Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Anatomy of a Sham; KTVU's Farcical BS Campaign on Mark Ibanez "Retirement"; Fraud Alert


Only KTVU didn't get the memo.

I didn't want to rain on Mark Ibanez's parade.

I was set to let him have his day and enjoy his amazing 43-year broadcast career at KTVU which ends tonight --Ibanez will say farewell to the Bay Area with his final sports report.

But I don't like scams and I'm also hesitant to watch a major TV News station --like KTVU/Fox2--foist UTTER BS and milk a false campaign that it is complicit in-- a forced "retirement" by one of its most popular anchors that is DECEIVING to the core.

And that involves YOU all because it is ALL of you that is being deceived.

As you know, I've been reporting all along that this whole "retirement" story is fake. Ibanez wanted another extension and has been working without a contract for a year. He wanted one last re-up and Fox/KTVU stalled negotiations and left him twisting in the wind.

Didn't level with him; didn't tell him they were not interested in extending him; didn't level with an employee who gave 43 years of his life to the company; no way. That would have been far too logical and respectful.

So now KTVU is about to bullshit the Bay Area and run false advertising with a FAKE PR blitz on Facebook and run a total SCAM on its own website--while Ibanez, still as effective and top-shelf as ever, gives a farewell address to viewers even though his heart isn't in it.

Thanks KTVU.

Your image is intact. Your fading star gets darker. You have lost the Bay Area trust, once again.

There will be other Bay Area media outlets that will run this BULL crap--they will be force-fed the fraud.

Not here.

The truth.


  1. All of the FAKE alphabet news outlets are nothing more than TMZ clones. Real Journalism has gone by way of the Dodo. It's a disposable society where a brilliant career like MI.'s is being sent off into the sunset with a shit cake layered with fake frosting.


  2. At this point, who cares?

  3. I'm going to miss Mark. I won't miss KTVU and their Fox BS.

    1. Love KTVU and Fox. Won't watch CNN or MSLSD and their BS tho.

      CNN is currently facing a bunch of lawsuits and the word behind the scenes is they're going to stop manipulating the news to make the left look good and go back to their roots. Perhaps you'll hate them soon as well.

    2. Fox viewers - the lowest common denominator. Ya gotta love the lone Right Wingers who stay in California where their votes don't count. Have fun with that and this crappy Oakland Fox affiliate. It's all yours. Bye Felicia.

  4. Amen Rich Lieberman. But give credit to Mark Ibanez he’s all class throughout this BS. As you correctly stated Ibanez is still at the top of his game. I’ve never gotten the sense that he was just phoning it in like the guy who owned a Bentley and relied on the Don Rickles lounge act for years to get by. Here’s hoping Ibanez resurfaces at another station!

    1. The guy you disliked was beloved and put butts in seats. Probably the reason why he was asked for decades to host events.

  5. Something is going on over at KRON. Justine Waldman has been dropping hints the last couple of weeks that her life is going to change in the next few weeks and the nature of the hints implied she won't be doing weekends anymore.

    The potential other shoe to drop is does that mean that either Moore or Liviakis are leaving? Many months ago Liviakis made an obscure on air comment during a "stretch" moment from the handoff from one newscast to another that she knew someone who was retiring and then tacked on "We'll talk about that later". At first I thought that was a Ken Bastida reference as he hadn't yet retired. But the Bastida news was already out in the open so why say "We'll talk about that later"? That's when I started wondering if the retirement was internal to KRON.

    So between Waldman's hints and Liviakis' comment, I'm seeing smoke emanating from KRON. I'm just not sure what it means.

    1. Ill bet it's that Pero is going to be fired...

  6. Why is IbaƱez going along with the BS story? If he's done in the business, and he says he is, he could just tell the truth, or say nothing and walk off, like Elaine Corral and Leslie Griffith did. What could KTVU do?

    1. I'd LOVE to see that, in his final farewell. "Let me tell you the truth here........." while the others sit there with their mouths open, as Dennis did when Elaine resigned on-air.

    2. He's making the best of the situation and isn't bitter? lol.

    3. He like many others who have left KTVU is too much of a pro to crawl down in the mud with the KTVU crappy management. Better to walk away and keep your chances of working elsewhere viable if you choose to later than engage with the ugly.

  7. After 43 years, and I don't care if you were the pope, after that much time at one job, you need to move on. Carrying a grudge over a lack of extension, if that's the way it actually came down, says more about Ibanez than KTVU. Times change, audiences change, the industry changes.

    1. And the channel I watch changes. Bye KTVU and your cruddy Fox-ness. Shameful crappy corporation.

  8. Wow...
    Mark is rolling with it despite how sad it's playing out.
    My hat goes off to him...he is taking the high road.

    See ya soon...someplace better!

  9. Next Jim Hill should retire ASAP and not let the door hit his backside on the way out. Uncle Vern is the King of CBS. If you dont like him, we will take him anyday here in LA.

  10. I'll be tuning in tonight around 10:45-ish to see if Leslie stops by and throws a shoe at him . . . just for old times sake.

  11. If his replacement is 75% as good as Mark is and is willing to work for half as much, FOX wins! I make decisions as a senior executive like this everyday! It's called "business"

    1. The American way: Cheap Garbage or..,why we are no longer the best at anything...except marketing garbage. And they wonder why no one watches tv anymore?

    2. Most would call it “malpractice” or at the very least incompetence

    3. > Most would call it “malpractice” or at
      > the very least incompetence

      No they wouldn't. I'm not defending Fox but you need to look up the meanings of those words.

    4. 8:58am no YOU “mr senior executive” need to look up the meaning of those words. It’s your ilk who has TRASHED institutions like KTVU and KGO radio.

  12. I really like Mark Ibanez, but I have not watched local sports on any news channel in 15 years. That is the truth. Everything I need is online and instant. You can't even get local sports the next day in the SFGATE or Mercury News. Those papers are completely worthless.

  13. Mark Ibanez has been delivering the sports news as long as I've watched. Great job Mark. I tuned in for the farewell. Goodbye KTVU. I'm not a Heather and Julie guy. Fox is horrible.

    1. So glad Heather and Julie were there, love both of them. Wish KTVU would make them co-anchors. It was a nice thing and Ibanez seems like a really cool guy. He has charisma and kindness which come across. Fonzi will not be the same, but he is also low key and calm. All in all, a good sendoff.

  14. ...and no I'm not Merk Ibanez but I did have the thick hair and 'stache in the 80s.

  15. Here is the pre-final send-off at KTVU.

    And the actual goodbye.

    1. Joe Fonzi will be just fine, but who watches local sports radio/TV news anymore? By the time they announce it, it is old.

      Bentley Boy was kind of entertaining at first but his act wore thin quickly. Pam Moore put up with him though, love her.
