Thursday, April 21, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING YOUR BAY AREA TV/RADIO/INTERNET QUESTIONS--Please, name and city always gets to the front of the line.

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  1. Who do you prefer "Gary and Larry" with their call in focused show? or "Greg and John" with their Greg talking and interview show? I prefer Gary and Larry. The show was fast moving. I did get tired of Gary's things every now and them. I cannot stand Greg talking about himself and making the show all about him.

    1. Gary and Larry were entertaining --with calls and hosts talking and schmoozing. Sure, it could get old but it was funny and cool to listen...

      The Papa-Lund dreck is not my cup of tea. Plus, they don't talk sports.

  2. You said that the A's could buy KSFO for peanuts and set up a radio relationship like Giants/KNBR does. This makes sense even if the A's move to Vegas because of all of the fans here in the Bay Area.

    My thinking is that if the A's would do this they SHOULD NOT have another sports-related station. But try to do something different as none of the current sports stations are making any money. What is your thinking about this? How much do you think KSFO would sell for on the open market?

    1. I've heard $4-5M for KSFO but that sounds too high...By the way, the A's were advised by a local sports broadcast official to make a move on a station where they could have their broadcasts and also use it as a device to program their events and PR around the team, much like KNBR does with the Giants but that appears to be a pipe dream now.

    2. But Rich, the A's buying KSFO and then doing another sports station would be crazy don't you think? We already have KNBR, a mess. 95.7, horrible, and the ticket 1050 that nobody listens to. To add a FOURTH sports station would be suicide.

      And I think 5,000,000 is high like you say but look at what these players are getting these days. Compared to that a station purchase looks pretty smart. At least you have a depreciating asset to bring down the taxes. If you bought KSFO (A's) what would you do with it? They can't buy KSFO with that right-wing programming and keep it the same. Heads will have to roll over there.

      By the way, I don't want to drag this A's/KSFO stuff out like I have been doing, but when you published the scoop it really interested me. I am an A's fan but can't listen to them on the radio any more.

    3. 1. If KSFO were to be sold, I don't expect it to sell for no more than $2 million, tops. Somebody like Red Apple Networks (owner of WABC-AM and lloking to expand their radio ntework for their shows) would be a good fit.
      2. Considering the A's are drawing less than 5,000 per game in the last 2 games, I think that John Fisher is intentionally gutting the team in order to move them to Las Vegas or ???.

    4. The A's are a mess radio wise and their complete lack of organization when it comes to radio is a disgrace. Has been for years. I'm done rooting for the A's under the John Fisher ownership.

    5. They can't even keep players on the team (by no fault of the player), what makes people think the Oakland A's can keep a radio station going? But it would be smart to buy KSFO because even when they do move to Las Vegas, they can broadcast games to a Bay Area Market as well as Las Vegas. The station will pay for itself in 3-4 years.

    6. 1:18 PM - You are right and right.

      Buying KSFO makes business sense cause it has huge reach. I also totally agree with the fact that that idiot Fisher is positioning himself for a move but, as I have read here before, just build a new 30,000 seat stadium where they are right now. The station WILL pay for itself quickly if and only if they DO NOT have another sports station like 11:26 AM said.

      What I was just thinking about is that they are already running games from Bloomberg at 500 Watts, on a business-focus monopoly, so just buy KSFO, then move Bloomberg over and do a Bloomberg/A's content focus. 99 percent Bloomberg/1 percent A's.

      Think of the advertising that would generate because of all the businesses in Silicon Valley looking for exposure. How can they not see this and once again Rich, you have created a scoop. This could turn out to be big news if you stick with your sources. Great job Bernstein.

  3. Rich ... I asked you this a couple days ago, but never got a response nor even a post. So here we go again. What's going on with KOFY, TV20 ? It's all westerns all the time. No more Steve Wilkos, Jerry Springer, nor Maury (who's your daddy) Povich. A complete makeover from the old days. I didn't see where you said anything about this yet.

    Peter Gallagher
    San Jose

    1. Sorry for the delay, Peter, don't watch much KOFY but it appears the new owner is running programming to their market approach. That's a guess, all I know, but I'll ask around.

    2. I am sure Gabbert could pick it (GRIT) up for about $500,000, a steal considering he sold it for $137 million when that was a lot of money. I sure love the old KOFY TV 20 with the animals and dance party. Fun watching. Maybe do a interview with him Rich as he is a really interesting guy. I am sure he reads this blog from time to time.

      - Patrick
      San Jose, CA

  4. What channel is KOFY on Comcast? I have not watched them in years but why Westerns? Wouldn't a comedy station or detective station work better cause westerns are dead aren't they? Sounds like a crazy marketing plan.

    1. Steve, KOFY is on Channel 20 "TV20" far as programming, owner programs based on what they think will draw eyes--sometimes they're right, sometimes, and often times, they're wrong. Like you, I don't watch TV20 no reason to.

    2. With regards to KOFY Channel 20, they changed from being "locally brewed" (they did have some local programming like Dance Party and a revival of Creature Features) to carrying a sub-channel network called GRIT, which is all western films & TV shows. Strictly importing another channel, no more local programs or local ads. Low costs, low results.

