Monday, April 18, 2022

Circle7 Has Plans for Dion Lim at 5 PM; Ashley Pairing; Larry Beil Not Thrilled

Circle7 top suits know they have a problem and are working on an idea to FIX it.

In their attempt to placate rising star, Dion Lim, ABC7 has explored the idea of offering Lim the 5 PM newscast as a co-anchor with veteran Dan Ashley. Nothing concrete is set and the idea is just in an exploratory situation but an Ashley-Lim pairing at 5 would be a dynamic move at 900 Front. It would not only strengthen 5 but it would then bolster KGO's position in the early evening news platform.

The move would, according to an ABC7 contact, deemphasize hybrid anchor, Larry Beil (who does news and sports) and seem to show Lim a firm commitment about long-term plans.

Beil, according to ABC7 sources, isn't thrilled about all this but then again he doesn't have much leverage either.

Ashley and Ama Daetz would continue to anchor the 6 and 11 PM newscasts where they both dominate the local news ratings. In fact, KGO devoured the competition in the recent FEB SWEEPS.

Lim's ascent has been further enhanced by a fill-in network news gig in NY where she will anchor ABC's World News Now and World News This Morning.

ABC News in essence is auditioning Lim and views her as a promising lead talent, both because she's a woman and is of Asian descent.

Disney, which owns ABC and ABC O/O stations, has a fondness for tapping into the PC equation and Lim would enhance that designation. She is not only a solid anchor but also active in the Bay Area Asian community. Which is another reason (among many)KGO would want to keep her happy in SF even as the network seems to long for her services.


  1. In my opinion nothing will fix circle 7 until they get rid of "Building A Better Bay Area" BS.

    1. Oh, for Christ's sake, what is the big deal about that? Just ignore it. If a slogan bothers you so much, turn the channel.

    2. The main reason why we should be BUILDING A BETTER BAY AREA is of who we have been electing for the past 40 years. Look around at the almost total destruction of our roadways and cities. Crime through the roof. Sky high taxes. Homeless everywhere. And what are the local reporters reporting on? 420 day. They drive the same roads that we do, pay the same high prices that we do. Shouldn't they be doing stories on these things? Of course they should be. Will they? NO. Nothing is going to change. Keep fighting them Rich.

  2. Ashley,Lim and Daetz are Rainmakers. Larry is the coffee and donut boy. Get overt it and be grateful the job you have. The room is getting so small now, that you couldn't swing a dead cat in the air without getting fur in your mouth!

  3. I can't stand filling positions due to PC criteria.
    Having said that, Lim vs Beil is a no-brainer.
    From the very first it was easy to see she was a top talent.
    AND... has enhanced that criteria month after month.
    She is better than any other station's (aside from the Dan and Daetz) top anchors.
    KPIX missed the boat if they had a chance and failed to grab her.
    I say all of this "WITH AUTHORITY"

    1. I think she is excellent too. I also think Holmes and Haener are good so they are the big three around here. All better than any male anchor. The Bay Area has no good male anchors on any channel which is astonishing to think about. Not ONE!

  4. Dion is excellent. Doesn't matter if she's a woman...or Asian. She's just really good, period.

  5. Wonder if anyone else sees a bad ending for the neverending racial gameplaying in the media world (and elsewhere, of course).

    1. So sick of it all. Everything is race, race, race. Especially here.

  6. Really? Racial game playing? Sounds like bigoted WASP speaking again.

    1. No it doesn't. It sounds like someone who knows the truth. In this "color blind" society we are all about color and nothing but color.

    2. Anyone who does not think this area is race-crazy is completely blind. In fact, everything is upside-down now.

      You don't even have to take the SAT's anymore to apply for college. So all of the students with hyped-up high-school grades get accepted, not have the skills to succeed, fail and flunk out leaving them with over-whelming debt. Colleges have been bending over backwards to accept black and native kids with easy admissions, scholarships, tutoring, and on and on. For what? For failure.

      We have thrown billions and billions after race issues and nothing has worked, in fact it is now worse than ever. You just cannot satisfy people.

    3. To 11:48 Apt, and well said. So much empty chatter about fairness and equality, so little follow-through. In fact, in practice, just the opposite...

    4. Sure, many kids have a rotten deal in life. Poor parents. Language difficulties. Bullying. Poor self-esteem. Lousy teachers. Available drugs. The list goes on and on BUT you are not doing anyone any good to tell them racism is the reason. Plenty of kids can fight and succeed.

      Since 1964, when California was the number one state for education in America, now we are 49th. And we are by far the largest spender on education. Does spending work? Not really.

      Putting education first is a decision that is largely money-free but bureaucrats and administrators suck up most of the money along with crooked kickbacks funded by the leftists.

      What about the lottery? That was supposed to solve the education finance problem. Did it? NO! Billions and trillions spent on failure. Why aren't the local papers, radio and TV reporters reporting these facts? Because they are all lousy, gutless, scared. That is why they are dying. Instead of fighting they all hide behind their hairdos and makeup.

  7. How is that job in Hawaii coming along, Larry?? Or did Rick Quan snatch it up!!!

    San Mateo

  8. Chesa is praying she goes to New York and stays there.
