moved on" - wrong, maybe you've moved on with the rest of the gun nuts who don't care about kids getting slaughtered...the rest of us will always care.

    5. @6:15
      "Here me Gavin, Steve and Gabe?...An armed society is a polite society"

      "Here," 6:15? No surprise it's always the most illiterate that comprise the bulk of the frothing gun nut base.

  3. For those of you who think all Dickie does is rip KNBR, read this post, have a Coke and a smile and STFU, One other nugget for this morning, Lisa Chan wasn't on KCBS today! Dan Michenson was there. How refreshing not to have her untalented self on the air.

  4. I'm a big fan of Laskey, but Lurie is a shill for the Giants and Crowley sounds like he's 12.......

    1. Marty Laurie is a bitter old man who thankfully is barely on KNBR anymore.

    2. @9:30- Marty Lurie a bitter old man?!? No way! Marty Lurie is probably one of the most positive guys in Bay Area sports media.

      Yeah, Lurie's role on KNBR is diminishing a bit, but he's giving other guys a time to shine. Marty Lurie in some ways had his run especially back in 2010 when he burst on to the scene. But yes, Marty Lurie isn't bitter at all.

      Guys like Ray Ratto are bitter old men.

    3. @9:30 is a bitter old man. SMH. Marty said some good, humane things after the shootings.

  5. Agree, 11:14. The two K's are a woke joke. Sports is a relief from life stress. Leave the politics out of it. You want to do good? Then do something good. On your own time. Period.

  6. I don't like Gabe Kapler, keep political and personal opinions out of sports, bad enough kapperdink screwed up respecting the Flag and Anthem and now this joker.....

  7. Kepler is just a PC hire. Nothing more, unqualified douche

    1. Don't know who Kepler is, but remember Kapler helped steer the Giants to a 107 win season last year.

    2. Joanie Greggans used to host a warm up session prior to the Bay to Breakers every year back in the day. Sorry to hear of her passing

    3. Maybe so, but his laws of planetary motion played a key role in the Scientific Revolution.

    4. Really? They hired a good looking white man former ballplayer as a PC hire? I’m assuming you’re white because only white people would be this stupid. Btw, seems to me that the only way to get you dipshits to pay attention is to protest something during the anthem. Also if he didn’t tell you he wasn’t coming out you wouldn’t even notice. You still buy your beers and take your bathroom breaks and park you cars while the anthem plays. What’s the line here? Are teams allowed to sell concessions during the anthem? Because they DO. Do I have to run towards the music and stand at attention every time I hear the song? Or does this only apply when you want people to fall in line with your bullshit right wing gun rhetoric and racist beliefs? I asked that as a question but we all know the answer.

  8. @1114 and @1234, Clearly you would prefer people not to discuss openly the murder of little children, not to discuss the hate that results from mass shootings. Might that be because to do so would impact your agenda? Are you hoping that people forget so that the hate and murders continue? Strong words, compassionate words result in action. Bottom line is..what in God's name are you afraid of?

    1. @5:11 where did fear come in to play? Kapler comes off as a spoiled child with his antics. Of he wants to work for change, he needs to do something besides go sulk.

  9. If Kapler kept it real he would not dye his beard like Steven Segal. I recall Kerr saying a few years back that armed officers should not be on school property. Kerr Xi Jinping coaches the most classless team on earth.

    1. Exactly. Kerr complaining about how we're not doing anything to stem the school violence but a mere 2 years ago marched against the use of Police security forces on Oakland school campuses. Shun the self righteous grifter

  10. I used to watch morning stretch after movies till dawn was over.

  11. Sorry to learn about Joanie Greggains.As an adolescent I actually used to exercise to her TV shows on KPIX (or whichever) early mornings before I went to school. Condolences to her loved ones.

  12. Sorry 1:10, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Kapler was not an especially PC hire. He brought some baggage with him. If anything, he’s proved his value last year.