    3. On Comcast HD, KOFY's channel is 713.

    4. KOFY sold their OTA transmitter with the FCC. $$$ They are now "channel sharing" with KCNZ 28-1

      So KOFY is now on UHF-21 (when you do a scanning)
      It will show up on your tv as 20-1 etc.

  5. Does Nexstar Media, owner of KRON, have any affiliation with the faith-based Daystar Television Network? Both companies operate out of the same area, and they have very similar logos and names.

  6. Why is Jon Lund still on the air? He's Papa's yes man and has zero sports knowledge and brings nothing to the game

    1. You just answered your own question. Lund must have pictures, I guess.

  7. Hey Rich, do you know where Bob Agnew and Tony Salvadore are now? For those who don't know, they were the former Program Director & Station Manager of KNBR during their golden days. Last I heard Agnew (Mr. Napoleon Complex Deluxe himself) was at the PD of a conservative radio station in Las Vegas.

    1. Agnew is retired back east (mean man) and I believe Tony Salvadore is still here in SF and consulting and enjoying retired life.

    2. Yep, indeed. I interned and worked at KNBR in the mid to late 90's and that guy was the biggest jerk there. Mean and a huge ego! He fired me because Jan Wahl didn't like the job I did as her call screener on here lame Hooray for Hollywood with Jan on late Sunday nights. Only time they'd let her be on air.

    3. Jan Wahl is obnoxious and can’t stop self-promoting. She walked around the Pete Wilson memorial service asking for work, in ear shot of Pete’s son. #trash

  8. My question is .. did it ever occur to you that more people might donate if their comments were published? I've seen many people complain about your blocking antics

    1. My "antics" are none, I am the writer, editor and publisher..I do not publish comments good or bad to dictate $$ sent my way. So if that's not good enough for you, you don't have to come here.

    2. Why so short with 12:18 PM, Rich? I've written many times about Christine, Gary, Karel and Ronn and rarely do things posted. Less editing by you would = more $, for sure

    3. A little simple proof-reading before hitting "Publish" probably wouldn't hurt either. Same goes for Roberta and her rain accumulation graphics.

  9. Any news on what Rod Brooks is doing? Thanks Ed Petaluma

  10. Ed, I heard he has a podcast, all I know.

  11. Are there any new sex scandals heating up among the radio and TV folks in the Bay Area? Are there any long established ones that haven't gotten the attention they deserve? What do you think was the biggest sex scandal in Bay Area radio and TV history?

    1. Uh, me and my sex orgy with the Three stooges? Just kidding. If I know anything I'll report back to you.

    2. Mark Ibanez and Lesley Griffith was the biggest sex scandal. She beat the hell out of him too and he never pressed charges. She did get "days in the rain" though. She also had a fling with Dave Stewart and Willie McCovey.

  12. Which of the following radio stations do you see keeping the same format as they are broadcasting now? Which of these will flip by the end of the year? My thoughts (in order of likelyhood):
    1. KGMZ--The Warriors are the only draw on this station. I give this 80% chance of flipping.
    2. KGO--Ratings are barely above 1.0, has been like that for some time. Foreign language or dark???
    3. KSFO--I think this will sell and go all syndicated (Big Apple Networks???)
    4. KSAN(the Bone)--Declining ratings plus aging demographics--Active rock would be a great bet.
    5. KITS--DAVE-FM is a bust
    6. KISQ(the Breeze)--Ratings ok, demographics too old
    7.99.7 NOW--Declining ratings, CHR not-so-hot now

    1. They all stay the same ...except, given the financial status of Cumulus, KGO could go barter deal central and KSFO could be sold.

  13. With all this talk of who is going to take Sommerville's place at KTVU: Senior, Mibach or Savage? How come no one talks about Christian Kafton? Does he not want it? He seems like a good fit for KTVU and sounds competent. Even the name just rolls off like Dennis Richmond. Christian & Julie, Christian & Heather OR! Christian & Kristina. He just looks like he would mix with any of the female anchors.

    Hector Gomez
    San Leandro

    1. Hector, quite frankly not big enough a name. Beyond that, I'm not sure Kafton has ever anchored.
      But nothing's impossible.

  14. What kind of scenario could finally get News Director Amber Eikel gone? Not that anyone is counting the days. Seems like we've had more than enough "incidents" this past year for Fox to consider a change at KTVU.
    -Joe definitely in Oakland
    Probably in Jack London Square

    1. Amber alone isn't the problem. If you watch KTVU you'll notice their coverage is based almost solely on financial considerations--ie, what's cheap--and I'm sure this is a Fox directive. For example, for the past three days they've made so much of the 4/20 festivities in GG Park. This is because it's cheap to cover. The pot people fax over info, they throw together some file of people lighting up, a reporter drives to the scene, and boom!, there's the story. You'll notice the lead stories at KTVU so often are "soft"--the opening of a new crisis center, the closing of a beloved restaurant, a big event like 4/20--or breakers that are usually shot by stringers and reported from faxed information from Public Info Officers. I can't remember the last time they broke a story about a scandal, did real investigative reporting on corruption (the relatively lightweight stories of Brooks Jeroz don't count) or did any real *hard* news. It's sensationalistic stuff like someone's specially-equipped wheelchair got stolen or someone will die from a rare disease if they don't get an operation. Stuff you don't have to fight to cover. Everything is faxed over and talking heads are happily available. And while material like that deserves to be in a newscast, they *shouldn't be the lead every night.*

