Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Bitter End to a Storied Career; Frank Somerville's Painful Demise at KTVU; The Events and Incidents Leading Up To Channel 2 Finale; What Took Place in Intimate Detail; Exclusive Report


Personal, professional, and otherwise. Then again, it was something he could manage and work out. After all, he'd been exposed to and dealt with hardship before and the coming year would be challenging but nothing out of the ordinary, or so he thought.

Somerville was still the TOP news anchor at KTVU. And "The 10 o'Clock News" remained the singular Bay Area TV newscast. Nobody, no other station, came close to KTVU's dominance at 10 and it was there where Frank shined and as long as the numbers remained strong, everything would be cool. His personal life would become secondary and a new contract was looming. That would take the sting off a whole lot of internal issues off camera.

Somerville felt annoyed about the prospect of taking a pay cut. He had looked at KTVU's ratings and saw good, better than average, actually, numbers, but he was also aware about the reality of news anchor salary circa 2022. Besides, he would still be one of the Top Five highest-paid anchors in the Bay Area. He was happy-- the good life, the post-marriage period, the idea he could make a lot of money and race cars (his hobby), work out and spend time with his daughters, especially his youngest (adopted) daughter.

But trouble was on the horizon.

Memorial Day, 2021 --after a Sunday night (before the holiday) 10 PM newscast that appeared to show a disheveled Somerville at his worst; a newscast where he slurred his words and was obviosuly out of whack; a show so bad he was taken off the show and told to go home.

Somerville, amazingly, drove home that night to his Downtown Oakland condo--only a few miles away, but in a danger zone nonetheless--who made that call at KTVU? Anyway, the incident was the beginning of the end for Frank and his tumultuous career at KTVU. He not only embarrassed himself but lost the entire newsroom at the station, especially those personnel that were angry at him because he'd received numerous second and third chances. Nothing to the extreme like appearing loopy on a live TV newscast but enough minor incidents that were never publicized.

KTVU suspended Somerville indefinitely.

He claimed (to me) that he mistakenly took sleeping pills and that caused him to sound and look disjointed, "drunk", said others. People behind the scenes at KTVU were not so sympathetic. A number of them were downright angry he had brought shame and embarrassment, not only to himself, but to KTVU as a whole.

Somerville was privately scorned inside the Fox2 premises, not just newsroom staffers but key, on-air figures like sports anchor, Mark Ibanez. The two were longtime veterans and Ibanez had 40plus years at KTVU to Somerville's 30 years. Ibanez was so close to Frank, they'd have private meetings and venting sessions away from the studio; sometimes in their cars when things got serious and emotionally-charged. Ibanez read Somerville the riot act but he also had his (Frank) back. He was loyal to the core even though Frank was hardly a sympatheic figure.

Ibanez himself was one of those KTVU on-air people that was ANGRY over the Somerville slurred-speech incident. He knew about Frank's vulnerabilities. He defended Frank but was also pissed because Frank seemed not to care about this latest incident and take Ibanez's friendship and guidance for granted. Ibanez wasn't alone. Almost the entire KTVU news staff were not only seething but fed up with Frank's latest antics.

They were angry that KTVU and high-top execs gave Somerville numerous rope with his less-than-stellar behavior.

Behavior that included many incidents at the station (and away) with questionable relationships with staff, one that included Somerville's bond with a young female intern. Somerville insisted the relationship was platonic but privately, KTVU Insiders said otherwise. Fox was so concerned over the matter, they paid a settlement to the woman as a buffer to any possible legal action. It was a significant amount of money. The woman intern left KTVU and no legal event took place. Still, that matter clearly left a negative vibe and Somerville on the defensive.

Out of nowhere, Somerville appeared on the air in September; KTVU and Somerville didn't make any notice about it, it just happened. Frank himself said nothing and looked as if he was fresh and crisp and wanting to begin a new chapter. And his bosses at the station agreed. They figured that the Memorial Day matter was a yesterday event and that the future held out a new beginning. They were also primed on maintaining KTVU's dominance at 10 PM and inherent want to get its star anchor back on track. They both, in essence, needed each other. Somerville the cagey veteran and KTVU, the Fox O and O that didn't want to mess with its late evening rule of the Bay Area news wars.

