Monday, March 14, 2022

Cheryl Hurd Lights Up Sunday Morning on NBC Bay Area; McSweeney Assist; Anne Makovec Mulls PIX Dissing; Jobina Fortson Gets LA Love; Does ABC7 Feel the Same?; Somerville "Project" with Gasia; Julie Haener is (Again) Pissed; Fonzi Set to Replace KTVU's Mark Ibanez; Rothmann's Love Affair with Woeful Jan Wahl Hurts KGO Radio; Monday Mash


Cheryl Hurd was a welcome Sunday AM fill-in anchor, with Terry McSweeney, on NBC Bay Area.

Hurd lit up the screen with her outstanding persona and dynamic news presence--McSweeney provided his usual steady delivery and brought forth a Sunday calm. But it was Hurd who stole the show. I hope this is a more permanent move because Hurd certainly has the chops to work on the anchor desk.

*Anne Makovec continues to be passed over at PIX; she's as good as ever on the morning radar (which no one watches) but would like an evening, primetime gig--on the desk, but so far, CBS-SF has rebuffed her. It's been that way for years now and word on the street is Makovec is looking for a new home.

*Pissing off Makovec further: some schmuck from Vegas, Darrin Reed Cowan (clever) is on his way to PIX --they seem to be throwing shit all over the wall hoping something will stick. This latest gem seems more like a Sin city carnival barker than a legit news guy. Call me crazy, I'm ASTOUNDED, KPIX can't find common ground and actually run a TV News station. It's mind-boggling. Now they've resorted to bringing in morons like this doofus. Yeah, that'll get 'em four more viewers.

*Jobina Fortson has been mulling offers from stations in LA looking for an up and comer like the current morning KGO-TV anchor (ABC7)--Fortson has always got my attention when she's on but Circle7 seems content to just keep her confined to the AM news platform. I see her as network material but she occasionally goes off the grid and that's trouble. But overall, I'm a Jobina believer. I hope she stays at KGO.

*KTVU staffers didn't know (I did) that while they were schmoozing aacross the lot at the condo parking area, a certain night guy, el Franko, and his buddy, Gasia Mikaelian, were giggling and exchanging sweet sensations, and just creating a hoot. It was common knowledge, especially near the assignment editor's desk, that when Somerville show up in the morning, that he really wasn't, uh, "working on some project", yeah, the project was Gasia. Humn.

*KTVU, 2022 going forward: Some-TING-Wong --eternally.

*I called a prominent, current KTVU boss last week and we were so cute. They were shocked I actually called (and got through)--inquiring a comment about a central figure. Yeah, even bloggers try to ask for comment.

*ADD KTVU: she won't admit it, she's not that way and doesn't want to rock the boat but Julie Haener is quietly resigned and royally PISSED off over her bud's (Mark Ibanez) imminent departure from the desk. Haener was the last Somerville holdout (she defended him until the DUI arrest)--having seen how Ibanez was told to "retire" and now feeling (Frank's) firing, Haener has once again been feeling the effect of The Firm's ways and means.She also, in a few weeks, will work the desk with a revolving set of anchors and new, (sort of) sports anchor, Joe Fonzi.

*Speaking of Fonzi (Joe), I've never warmed to Joe and his robotic delivery, but I acknowledge he's lasted pretty long in the Bay Area and I guess there's something to that-- anyway, congrats to Joe. I guess.

*KGO Radio has been, once again, resorting to that age-old bullshit, lifestyle crap--abandoning news-talk and real news for its crapfest shit like Facebook trivia, kids stuff, etc. --it still doesn't register and it continues to KILL KGO but they don't know it. Maybe its time for its latest Cumulus bean counter to study the market and go back to his meat and potatoes, as opposed to hiring San Diego-based morons who don't know any originality.

*John Rothmann doesn't understand that while he may just love Jan Wahl, the Bay Area has no love for her. And you know what? Women, John, especially can't stand her which is why KCBS, KRON, and everyone under the moon, fired her. Rothmann obviously didn't get the memo.

*Mike MibacH: oh, just leave him alone, because, damn, he's still, PISSED!


  1. What is your point in continuously ridiculing Jan Wahl. Your obsession is cruel, pathetic, and not the slightest bit amusing.

    1. Because she sucks! I can, and always have, turn her off, but I'm kind of embarrassed to know that I have the same taste in cities to live in.

    2. The Tim Sika fest is also boring.

    3. Dear 11:57... Jan Wahl was working in the movie industry and also in San Francisco for eons before you got your green card.

    4. Dear 4:11 PM... About 65 years before, I'd say. But even though I'm new in this country I'm still much easier on the ears than she is.

    5. Maybe richs commentary on Jan is a bit much but I've seen her trash movies and performances way harder than rich has trashed her.

