Thursday, May 5, 2022

A Quiet Deal Between a Powerful KRON Exec, Amy McCombs, and Gary Radnich That Made Him Bay Area's Highest-Paid TV Anchor

IT WAS 2000.

KRON was at its ultimate power as an NBC super affiliate. Both the network was strong and KRON itself enjoyed MAX ratings with a superior news presentation and a galaxy of stars inside 1001 Van Ness Ave.

One of those stars was Gary Radnich, the sports TV anchor who knew he was at the top of his game. He transcended sports and became not just KRON's #1 personality, but the entire Bay Area. And it wasn't just TV, Radnich's KNBR show was #1 and for many years to come.

But TV was his high point--and that extended to his salary too. Radnich was nearing a contract negotiation at KRON and his only contact person there was the GM, a crafty, smart lady named Amy McCombs.

McCombs was not that social nor chatty. She understood business and she was strictly a results-oriented person. Which is why KRON's owners (pre NBC/Young disaster) thought highly of her.

Radnich too.

They met at a coffee shop off Van Ness one day and both ironed out a new contract.

It was for three years and a mutual extension. Radnich had all the leverage and McCombs knew it but business is business and Gary brought significant revenue into KRON's coffers: they agreed on the deal: Radnich BROKE the BANK, at least by local TV News standards: $1.15M yearly for four years and a mutual option year.



  1. Well played and that’s with KNBR on top of it all

  2. I still miss Gary, the Fabulous Bruno, and the cast of characters who called in. I remember the first show when Johnny the Gout Man was the first caller, Mark from Millbrae, Norm the Union Man, and of course Mr. C from heaven. All were entertaining. I think Gary knew how to be what he was. There's no none on now to compare.

    1. When Gary was great, he was great. But like us all, he got tired.

  3. He got Ted Danson money???
    New York

  4. Nobody misses Gary. A horrible guy who abandoned his first family and hooked up with a co-worker with no talent who he put her on TV when she sucked.

  5. When Gary was at the top of his game he was very entertaining

  6. Speaking of KTVU, holy crap, Rich... Frank S just had his court date this morning, he didn't go but his high power lawyer did. Talk about white fucking privilidge, he gets his license back NEXT WEEK, and only has some BS probation to deal with for a year!!! Because he did some fancy rehab thing, the judge is basically giving him "time served"!!! I mean, WTF?!? His lawyer has him completely zipped up and not talking to anyone, but it was a public and open court so I got to see what happened.

  7. Gary had that smarmy, vaguely lecherous, Don Rickles approach down to a T; no way he could survive in an era when such an act would get called out immediately and taken down forthwith.

    Plus, he seemed to revel in not watching sports and being more of a TMZ show; reading the Sporting Green in the morning was deep research to him, he needed Larry K to carry the load on informed takes.

    It was a show for his personal demographic but it wasn't budging in terms of welcoming all listeners; I guess he had his run but he's almost lucky he got out at the right time before he got drilled in a more enlightened era.

  8. Gary was unique but you can only survive as a one-truck pony for so long. The Don Rickles routine got stale after a few years. And He used to introduce any guest as “ the GREAT!” Very insincere. And then he’s take these little passive-aggressive shots at people. He was not liked by most of his media compatriots but you have to give the guy his due. Gary not only knew how to move the needle but he knew how to charm the big wigs. KNBR’s Tony Salvador used to chortle in the halls to Gary’s incessant one-liners, making a big spectacle. Salvador was a slick, fast talking but lowbrow salesman. And Salvadore LOVED Russ Limbaugh, personally, professionally it especially because of his ‘political’ stands. That tells you all you need to know.

  9. I heard rumors that when he was single, he loved riding around certain colorful corners in the Tenderloin in the wee hours. A story hard to forget.
