Sunday, April 17, 2022

Sunday Short; Some Sanity at KCBS; Rothmann/Medoro Vitals; The K "Kaspers", Chronicle, is the Original

Jennifer Hodges should be the permanent weekend morning anchor on KCBS. Period. End of story.

But unfortunately, KCBS is run by an incompetent news director who gets daily passes from corporate because, well, you know why.

Hodges isn't great by any means but is a decent news reader and knows how to run a board. Therefore, she's semi-excellent.

The prior anchor, who was suddenly replaced by Hodges, sounded as if she were recruited from the YWCA.

*John Rothmann, who tested positive for Covid-19 and has been MIA at KGO Radio for over a week, is feeling much better but will not return to KGO until later in the week. Nikki Medoro also tested positive and won't be back until Thursday unless she gets a negative.

*Great story the Chronicle ran the other day about Kasper's Hot Dogs, only the Chron got it wrong. Gees, what a surprise, the original Kaspers had a K, not the C Caspers. Big difference. And the original was in Oakland. It's a family business. The one on MaCarthur is still open and as awesome as ever.

Get me two with mustard and onions.


  1. I used to like to grab a dog at Doggie Diner at Van Ness and Market, they had those infra-red heaters in the ceiling that cut the chill. But the best dogs were in New York City in the late 40's, early 50's at the Hebrew National, one of those and a Nedick's really hit the spot...

  2. Since Nikki Medoro does her show from home why can't she continue to work?

    1. Everyone who was in studio before the pandemic is back in studio. There is mandated Covid sick time in San Francisco, and getting up that early to drive in and do a 4 hour show when you’re recovering from Covid is a bit much.

  3. Where can you find a great chili-dog ??

  4. Mel's has decent ones

  5. KGO - dump Medoro, make Chris Merrill permanent, at least he is a little funny and asks good questions. Dump Burkhart as well, what an A$$ kisser!

  6. YES! So relieved to hear Jennifer Hodges on KCBS morning week-ends.....have always liked her style and composure on the air.