  13. Yeah, sorry about Greggains. Anybody know how old she was?

    1. Joannie lived long past her own life expectancy...having helped others do the same!

    2. Kim McAllister mentioned Joanie's passing on the news, during Mark Thompson's show. She was 78, and no that is not living long past one's life expectancy these days, especially for someone who was a health guru. No cause of death was giving, could have been cancer.

    3. She was a right-wing anti-vaxxer. No cause of death released...

    4. Life expectancy is determined at birth, not in the year one dies. IF born in 1943, your life expectancy was about 72. Six years is long past that number.

    5. Wait until you are in your mid seventies, and see if you think you think you are ready to pack it in. Insurance actuary tables calculate it a little different, if you are in reasonable good health in your mid seventies you can expect to live to close to ninety. I forget the actual numbers, but it depends on your health at a certain age, and other factors plays a role, do you smoke, drink to excess etc. I don't know if Joanie was a right winger I do know she was good friends with Melanie Morgan who is right wing. I'm liberal and have several close friends who are much more conservative than me.

    6. I recall she was an anti-vaxxer,but I don't think she was right wing. Back in those days, it was the left wingers who were anti-vax. Look at the Marin County stats for vaccination rates back then...lowest in the country I believe. TDS completely reversed all that.

      Makes me wonder now if she died of covid from being still being anti-vax.

    7. It has nothing to do with whether one thinks one is ready to pack it in at any age. the fact is simple. Life expectancy is determined when you are born. The poster above is wrong. Life expectancy for someone born in 1943, a female, was 64, not 72.

    8. Perhaps when Joanie was born in 1943 life expectancy was 64, but that certainly is not the case now. Life expectancy is 78 and that is average.

    9. Yes, for those born now, that is the case. Once again, life expectancy is calculated at birth. there is no "perhaps" about it.

    10. I just checked John Hancocks life expectancy tables, based on my weight, not ever smoking, no major health issues, despite drinking a glass or 2 of wine several times a week, I can expect to live to 97, and I was born in 1945. I'm a licensed life and health insurance agent, and insurance companies use those table to calculate risk when the underwrite a policy, so if anything they are conservative. Of course it is not guaranteed that I will live that long, accidents happen, people of all ages get cancer, but I COULD live that long.

    11. I'm glad she had her time in the limelight. She tried to make people's lives better.

  14. Who is this Jason dope on KRON? He’s on the Game today, talking about himself constantly. Who the fuck cares?

    1. Jason Dumas.... He's a good dude and a good sportscaster, but whenever he's on 95.7, he has a noticeable lisp. The lisp kind of bothers me with all due respect. He doesn't have that same lisp when he's on KRON... Maybe the mics could be different? Not sure.

      Yeah, he does tend to talk about himself a lot sometimes, but I think he's trying to get people to know who he is since he's from out of town. He's a Philly guy. He may be trying to be the new Gary Radnich as he essentially has Gary Radnich's old position on KRON; sports director.

  15. Paying to watch the Giants at 8:30 in the morning? No way, I'll pass. I wonder whose bright idea this was? Larry Baer?

    1. Larry's still with the Giants?? "help, help, someone help me!"

    2. It was MLB's idea. They are trying to get people to pay for these streaming services to air games. It's BS.

  16. Baer must be steaming: Giants pregame show discussing Warriors, who are infinitely more interesting.

  17. Being the next Radnich is not aiming high.

    1. @5:16- Considering the career Radnich had on both KNBR and KRON, maybe trying to be the next Radnich might not be a bad aspiration to try and shoot for.

  18. Gary was not universally respected. He didn’t bother to go to games or do much homework the last decade or so. It showed in his slapdash segments, which were lazy vanity pieces.

  19. Yes we kinow but Otis is the bay Area media stalker and he will let you know the real deal

  20. Joanie was a very kind and thoughtful and was very lucky to have known her.