  2. Anne Makovec used t be good. Now she acts like she's auditioning for a part in a Hollywood movie.

    1. Anne, its never going to happen at KPIX. when you have been passed over so many times at any job its time to move on.

  3. So Rich Lieberman is the authority on what women want in a movie reviewer? How does that happen? Your hatred for Jan Wahl, a person who worked in the movie industry and who does perfectly fine reviews is inexplicable. Did you think that women hate hats and can see Ms.Wahl's hats on the radio?

    1. At least I'm not an anonymous coward like you who hides behind a computer and takes personal shots, who are YOU? Wait, never mind.

    2. You, complaining about "personal shots", while never answering question soooooo telling.

    3. Another anonymous coward, YOU, just who are you? Mr./Ms. "sooooooo?" --Never mind.

    4. "At least I'm not an anonymous coward like you who hides behind a computer and takes personal shots"

      REALLY???? You take personal shots constantly, kettle, and as the poster says, you've never taken issue with her content or critical acumen, you just make fun of her appearance. And no, I'm not JW posting anonymously. She's not the best critic out there but she's better than many, and when it comes to taking personal shots, you win the Academy Award.

    5. Christine Craft posts with her real name and her reward is to personally attacked over and over. People see that and think twice about being honest with their identity.

    6. Just ID yourself, I dare you. Coward.

      By the way, "kettle", I said she (JW) was/is a yenta, a gossip monger and I hate her content. Never talked about her looks or the hat, hell, I WEAR hats sometimes so you're wrong.

      Again, coward, just WHO are you? Never mind.

    7. Christine is mentally unstable and declares anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary as the enemy. She’s nothing more than an intolerant bully with a superiority complex. I should know, I worked with her. #consensus

  4. Did Darrin Reed Cowan ever work at Circus Circus?

    Frank must be a boob man (in more ways than one).

  5. Rich, if you were a GM and wanted to team Cheryl Hurd up with another veteran Bay Area reporter to form an anchor team, who would you pick? I'm going with Robert Handa.

    1. Thanks Drew, good question...
      I'd say Alex Savidge and Cheryl would be dynamic.

  6. Agree with you about Joe Fonzi. Not sure you could last as long in this market as he has by being mediocre. He is solid.

    1. Completely agree on Joe Fonzi. More than solid. He's the last of old time sports anchors who actually report the top sports news...and also knows what those are (which includes Cal and Stanford). He makes sure to get in a lot of highlights and get in a lot of stuff. Other stations with their younger guys lean on one or two feature stories that are typically fluff stuff or on one of the professional team and skip everything else all together. Glad we have Joe.

  7. LMAO @ Rich. Funny. Jan is a real piece of work.

  8. I enjoy John Rothmann. He is an asset to KGO and we will miss him when he's gone.

    1. "Miss him when he's gone"?..where is he going? If Kgo folds up, rothman will resurface somewhere

  9. What does Gasia see in that LOSER?????

    Hope she never accepts his offer to drive her home.

  10. Am I the only one who's curious? Gasia and Frank??? Really, was there anything more to it than laughs and giggles?

    1. When Gas first entered the firm she looked hot just like in the picture above. Now she wears tents and has a 5 o clock shadow on her off days. Man, how time ravages so more than others.

  11. No one at KGO is from San Diego. Chip was let go in December and Merrill lives in the Midwest. He was on the air in San Diego years ago. The only full-time remote host is Mark Thompson.

  12. Rich I too have also thought Cheryl Hurd was a good anchor person.....since I almost never watch local TV news anymore I can't comment on Jobina Fortson... HOWEVER, given your predilection towards black women (no problem with that) it is very hard to know how good they might or might not actually be.....hard to see your reviews as unbiased... have a good evening.

  13. > I've never warmed to Joe and his robotic delivery...

    You meant Jason Appelbaum of course. :-)

  14. Hurd is OK, weekend anchor talent at best.

  15. I'm not a fan of Jan Wahl either, and I wish John Rothmann wouldn't waste time with her on his show when he could use that time to talk about more interesting topics. But, I have to remind myself that he's on during drive time now, and drive time is supposed to be more as much as I'd rather not hear Jan Wahl during John's show, I have to admit that she fits into the drive time vibe much better than she did when he was on later at night.

  16. Jan Wahl is on one hour a week. I like that her and John review movies with a theme. Such as Irish movies, Father's Day, Presidential, which means they often talk about older movies, which I find more interesting than the newer once, probably because I have seen more of the older movies than the newer ones, especially the last 10 years or so. Don't get why Rich have to be so negative about Jan Wahl, and her being on with John, I get he doesn't care for her, but to constantly bringing it up in his post is just redundant and boring.

  17. Wow! The Gas was smoking hot back then!