      You have to turn on other channels to see the *real* news. KNTV does a decent job, and apparently Ch 7 is somewhat palatable, though I can't get past their "Building A Better Bay Area by Hugging Every Black Thug" bullshit. For all Rich rags on them, KPIX is decent, and occasionally when the anchors are Hackney and Goodrich there's even a spark of the magical old days. But it's all relative. Most Bay Area news is unwatchable and is more about being unpaid PR than being the public trust of news, which I repeat, is more expensive to produce.

      Sad but true.

    2. Bravo @401. Everything is so true. PR people control the message and the radio/tv/print journalists just take their info and repeat it. Pretty sad. Who can you trust? No one.

    3. Who your news director is has EVERYTHING to do with what your lead story will be. KTVU stopped being a station that chased real news when Eikel took over. They've been coasting on established talent and reputation for YEARS now. Now that Eikel let the wheels fall off the bus the tide is changing. That has EVERYTHING to do with her inability to retain talent and have a strong enterprise newsgathering philosophy. KTVU desperately needs new leadership and until they get it the ratings slide will continue. And it's deserved. Highly doubt Fox would bring in anyone great though because - FOX.

  15. That KTVU's ratings continue to plummet and Fox has a reason to dump her and move on.

  16. Funny how John Rothmann comes back on the air after fending off Covid and makes no mention of the party he threw for 30 people or the his and hers massages he got with his wife. Support staff are furious that he isn’t taking any responsibility for the outbreak he caused. Mr. Hypocrisy talks about how careful he’s been, but he was routinely caught walking around without a mask when it was mandatory.

    1. Do you work at Kgo? do you know so much about what he did?

    2. Yes I do, and imagine being so incredibly careful for two years and having one person arrogantly put everyone at risk.

    3. There is no way you can know how anyone got sick at KGO. You could have pumped gas at Costco without gloves and then not washed your hands, placing viral particles on some commonly used object at the station. Stop pretending that you are sure John is the culprit.

    4. It’s not about a culprit. There aren’t many of us left, but the majority of staff have been very conscientious about Covid protocols. He HASN’T and that’s verifiable fact.

      The dude had 30 maskless people at his house the Friday before he showed symptoms. Total coincidence, yeah sure ok. Instead of mentioning that tonight and perhaps acknowledging it was a mistake, he referenced the San Mateo prom story. If you listen to his show, you hear him extolling his Covid hygiene virtue and it’s complete b.s.

      His kids are routinely flying in and out of the country and visiting him. When one of them got Covid last year, he was exposed and came in to work. He was told to wear a mask he kept cavalierly taking it off. This time around he was the first in the office to get sick and walked around coughing and repeatedly sticking his hands into someone else’s food. See a pattern? The broader point is he doesn’t care about Covid hygiene protocols and has a record of flaunting corporate policies. He’s arrogant and entitled. Don’t take my word for it, everyone has witnessed two years of it.

    5. I was let go in December. At least two of us have photos of him flaunting Covid protocols. He was maskless, coughing, and eating food around others. Multiple complaints to management and the union.

    6. yeah I was listening the first hour and he did the mention the san mateo was strange, i didnt think he was going to dwell on it,but i thought he was going to spend maybe a segment talking about his experience with covid..but he moved right on from it to his usual politics stuff..

  17. When fools like Chris Merril are yelling and Thompson is acting like a 14 yr old, doesn't Hammer have the urge to at least call them and say STFU!!?? What's up with Hammer?

    David, San Jose

  18. No, David, because Hammer thinks Merrill is a talent. It was Hammer who hired Merrill as a "super sub" --underline sub b/c Merrill hasn't landed a permanent gig in years and is about as worthy as old green stamps. Thompson is a joke and another Hammer hire. Which is why KGO continues to tank.

    1. Merrill got in before the pandemic hiring freeze. Cumulus is not letting stations like KGO increase the size of their payroll.

    2. Let's give Merrill some credit, he's been covering multiple shifts with all the regulars out sick with Covid.

  19. Dear 9:38, by your own account, you say that "the majority of staff have been very conscientious about covid". That implies that the minority was not. Are you saying that John was the only one who was not " conscientious", that he alone constitutes the minority? The image you paint of John sticking his fingers in other people's food just doesn't ring true.

    1. There are people at other stations that aren't as conscientious, but they're at the other end of the building. John eats the bread, cheese, chips that his board op brings in every day. He double dips, etc. Everyone has witnessed it. His hygiene sucks. Sorry to break it to you, but the public image of many hosts is out of sync with reality. Don't believe me? Call in and ask whoever is working. lol.

  20. How are Melanie Morgan and Barbara Simpson doing these days?