Things were moving along smoothly--until they weren't.

In late September, Somerville inexplicably had a confrontation with KTVU News director, Amber Eikel and other management personnel. He wanted to opine an on-air note about media coverage of the racial bias of the reporting of the Gabby Petito homicide --she being the missing white woman who was murdered by her fiance. Somerville was miffed over what he perceived as racial inequity--and Frank wanted to write some tag lines about it after an accompanying story.

KTVU would have none of it and the Somerville-Eikel confrontation was too hard to stomach. KTVU once again suspended Frank, indefinitely.

It would be the last time he appeared on the air.

Somerville initially had significant public support, most noteworthy the local NAACP. Privately, KTVU was in a significant bind, it's wanting to get Somerville a fresh start back from the May embarrassment only to have another incident mar their plan all at Somerville's doing. What the hell is happening? KTVU didn't know and seemed just as out of whack as Somerville. The latest turn of events seemed to hit KTVU at a time when personnel were steamed and done with Frank's latest controversy.

KTVU newsroom rank and file staff were once again livid that Somerville could bring unease and scorn to the Oakland Fox building. They were skeptical about Somerville's motives and figured he was using the Petito/racial reporting backlash as a means to piss off KTVU/Fox and milk the story for his own interests. They essentially said Frank was a phony and brought (once again) embarrassment and negative pub to KTVU, of which they (staff) were the recipients.

Fox and KTVU this time found themselves in a pickle. They couldn't outwardly fire Frank for fear of backlash from the Bay Area minority community and specifically the Oakland end--KTVU being headquartered in Oakland and all the negative outrage that would ensue should Somerville get the axe. They didn't do anything and played a wait-see game hoping over time that the latest incident would blow over. All the while, Somerville was being paid and in spite of being twisted in the wind, was content to wait it out.

The wait and see approach appeared to be working, from Fox's standpoint. It could buy time and formulate an end game to the entire Somerville mess. It began to set in that Frank's days at KTVU were numbered and that Fox was figuring out a way to say goodbye. Only how to do it and placate both Somerville and more importantly, the Bay Area minority groups and those alligned with Somerville. It was hard to come to grips that such a successful and lengthy relationship would be on the verge of a total break-up but the writing was on the wall and its outcome the only missing equation.

Somerville knew his days were numbered at KTVU. He had a contract coming up in late January and figured he'd be non-tendered. There was no way Fox would give him a new deal; even before all the earlier drama had occured, it was going to be tenuous at best that Frank would be at KTVU past the new year. Even so, he was still getting paid and nothing was imminent. And at least publicaly, KTVU was mum to Somerville's status even though it was common knowledge he was done. At least at Fox2.

The uncertainty and acknowledgment of his own future --professionally and privately--began to weigh on Somerville. He was suffering from a plethora of his own personal issues; a recent divorce (even though his ex-wife and him got along but a divorce nonetheless); a struggle to maintain a relationship with both his daughters, one who was so fed up she moved out and stayed with Frank's ex; another, the adopted daughter who was experiencing the rituals of dealing with teenage life at school and home; Frank's battle to keep her emotionally intact while at the same time keeping his own life in order.

Somerville began to drink more. He was never a hard-core drinker--mostly beer was his alcohol preference but no hard stuff. His life seemed to meander from stable to unstable. He began to look at everyhthing and determine what life had to offer for a guy in his early 60's with an uncertain future both professionally and personally. It was a lot to consider and it only seemed to get murkier by the day.

Cut to Dec. 30th, 2021. Frank had been drinking. A lot. But not just tonight. Earlier in the week, Somerville was so out of it, he'd forgot where he parked his car--a few days later he recovered it in a nearby Downtown Oakland parking garage. But it was clearly something both disturbing and unsettling. Frank was in crisis, in despair. Then all hell broke loose on the night before New Year's Eve.

Somerville crashed and rammed his Porsche car into another driver and their car. He was subsequently arrested on a DUI charge. He was lucky that he didn't kill anyone the accident was so jarring and violent. The images of a disjointed Frank were all over the Internet and marked the end of Frank's professional life more than likely and a personal journey from hell.

