Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tuesday Open Wash; KPIX Has a New Vanilla GM; KCBS Brooks in AM Drive? Not

Someone named Scott Warren, an LA and Chicago industry exec, has been named the new GM at KPIX.


CBS made an uninspiring choice. Maybe it vas intentional.

Warren takes over forf told-to retire, Kevin Walsh, who spent 17 years at PIX and was basically forced out because he had his own DNA on the previous ND, Mark Neerman, who was fired earlier this year.

""We're lost in space," a disgruntled PIXer told me.

*Chuckles at KCBS: rank and file chortling over the apparent edge to clearly, not-ready-for-prime-time, morning anchor, former biz reporter, Jason Brooks, the latest tonsil, KCBS has tried out to replace Stan Bunger.

Is Brooks capable? Sure, but he's not a morning-drive guy. He's dull and dreary. He's melba toast.There is no other way to describe him. Even banal KCBS could do better but they won't. Audacy is apparently and deliberately employing various fill-ins so they don't have to pay for a fulltime, more expensive guy.

How inspiring.


  1. So. A News Director once barely as in at the teeny tiny Spectrum SoCal station and now a GM here? That seems crazy.

  2. I prefer Brooks go back to Financial reporting and bring Jeff Bell in as Bunger's permanent replacement. Let Ted Ramey replace Steve Bitker weekdays. I know you're not fond of Bell, but I think he's got a decent radio voice and he's a lot easier to listen to than some of the other anchors they have.

    It used to be that sound levels were more even in the old days. Now some come on too softly. The ads are always full blast, but some like Lisa Chan I can hardly hear. I can always hear Holly and Melissa. Their sound levels are just right.

  3. Rumor has it, he previously spent time in the Bay Area, at KNTV and KTVU

    1. Yes, he has. Pretty good EP too but KTVU brass were too intimidated about how actually news worthy the guy was and would probably replaces their collective assess. This was before Ms. Eikel and I believe it was some other ND that was too insecure. I made another comment about how pretty low it was for Rich to call him Vanilla when he's a solid news guy, but I guess Rich didn't want to put it up since I made sense.

  4. Whoever that "disgruntled PIXer" is? He or she needs to pull their head out of their ass and realize you got a GM that is from a news background which is RARE in the GM world. Better yet, tell that disgruntled PIXer to appreciate what has been thrown on their lap or, better yet, go to KRON.
