Monday, April 18, 2022

Message to the Readers

Those of you that love 415 Media and come here regularly, (and even those that don't), I need your help.

The nature of what I write and report has prompted, with authority, those individuals and corporate forces to want to SHUT ME DOWN. Again. And again. And now, again.

I (415 Media) RELY on reader donations and paid subscriptions. 100 percent. I do not have advertisers because I do not want to be beholden to corporate interests--the material you read would not always fit their interests and that is why I NEED your help NOW; to maintain my blog's independence from their control and influence.

To put it bluntly: it is your donations and SUPPORT that keep me going day after day. Literally and figuratively. Without you all, THERE IS NO BLOG. Plain and simple.

I've resisted a pay wall for 415 Media because I know a lot of you have bills and expenses. I do too. I figured that many of you have financial means available to keep this site going and allow me to continue to write and publish material the corporate behemoths DO NOT WANT PUBLISHED.

They exist. They want me shut down. They have gone to extraordinary means to SILENCE ME, thus YOU.

I NEED YOUR HELP NOW! I need your donations and/or paid subscriptions to maintain the blog. I have not asked you for many requests of late because I didn't want to bombard you --I know times are tough but I need your support to live and breathe and write the blog, the blog you love and love to read and look forward to every day.

If a fraction of you were to donate just a small amount, I (415 Media) could be sustainable on an everyday basis. Which is why I need you all to step to the plate and SUPPORT this site. I will continue to bring you exclusive content, scoops,stories and material,commentary, the mainstream media here does NOT want published. Which is why they're trying to shut me down.

Any donation amount helps but a $20/50 or higher contribution is needed to allow me to carry on and bring to you a DAILY blog that will be entertaining and informative. YOU make it happen.

I CANNOT function without you. Plain and simple.




Go to the right side of the blog where you'll see the "Pay Pal DONATE" button--simply click on it and follow the prompters. It takes less than a minute and it is 100 persent, safe and secure. You do not have to have a Pay Pal account to contribute. I will personally call/email you THANKING YOU for your donation. If you wish to remain anonymous, that's fine too.

THANK YOU as always.

Note: Comments on this posting will not be requested nor posted.

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