Now, Frank is dealing with the legal manuverings of his past misdeed. It's not a happy situation. It is chock full of regrets and misfortune. Of what could have been and what might have taken place. Frank is trying to change the subject via Instagram and has received inner inductry (and some outside) ridicule from both friends and foes alike. A common reaction to the social media posts: "Frank, what the fuck are you saying?!"--another local anchor told me, "He's weird. The whole posts are just weird."

I don't know what the future holds for Frank. I know he's basically a good person who means well and had to endure a rough time of his life. That he would jeopardize someone else's life is still a shocker to me. I couldn't believe what I saw and still, to this day, can't fathom the entire matter.

I considered long and hard to write this story but I decided to write it, A. because Frank himself put his images (via Instagram) and words out there and thus, is fair game. B. in spite of his notoriety, remains a popular person and still, a public person in that respect. Had Frank chosen to disappear and go about his ways without social media posts, I'd have most likely refrained from a story.



  1. Just look at that fabulous mane of anchor hair. This man was born to report the news!

    1. You mean plugs. (And yes, they are plugs.)

    2. You take that back 2:13! This is blasphemy!

  2. Take a drive around Oakland, notice the hundreds, thousands?, of people living on the streets. Some, of course, earned their way there, through drugs, an arrogant refusal to pursue basic education, etc. But there are a LOT of folks out there who did nothing wrong in life, but fell victim to circumstances beyond their control. Feel sorry for Frank Somerville? Someone who's had every advantage in life, and simply couldn't handle it? Is HE living on the street? Does he not have resources to prevent him from falling to the bottom? Think I'll save my concern and sympathy for those in far worse straights than poor Frank Somerville....

  3. Speaking on KTVU drama, word is that Julie's marriage isn't solid. Any news/rumors on that front

    1. Ice queen I'm guessing.

    2. Her flashy Instagram posts sure came to an end real quick. I’ve also heard things aren’t good between her and her quarterback son.

      Peter Felch

    3. Insert Mr. T from Rocky 3 saying "You want a real man Julie hit me up" gif.

    4. Just looked at her instagram. I might have to rub one out to the bikini photos. Thanks Peter.

  4. No One Is Bigger Than The Game.

  5. Lots of people have/have had a lot more on their plate than Frank ever had. They don't act like petulant, drunk 4 year olds. They deal with it.

  6. Blame himself, KTVU should let him go after the affair, he probably can still get a main anchor spot but no one will hire someone with an affair background, drinking issues and personal problems. Would any station hire Frank so he might have more affairs with staffs at another work place? Smart ppl won’t hire him ever.

    1. Exactly. Crappy spineless KTVU management at their finest.


    Not once SF Gate and the Merc lift it. :-(

    1. You really think SF Gate or the Merc would reprint this crap?

  8. Frank Sommerville - Another overpaid news anchor. Just read the news on teleprompter. Nobody wants your opinion. Pete Wilson, was the best. You want to give opinions, start a talk show.

    1. Yup. All true except for for Pete Wilson. He was a smug jackass who thought he knew so much more than he did. Talk about an overpaid news anchor!

    2. finally, someone says the obvious. Pete Wilson, he of the endless audible sigh, hoodwinked so many, insufferable

  9. Interesting report, Rich. What a sad tale.

  10. There's a white, blonde-haired guy with looks and little news acumen (I used to work with him) who had it handed to him because he's a white, blonde-haired guy, and when he did he suddenly saw himself as a self-anointed crusader for people of color. Just shows you how delusional you become when you start making half a mil a year for basically reading copy others write and research. Have you ever seen FS out on a story of his own? Pontificating about how wonderful people who adopt little black girls are in self-serving blog and vlog posts, but that's different. Have you ever seen him *investigate* anything? Anything? No? Why? Because he wouldn't know how to do it, or who to call or what to ask if you dialed the phone for him. He was hired because he was pretty—the Robert Redford of news (or Tom Grunick...Google it)—and he thinks he's Bob Woodward. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

    1. I have know the Somerville family for over 40 years. Frank has always been self-centered and only cares about his image. When he was a college student at SFSU he used to hang around the Junior high in Berkeley trying to pick up the 8th graders. I can see he has not changed on bit

    2. Then you must know me, and I know that you're full of shit. You portray Frank as a pedophile to meet your needs... but he never hung out at King JH. He did hang out at BHS after graduation and dated a number of girls from the class 2 years behind him. I am one of Frank's biggest critics over the decades and I also know that he worked in Minn and RI as a reported including a major piece on the Lomo Prieta earthquake that received some sort of Emmy... as a reporter.

      If the intent of this blog is to make little people feel better by belittling local TV celebs, at least admit that this is what you're about. I detest local news and the bullshit that comes with it. But at least try to be accurate in your sniping and bitterness.

    3. Why would I know you? Berkeley is a big city. First, there were two JR highs in Berkeley, why do you assume it was King? Second, how do you know he was not hanging out a Jr. highs? Where you with him all the time? Third, you nothing about me but you assume I am trying to belittle frank. I have know frank for a long time and he has quite a few skeletons in the closet.

  11. I think Frank can make a comeback but it won't be easy. He needs to stop drinking permanently and forever. I've done it and it's hard as hell. There are benefits. Your health improves. Your judgment improves. You don't have to worry about stupid stuff like will i get pulled over. He should publicly apologize and take some tough questions in a no-holds-barred interview. He has to show an earnestness in purpose, that he's not taking his job for granted. I think it could work. But there isn't a GM of a local station who would take that chance. They're all risk adverse. He could do mornings at KGO 810, but that's a burning ship that won't be here that long.

    1. pacific coast termites could use another pitchman..all frank needs to do is call up his good buddies chip franklin and stan bungar to discuss the best way to infest his home with bedbugs and rodents (yikes!)

  12. Speaking of KTVU, where’s Amber Lee these days? Haven’t seen her since this Lamonica Peters chick appeared.

  13. Frank was paid $500,000 for reading a teleprompter. He was never a true reporter. He screwed up his personal life and professional career. I have zero sympathy for him. There many in the Bay Area who are overworked, underpaid and unappreciated or unemployed or homeless. Do you think any of them give rat’s ass about Frank Somerville?

    1. If you, and many others, think TV people are overpaid, pampered, lightweights for whom you don't give a rat's ass... then WTF are you doing here? This is a blog all about them every day. Welcome to celebrity culture and its associated BS.

  14. Did KTVU ever air commentary? It would seem odd to start now.
    I thought the Gabby Petito thing was just insurance against getting fired; to cultivate a bunch of folks who would care if he left; and make KTVU look insensitive when they fired him.

  15. But there is nothing more compelling to a man in his 60s than a woman 1/3 his age who appears to be interested in him. It is great for the circulation as well.

    1. It's totally fake. The doe eyed anchorette staring up to the big anchorman uncle type, as if to say, " Oh Biff, what a big penis you have". Laughing behind their backs is the reality.

  16. I just started watching KTVU at 10 a few months before the flame out. I actually thought Frank was very good. He asked follow ups from reporters and had a strong presence. Those that demean him for being "pretty boy" need to get a clue. It's a VISUAL medium. And if you think it's just reading a teleprompter, why don't you send in some audition tapes to stations. It's not nearly as easy as you think. I hope Frank finds stability, attends meetings and becomes clean and sober. I would watch him again.

    1. As for the "visual medium, must be pretty" nonsense, the most successful anchor in SF history wasn't "pretty" at all. Remember Dave McElhatton? Mr. Somerville isn't pretty.

    2. Never said he was. Actually, i thought McElhatton had great visual appeal, a guy you could trust and have a drink with.

    3. > He asked follow ups from reporters and had a
      > strong presence.

      They're told by the suits to follow up and the "engaging questions" are usually written by us, the uncredited and unseen writers and producers. Most anchors wouldn't know what to ask if Jesus Christ came back to earth and asked to bum a cigarette.

  17. Sad end to a 30 year career. After this, he will probably never get another job like the job at KTVU. I wish him good luck with his future.

  18. so ''the saint'' is the new guy-guess they didn't want Kurtenbach mumbling under his breath..oh well.

  19. Why was so little mentioned about his relationship with Julie and that she had his back and went to bat for him?

  20. Who cares who reads a teleprompter. He's not an actual journalist who does reporting. He's a blow-dried, made-up lightweight talking head. Dime a dozen.
